
In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up your own 3-node cluster on Linode.

Please get the source and refer to the scripts in contrib/linode while following this documentation.


Linode support is untested by the Deis team, so we rely on the community to improve this documentation and fix bugs. We greatly appreciate the help!


Before we can begin to provision a cluster on Linode, let’s get a few things squared away.

Enable KVM Hypervisor

Navigate to the Linode Account Settings page and change the Hypervisor Preference to KVM.

Although it is possible to provision CoreOS under Xen on Linode it is much more difficult and the tools included only work with the KVM Hypervisor.

Obtain Linode API Key

Next, navigate to the Linode API Keys page and generate an API key. Take note of the key, as you will need it later when you provision your cluster.

Install Python and Dependencies

The scripts used to provision the cluster are written for Python 2.7 and require a few dependencies be installed with the pip package manager. If you are on OS X or Linux you likely have these already available.

Lets install our dependencies:

$ pip install -r contrib/linode/requirements.txt

Generate SSH Key

If you don’t already have a SSH key, the following command will generate a new keypair named “deis”:

$ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/deis -N '' -C deis

Check System Requirements

Please refer to System Requirements for resource considerations when choosing a Linode plan to run Deis. A Deis cluster must have 3 or more nodes. See Cluster size for more details.

Create Cloud Init

Create your cloud init file using Deis’ contrib/linode/ script.

First navigate to the contrib/linode directory:

$ cd contrib/linode

Then, create the linode-user-data.yaml file:

$ ./ --public-key /path/to/key/

It is possible to specify multiple authorized keys and/or specify an etcd token to use for the cluster. See the full command usage below:

usage: [-h] --public-key PUBLIC_KEY_FILES
                              [--etcd-token ETCD_TOKEN]

Create Linode User Data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --public-key PUBLIC_KEY_FILES
                        Authorized SSH Keys
  --etcd-token ETCD_TOKEN
                        Etcd Token

Provision Cluster

The time has finally come to provision our cluster and all it takes is a single command!

$ ./ --api-key=YOUR_LINODE_API_KEY provision

This command will create a 3 node cluster of Linode 4096s in Dallas TX, however by passing additional arguments you can specify the data center, size of nodes, number of nodes, and a bunch more:

usage: provision [-h] [--num NUM_NODES]
                                             [--name-prefix NODE_NAME_PREFIX]
                                             [--display-group NODE_DISPLAY_GROUP]
                                             [--plan NODE_PLAN]
                                             [--datacenter NODE_DATA_CENTER]
                                             [--cloud-config CLOUD_CONFIG]
                                             [--coreos-version COREOS_VERSION]
                                             [--coreos-channel COREOS_CHANNEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num NUM_NODES       Number of nodes to provision
  --name-prefix NODE_NAME_PREFIX
                        Node name prefix
  --display-group NODE_DISPLAY_GROUP
                        Node display group
  --plan NODE_PLAN      Node plan id. Use list-plans to find the id.
  --datacenter NODE_DATA_CENTER
                        Node data center id. Use list-data-centers to find the
  --cloud-config CLOUD_CONFIG
                        CoreOS cloud config user-data file
  --coreos-version COREOS_VERSION
                        CoreOS version number to install
  --coreos-channel COREOS_CHANNEL
                        CoreOS channel to install from

Additionally, the provision tool contains two utilities to list available data centers and plans that can help find the command argument values.

$ ./ --api-key=YOUR_LINODE_API_KEY list-data-centers
$ ./ --api-key=YOUR_LINODE_API_KEY list-plans

Apply Security Group Settings

Because Linode does not have a security group feature, we’ll need to add some custom iptables rules so our components are not accessible to the outside world.

If you are on the Linode private network, run:

$ ./ --private-key /path/to/key/deis

If you are outside the private network, you will have to manually specify the public ip address of each host. To do so, run:

$ ./ --private-key /path/to/key/deis --hosts

The script will use the etcd discovery url in the generated linode-user-data.yaml file or the value of the discovery-url argument, if provided, to find all of the nodes in your cluster and create iptables rules to allow connections between nodes while blocking outside connections automatically. Full command usage:

usage: [-h] --private-key PRIVATE_KEY [--private]
                         [--discovery-url DISCOVERY_URL]
                         [--hosts HOSTS [HOSTS ...]]

Apply a "Security Group" to a Deis cluster

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --private-key PRIVATE_KEY
                        Cluster SSH Private Key
  --private             Only allow access to the cluster from the private
  --discovery-url DISCOVERY_URL
                        Etcd discovery url
  --hosts HOSTS [HOSTS ...]
                        The IP addresses of the hosts to apply rules to

Install Deis Platform

Now that you’ve finished provisioning a cluster, please refer to Install the Deis Platform to start installing the platform.