Install the Client

The Deis command-line interface (CLI), or client, allows you to interact with a Deis Controller. You must install the client to use Deis.

Install the Deis Client

Install the latest deis client for Linux or Mac OS X with:

$ curl -sSL | sh

The installer puts deis in your current directory, but you should move it somewhere in your $PATH:

$ ln -fs $PWD/deis /usr/local/bin/deis

Proxy Support

If your workstation uses a proxy to reach the network where the cluster lies, set the http_proxy or https_proxy environment variable to enable proxy support:

$ export http_proxy="http://proxyip:port"
$ export https_proxy="http://proxyip:port"


Configuring a proxy is generally not necessary for local Vagrant clusters.

Integrated Help

The Deis client comes with comprehensive documentation for every command. Use deis help to explore the commands available to you:

$ deis help
The Deis command-line client issues API calls to a Deis controller.

Usage: deis <command> [<args>...]

Auth commands::

  register      register a new user with a controller
  login         login to a controller
  logout        logout from the current controller

Subcommands, use ``deis help [subcommand]`` to learn more::

To get help on subcommands, use deis help [subcommand]:

$ deis help apps
Valid commands for apps:

apps:create        create a new application
apps:list          list accessible applications
apps:info          view info about an application
apps:open          open the application in a browser
apps:logs          view aggregated application logs
apps:run           run a command in an ephemeral app container
apps:destroy       destroy an application

Use `deis help [command]` to learn more

Multiple Profile Support

The Deis client supports running commands against multiple installations and/or accounts by setting the $DEIS_PROFILE environment variable before logging in and running any subsequent commands. If not set, all commands will default to the client profile which maps to a configuration file at $HOME/.deis/client.json. Here’s an example of running the ps command against an app with the same name from two profiles:

$ DEIS_PROFILE=production deis ps -a helloworld
$ DEIS_PROFILE=staging deis ps -a helloworld