django-currencies allows you to define different currencies, and includes template tags/filters to allow easy conversion between them.
To install it, run the following command inside this directory:
python install
If you have the Python easy_install utility available, you can also type the following to download and install in one step:
easy_install django-currencies
Or if you’re using pip:
pip install django-currencies
Or if you’d prefer you can simply place the included currencies directory somewhere on your Python path, or symlink to it from somewhere on your Python path; this is useful if you’re working from a checkout.
Note that this application requires Python 2.3 or later, and a functional installation of Django 1.0 or newer. You can obtain Python from and Django from
To use the currencies system with all its default settings, you’ll need to do the following:
Add currencies to the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project.
Add currencies.context_processors.currencies in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting of your Django project.
Add this line to your site’s root URLConf:
(r'^currencies/', include('currencies.urls')),
Run the command python syncdb.
The syncdb command creates the necessary database tables and creates permission objects for all installed apps that need them.
That’s it!
Django currencies, defines a set_currency view, in which you need to pass the new currency you want as a currency variable (as POST), and it will be set., includes the named url, so you can do:
{% url currencies_set_currency [currency] %}
A form that could handle the currency switching could be defined like so:
<form id="currency_switcher" method="POST" action="{% url currencies_set_currency %}">
<select name="currency" onchange="$('#currency_switcher').submit()">
{% for curr in CURRENCIES %}
<option value="{{ curr.code }}"
{% ifequal curr.code currency.code %}selected="selected"{% endifequal %}>
{{ curr.symbol }} {{ }}
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Set" />
Django currencies, provides a currencies.context_processors.currency, which gives you the following template variables:
A list of the available currencies.
The currently set currency
The currencies.templatetags.currency module defines a template tag and filter which may be used to work with currencies.
Retrieves a list of Tag objects associated with a given model and stores them in a context variable.
{% change_currency [price] [currency_code] %}
{% change_currency product.price "USD" %}
# or if we have the currencies.context_processors.currencies
# available:
{% change_currency product.price CURRENCY.code %}