Source code for client.deis

#!/usr/bin/env python
The Deis command-line client issues API calls to a Deis controller.

Usage: deis <command> [<args>...]

Auth commands::

  register      register a new user with a controller
  login         login to a controller
  logout        logout from the current controller

Subcommands, use ``deis help [subcommand]`` to learn more::

  apps          manage applications used to provide services
  ps            manage processes inside an app container
  config        manage environment variables that define app config
  domains       manage and assign domain names to your applications
  builds        manage builds created using `git push`
  limits        manage resource limits for your application
  tags          manage tags for application containers
  releases      manage releases of an application
  certs         manage SSL endpoints for an app

  keys          manage ssh keys used for `git push` deployments
  perms         manage permissions for applications
  git           manage git for applications
  users         manage users

Shortcut commands, use ``deis shortcuts`` to see all::

  create        create a new application
  scale         scale processes by type (web=2, worker=1)
  info          view information about the current app
  open          open a URL to the app in a browser
  logs          view aggregated log info for the app
  run           run a command in an ephemeral app container
  destroy       destroy an application
  pull          imports an image and deploys as a new release

Use ``git push deis master`` to deploy to an application.


from __future__ import print_function
from collections import namedtuple
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from getpass import getpass
from itertools import cycle
from threading import Event
from threading import Thread
from base64 import b64encode
import glob
import json
import locale
import logging
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import urlparse
import webbrowser
import yaml

from dateutil import parser
from dateutil import relativedelta
from dateutil import tz
from docopt import docopt
from docopt import DocoptExit
import requests
from tabulate import tabulate
from termcolor import colored
import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl

# Don't throw IOError when a pipe closes
import signal
if hasattr(signal, 'SIGPIPE') and hasattr(signal, 'SIG_DFL'):
    signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)

__version__ = '1.9.1'

# what version of the API is this client compatible with?
__api_version__ = '1.5'

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

class Session(requests.Session):
    Session for making API requests and interacting with the filesystem

    def __init__(self):
        super(Session, self).__init__()
        config_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.deis')
        self.proxies = {
            "http": os.getenv("http_proxy"),
            "https": os.getenv("https_proxy")
        # Create the $HOME/.deis dir if it doesn't exist
        if not os.path.isdir(config_dir):
            os.mkdir(config_dir, 0700)

    def app(self):
        """Retrieve the application's name."""
            return self._get_name_from_git_remote(self.git_root()).lower()
        except EnvironmentError:
            return os.path.basename(os.getcwd()).lower()

    def is_git_app(self):
        """Determines if this app is a git repository. This is important in special cases
        where we need to know whether or not we should use Deis' automatic app name
        generator, for example.
            return True
        except EnvironmentError:
            return False

    def git_root(self):
        Returns the absolute path from the git repository root.

        If no git repository exists, raises an EnvironmentError.
            git_root = subprocess.check_output(
                ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'],
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            raise EnvironmentError('Current directory is not a git repository')
        return git_root

    def _get_name_from_git_remote(self, git_root):
        Retrieves the application name from a git repository root.

        The application is determined by parsing `git remote -v` output.
        If no application is found, raises an EnvironmentError.
        remotes = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'remote', '-v'],
        m ='^deis\W+(?P<url>\S+)\W+\(', remotes, re.MULTILINE)
        if not m:
            raise EnvironmentError(
                'Could not find deis remote in `git remote -v`')
        url = m.groupdict()['url']
        m = re.match('\S+/(?P<app>[a-z0-9-]+)(.git)?$', url)
        if not m:
            raise EnvironmentError("Could not parse: {url}".format(**locals()))
        return m.groupdict()['app']

    def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Issue an HTTP request
        url = args[1]
        if 'headers' in kwargs:
            kwargs['headers']['Referer'] = url
            kwargs['headers'] = {'Referer': url}
        response = super(Session, self).request(*args, **kwargs)
        return response

