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The Django Admin Generator is a project which can automatically generate (scaffold) a Django Admin for you. By doing this it will introspect your models and automatically generate an Admin with properties like:

  • list_display for all local fields
  • list_filter for foreign keys with few items
  • raw_id_fields for foreign keys with a lot of items
  • search_fields for name and slug fields
  • prepopulated_fields for slug fields
  • date_hierarchy for created_at, updated_at or joined_at fields


To install:

  1. Run pip install django-admin-generator or execute python install in the source directory
  2. Add django_admin_generator to your INSTALLED_APPS

If you want to run the tests, run py.test (requires pytest)


To generate an admin for a given app:

./ admin_generator APP_NAME >> APP_NAME/

To generate an admin for a given app with all models starting with user:

./ admin_generator APP_NAME ‘^user’ >> APP_NAME/