
create_anonymizers create_anonymizers <app name> [<app name 2>..]

For each model in each app, default anonymizers will be generated and saved in <app>/ For each field, the best guess ‘replacer’ will be used, using the types and names of the Django fields defined. But you will almost certainly have to edit the generated file to tweak the choices made, and in many cases to completely remove anonymizers for models that don’t need them.

Currently some fields are deliberately skipped - these include ForeignKey fields and ManyToManyField relations.

Some fields type are also currently unsupported. The corresponding code generated will produce an error on import, to indicate that it must be dealt with before proceeding. Some of the missing fields could be added fairly easily (requests welcome, patches even more so).

anonymize_data anonymize_data <app name> [<app name 2>..]

Runs all the anonymizers defined in <app>/ This destructively updates the data in your database, so be careful not to use on a live database!

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