class Settings(dict):
    Settings backed by a file in the user's home directory

    On init, settings are loaded from ~/.deis/client.json

    def __init__(self):
        path = os.path.expanduser('~/.deis')
        # Create the $HOME/.deis dir if it doesn't exist
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            os.mkdir(path, 0700)
        filename = '%s.json' % os.environ.get('DEIS_PROFILE', 'client')
        self._path = os.path.join(path, filename)
        if not os.path.exists(self._path):
            settings = {}
            with open(self._path, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(settings, f)
        # load initial settings

    def load(self):
        Deserialize and load settings from the filesystem
        with open(self._path) as f:
            data =
        settings = json.loads(data)
        return settings

    def save(self):
        Serialize and save settings to the filesystem
        data = json.dumps(dict(self))
            with open(self._path, 'w') as f:
        except IOError:
            logging.getLogger(__name__).error("Could not write to settings file at \
'~/.deis/client.json' Do you have the right file permissions?")
        return data

_counter = 0

def _newname(template="Thread-{}"):
    """Generate a new thread name."""
    global _counter
    _counter += 1
    return template.format(_counter)

    'arrow': ['^', '>', 'v', '<'],
    'dots': ['...', 'o..', '.o.', '..o'],
    'ligatures': ['bq', 'dp', 'qb', 'pd'],
    'lines': [' ', '-', '=', '#', '=', '-'],
    'slash': ['-', '\\', '|', '/'],

class TextProgress(Thread):
    """Show progress for a long-running operation on the command-line."""

    def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}):
        name = name or _newname("TextProgress-Thread-{}")
        style = kwargs.get('style', 'dots')
        super(TextProgress, self).__init__(
            group, target, name, args, kwargs)
        self.daemon = True
        self.cancelled = Event()
        self.frames = cycle(FRAMES[style])

    def run(self):
        """Write ASCII progress animation frames to stdout."""
        if not os.environ.get('DEIS_HIDE_PROGRESS'):
            self._write_frame(, erase=False)
            while not self.cancelled.is_set():
            # clear the animation
            sys.stdout.write('\b' * (len( + 2))

    def cancel(self):
        """Set the animation thread as cancelled."""

    def _write_frame(self, frame, erase=True):
        if erase:
            backspaces = '\b' * (len(frame) + 2)
            backspaces = ''
        sys.stdout.write("{} {} ".format(backspaces, frame))
        # flush stdout or we won't see the frame

def dictify(args):
    """Converts a list of key=val strings into a python dict.

    >>> dictify(['MONGODB_URL=', 'scale=5'])
    {'MONGODB_URL': '', 'scale': 5}
    data = {}
    for arg in args:
            var, val = arg.split('=', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise DocoptExit()
        # Try to coerce the value to an int since that's a common use case
            data[var] = int(val)
        except ValueError:
            data[var] = val
    return data

def encode(obj):
    """Return UTF-8 encoding for string objects."""
    if isinstance(obj, basestring):
        return obj.encode('utf-8')
        return obj

def parse_repository_tag(repo):
    """Parses a given docker image and splits the tag from the repository.

    See, lines 188-197
    column_index = repo.rfind(':')
    if column_index < 0:
        return repo, None
    tag = repo[column_index + 1:]
    slash_index = tag.find('/')
    if slash_index < 0:
        return repo[:column_index], tag

    return repo, None

def readable_datetime(datetime_str):
    Return a human-readable datetime string from an ECMA-262 (JavaScript)
    datetime string.
    timezone = tz.tzlocal()
    dt = parser.parse(datetime_str).astimezone(timezone)
    now =
    delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(now, dt)
    yesterday = now - relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1)

    # if it happened today, say "2 hours and 1 minute ago"
    if dt > yesterday:
        if delta.hours == 0:
            hour_str = ''
        elif delta.hours == 1:
            hour_str = '1 hour '
            hour_str = "{} hours ".format(delta.hours)
        if delta.minutes == 0:
            min_str = ''
        elif delta.minutes == 1:
            min_str = '1 minute '
            min_str = "{} minutes ".format(delta.minutes)
        if not any((hour_str, min_str)):
            return 'Just now'
            return "{}{}ago".format(hour_str, min_str)

