Installing SSL for the Platform

SSL/TLS is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

To enable SSL for your cluster and all apps running upon it, you can add an SSL key to your load balancer. You must either provide an SSL certificate that was registered with a CA or provide your own self-signed SSL certificate.

Installing SSL on a Load Balancer

On most cloud-based load balancers, you can install a SSL certificate onto the load balancer itself. Any communication inbound to the cluster will be encrypted while the internal components of Deis will still communicate over HTTP.


On AWS, Deis enables the PROXY protocol by default, requiring installation of SSL on the Deis routers, as described below. Disable the PROXY protocol with deisctl config router rm proxyProtocol and change existing targets and health checks from TCP to HTTP to terminate SSL connections at an Amazon ELB instead.

To enable SSL, you will need to open port 443 on the load balancer and forward it to port 80 on the routers. For AWS, you’ll also need to add port 443 in the security group settings for your load balancer.

See your vendor’s specific instructions on installing SSL on your load balancer. For AWS, see their documentation on installing an SSL cert for load balancing.

Installing SSL on the Deis Routers

You can also use the Deis routers to terminate SSL connections. Use deisctl to install the certificate and private keys:

$ deisctl config router set sslKey=<path-to-key> sslCert=<path-to-cert>

If your certificate has intermediate certs that need to be presented as part of a certificate chain, append the intermediate certs to the bottom of the sslCert value.


To secure all endpoints on the platform domain, you must use a wildcard certificate.

Redirecting traffic to HTTPS

Once your cluster is serving traffic over HTTPS, you can optionally instruct the router component to forward all traffic on HTTP to HTTPS (application traffic and requests to the controller component).

This is achieved with deisctl:

$ deisctl config router set enforceHTTPS=true