
Automatic configuration of a Django project based on the requirements of apps in the INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Basic Usage

Import django_autoconfig.autoconfig in, and call configure_settings with globals():

from django_autoconfig.autoconfig import configure_settings

django-autoconfig will run through each app in INSTALLED_APPS, applying the configuration in their autoconfig module.


configure_settings must be run after INSTALLED_APPS is defined.

In your app, define a autoconfig module, that contains the settings you need defined, or the app’s requirements:


Ordering Relationships

If your app requires a particular ordering of the values in a setting, you can define a list of django_autoconfig.autoconfig.OrderingRelationship objects specifying these relationships.

class django_autoconfig.autoconfig.OrderingRelationship(setting_name, setting_value, before=None, after=None, add_missing=True)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

This class defines a relationship between an element in a setting that’s a list and one or more other entries.

It’s intended to be used in an file like so:

        before = [
        after = [

Autoconfig Rules

  1. If a setting does not exist, it will be defined.
  2. If a setting exists and is a list or tuple, the contents will be appended to the existing setting, ignoring any duplicates.
  3. If a setting exists and is a dict, the keys will be merged, and values merged, according to these same rules.
  4. If an app is in AUTOCONFIG_DISABLED_APPS, that app won’t have its autoconfig processed.

Inconsistent States

If autoconfig cannot reach a consistent state, an ImproperlyConfigured exception will be raised. This means that two or more apps could not agree on the required settings, and this must be manually reserved.

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