    # if it happened yesterday, say "yesterday at 3:23 pm"
    elif yesterday.year == dt.year and yesterday.month == dt.month and ==
        return dt.strftime("Yesterday at %X")

    # otherwise return locale-specific date/time format
    return dt.strftime('%c %Z')

def trim(docstring):
    Function to trim whitespace from docstring

    c/o PEP 257 Docstring Conventions
    if not docstring:
        return ''
    # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules)
    # and split into a list of lines:
    lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines()
    # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count):
    indent = sys.maxint
    for line in lines[1:]:
        stripped = line.lstrip()
        if stripped:
            indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped))
    # Remove indentation (first line is special):
    trimmed = [lines[0].strip()]
    if indent < sys.maxint:
        for line in lines[1:]:
    # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines:
    while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]:
    while trimmed and not trimmed[0]:
    # Return a single string:
    return '\n'.join(trimmed)

class ResponseError(Exception):

class DeisClient(object):
    A client which interacts with a Deis controller.

    def __init__(self):
        self._session = Session()
        self._settings = Settings()
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def check_connection(self, controller, ssl_verify):
        url = urlparse.urljoin(controller, '/v1/')
        error_message = """
{} does not appear to be a valid Deis controller.
Make sure that the Controller URI is correct and the server is running.

            response = self._session.get(url, allow_redirects=False,
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
            raise EnvironmentError(error_message + "\nSpecific Error: " + str(err.message))

        if response.status_code != 401:
            raise EnvironmentError(error_message)

    def check_api_version(self, server_api_version):
        Check if the client is compatable with the api
        if server_api_version is not None and server_api_version != __api_version__:
  !    WARNING: Client and server API versions do not match. Please consider upgrading.
  !    Client version: {}
  !    Server version: {}
""".format(__api_version__, server_api_version))

    def _dispatch(self, method, path, body=None, **kwargs):
        Dispatch an API request to the active Deis controller
        func = getattr(self._session, method.lower())
        controller = self._settings.get('controller')
        token = self._settings.get('token')
        ssl_verify = self._settings.get('ssl_verify')
        if not token:
            raise EnvironmentError(
                'Could not find token. Use `deis login` or `deis register` to get started.')
        url = urlparse.urljoin(controller, path, **kwargs)
        headers = {
            'content-type': 'application/json',
            'X-Deis-Version': __api_version__.rsplit('.', 1)[0],
            'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(token)
        response = func(url, data=body, headers=headers, verify=ssl_verify)
        # check for version mismatch
        return response

    def apps(self, args):
        Valid commands for apps:

        apps:create        create a new application
        apps:list          list accessible applications
        apps:info          view info about an application
        apps:open          open the application in a browser
        apps:logs          view aggregated application logs
        apps:run           run a command in an ephemeral app container
        apps:destroy       destroy an application

        Use `deis help [command]` to learn more.
        sys.argv[1] = 'apps:list'
        args = docopt(self.apps_list.__doc__)
        return self.apps_list(args)

