Using Docker Images

Deis supports deploying applications via an existing Docker Image. This is useful for integrating Deis into Docker-based CI/CD pipelines.

Prepare an Application

Start by cloning an example application:

$ git clone
$ cd example-go
$ git checkout docker

Next use your local docker client to build the image and push it to DockerHub.

$ docker build -t <username>/example-go .
$ docker push <username>/example-go

Docker Image Requirements

In order to deploy Docker images, they must conform to the following requirements:

  • The Docker image must EXPOSE only one port
  • The port must be listening for a HTTP connection
  • A default CMD must be specified for running the container


Docker images which expose more than one port will hit issue 1156.

Create an Application

Use deis create to create an application on the Controller.

$ mkdir -p /tmp/example-go && cd /tmp/example-go
$ deis create
Creating application... done, created example-go


The deis client uses the name of the current directory as the default app name.

Deploy the Application

Use deis pull to deploy your application from DockerHub or a private registry.

$ deis pull gabrtv/example-go:latest
Creating build...  done, v2

$ curl -s
Powered by Deis

Because you are deploying a Docker image, the cmd process type is automatically scaled to 1 on first deploy.

Use deis scale cmd=3 to increase cmd processes to 3, for example. Scaling a process type directly changes the number of Containers running that process.


Support for Docker registry authentication is coming soon