The following settings are tunable for the Store component’s monitor service.
The following etcd keys are set by the store-monitor component, typically in its /bin/boot script.
setting | description |
/deis/store/adminKeyring | keyring for an admin user to access the Ceph cluster |
/deis/store/fsid | Ceph filesystem ID |
/deis/store/hosts/$HOST | hostname (not IP) of the host running this store-monitor instance |
/deis/store/maxPGsPerOSDWarning | threshold for warning on number of placement groups per OSD (set by store-monitor) |
/deis/store/monKeyring | keyring for the monitor to access the Ceph cluster |
/deis/store/monSetupComplete | set when the Ceph cluster setup is complete |
/deis/store/monSetupLock | IP address of the monitor instance that is or has set up the Ceph cluster |
/deis/store/minSize | minimum number of store-daemons necessary for the cluster to accept writes |
/deis/store/pgNum | number of Ceph placement groups for the storage pools |
/deis/store/size | number of replicas for data stored in Ceph |
The store-monitor component uses no keys from etcd other than the ones it sets.
You can use a custom Docker image for the store-monitor component instead of the image supplied with Deis:
$ deisctl config store-monitor set image=myaccount/myimage:latest
This will pull the image from the public Docker registry. You can also pull from a private registry:
$ deisctl config store-monitor set
Be sure that your custom image functions in the same way as the stock store-monitor image shipped with Deis. Specifically, ensure that it sets and reads appropriate etcd keys.