[docs] def apps_create(self, args): """ Creates a new application. - if no <id> is provided, one will be generated automatically. Usage: deis apps:create [<id>] [options] Arguments: <id> a uniquely identifiable name for the application. No other app can already exist with this name. Options: --no-remote do not create a `deis` git remote. -b --buildpack BUILDPACK a buildpack url to use for this app -r --remote REMOTE name of remote to create. [default: deis] """ body = {} app_name = None if not self._session.is_git_app(): app_name = # prevent app name from being reset to None if args.get('<id>'): app_name = args.get('<id>') if app_name: body.update({'id': app_name}) sys.stdout.write('Creating application... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', '/v1/apps', json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code != raise ResponseError(response) data = response.json() app_id = data['id']"done, created {}".format(app_id)) buildpack = args.get('--buildpack') if buildpack: self._config_set(app_id, {'BUILDPACK_URL': buildpack}) if args.get('--no-remote'): hostname = urlparse.urlparse(self._settings['controller']).netloc.split(':')[0] git_remote = "ssh://git@{hostname}:2222/{app_id}.git".format(**locals())'remote available at {}'.format(git_remote)) else: self._git_remote_create(app_id, args.get('--remote'))
[docs] def apps_destroy(self, args): """ Destroys an application. Usage: deis apps:destroy [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. --confirm=<app> skips the prompt for the application name. <app> is the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') delete_remote = False if not app: app = delete_remote = True confirm = args.get('--confirm') if confirm == app: pass else: self._logger.warning(""" ! WARNING: Potentially Destructive Action ! This command will destroy the application: {app} ! To proceed, type "{app}" or re-run this command with --confirm={app} """.format(**locals())) confirm = raw_input('> ').strip('\n') if confirm != app:'Destroy aborted') return"Destroying {}... ".format(app)) try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() before = time.time() response = self._dispatch('delete', "/v1/apps/{}".format(app)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code =='done in {}s'.format(int(time.time() - before))) try: # If the requested app is a heroku app and the app # was inferred from session, delete the git remote if self._session.is_git_app() and delete_remote: subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'remote', 'rm', 'deis'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)'Git remote deis removed') except (EnvironmentError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass # ignore error else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def apps_list(self, args): """ Lists applications visible to the current user. Usage: deis apps:list """ response = self._dispatch('get', '/v1/apps') if response.status_code == data = response.json()'=== Apps') for item in data['results']:'{id}'.format(**item)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def apps_info(self, args): """ Prints info about the current application. Usage: deis apps:info [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}".format(app)) if response.status_code =="=== {} Application".format(app)), indent=2) + '\n') self.ps_list(args) self.domains_list(args)'') else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def apps_open(self, args): """ Opens a URL to the application in the default browser. Usage: deis apps:open [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = # TODO: replace with a single API call to apps endpoint response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}".format(app)) if response.status_code == url = response.json()['url'] # use the OS's default handler to open this URL'http://{}/'.format(url)) return url else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def apps_logs(self, args): """ Retrieves the most recent log events. Usage: deis apps:logs [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. -n --lines=<lines> the number of lines to display """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = url = "/v1/apps/{}/logs".format(app) log_lines = args.get('--lines') if log_lines: url += "?log_lines={}".format(log_lines) response = self._dispatch('get', url) if response.status_code == # strip the last newline character for line in response.json().split('\n')[:-1]: # get the tag from the log try: log_tag = line.split(': ')[0].split(' ')[1] # colorize the log based on the tag color = sum([ord(ch) for ch in log_tag]) % 6 def f(x): return { 0: 'green', 1: 'cyan', 2: 'red', 3: 'yellow', 4: 'blue', 5: 'magenta', }.get(x, 'magenta'), f(color))) except IndexError: else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def apps_run(self, args): """ Runs a command inside an ephemeral app container. Default environment is /bin/bash. Usage: deis apps:run [options] [--] <command>... Arguments: <command> the shell command to run inside the container. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ command = ' '.join(args.get('<command>'))'Running `{}`...'.format(command)) app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = body = {'command': command} response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/run".format(app), json.dumps(body)) if response.status_code == rc, output = json.loads(response.content) sys.stdout.write(encode(output)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(rc) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def auth(self, args): """ Valid commands for auth: auth:register register a new user auth:login authenticate against a controller auth:logout clear the current user session auth:passwd change the password for the current user auth:whoami display the current user auth:cancel remove the current user account auth:regenerate regenerate user tokens Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ return
[docs] def auth_register(self, args): """ Registers a new user with a Deis controller. Usage: deis auth:register <controller> [options] Arguments: <controller> fully-qualified controller URI, e.g. `` Options: --username=<username> provide a username for the new account. --password=<password> provide a password for the new account. --email=<email> provide an email address. --ssl-verify=false disables SSL certificate verification for API requests """ controller = args['<controller>'] ssl_verify = True ssl_option = args.get('--ssl-verify') if ssl_option == 'false': ssl_verify = False if not urlparse.urlparse(controller).scheme: controller = "http://{}".format(controller) self.check_connection(controller, ssl_verify) username = args.get('--username') if not username: username = raw_input('username: ') password = args.get('--password') if not password: password = getpass('password: ') confirm = getpass('password (confirm): ') if password != confirm: self._logger.error('Password mismatch, aborting registration.') sys.exit(1) email = args.get('--email') if not email: email = raw_input('email: ') url = urlparse.urljoin(controller, '/v1/auth/register') payload = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': email} headers = {} token = self._settings.get('token') if token: headers.update({'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(token)}) response =, data=payload, allow_redirects=False, verify=ssl_verify, headers=headers) if response.status_code == self._settings['controller'] = controller"Registered {}".format(username)) login_args = {'--username': username, '--password': password, '<controller>': controller} if self.auth_login(login_args) is False:'Login failed') else:'Registration failed: ' + response.content) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs] def auth_cancel(self, args): """ Cancels and removes the current account. Usage: deis auth:cancel [options] Options: --username=<username> provide a username for the account. --password=<password> provide a password for the account. --yes force "yes" when prompted. """ controller = self._settings.get('controller') if not controller: self._logger.error('Not logged in to a Deis controller') sys.exit(1)'Please log in again in order to cancel this account') args['<controller>'] = controller username = self.auth_login(args) if username: confirm = args.get('--yes') if not confirm: confirm = raw_input( "Cancel account \"{}\" at {}? (y/N) ".format(username, controller)) if confirm in ['y', True]: response = self._dispatch('delete', '/v1/auth/cancel') if response.status_code == self._settings['controller'] = None self._settings['token'] = None'Account cancelled') else:'Account not changed') raise ResponseError(response) else:'Account not changed')
[docs] def auth_login(self, args): """ Logs in by authenticating against a controller. Usage: deis auth:login <controller> [options] Arguments: <controller> a fully-qualified controller URI, e.g. ``. Options: --username=<username> provide a username for the account. --password=<password> provide a password for the account. --ssl-verify=false disables SSL certificate verification for API requests """ controller = args['<controller>'] ssl_verify = True ssl_option = args.get('--ssl-verify') if ssl_option == 'false': ssl_verify = False if not urlparse.urlparse(controller).scheme: controller = "http://{}".format(controller) self.check_connection(controller, ssl_verify) username = args.get('--username') if not username: username = raw_input('username: ') password = args.get('--password') if not password: password = getpass('password: ') url = urlparse.urljoin(controller, '/v1/auth/login/') payload = {'username': username, 'password': password} # post credentials to the login URL response =, data=payload, allow_redirects=False, verify=ssl_verify) if response.status_code == # retrieve and save the API token for future requests self._settings['controller'] = controller self._settings['username'] = username self._settings['token'] = response.json()['token'] self._settings['ssl_verify'] = ssl_verify"Logged in as {}".format(username)) return username else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def auth_logout(self, args): """ Logs out from a controller and clears the user session. Usage: deis auth:logout """ for i in ['controller', 'username', 'token', 'ssl_verify']: self._settings[i] = None'Logged out')
def auth_passwd(self, args): """ Changes the password for the current user. Usage: deis auth:passwd [options] Options: --password=<password> the current password for the account. --new-password=<new-password> the new password for the account. --username=<username> the account's username. """ if not self._settings.get('token'): raise EnvironmentError( 'Could not find token. Use `deis login` or `deis register` to get started.') password = args.get('--password') if not password: password = getpass('current password: ') new_password = args.get('--new-password') if not new_password: new_password = getpass('new password: ') confirm = getpass('new password (confirm): ') if new_password != confirm: self._logger.error('Password mismatch, not changing.') sys.exit(1) payload = { 'password': password, 'new_password': new_password, 'username': args.get('--username', self._settings['username']), } response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/auth/passwd", json.dumps(payload)) if response.status_code =='Password change succeeded.') else:"Password change failed: {}".format(response.text)) sys.exit(1) return True def auth_whoami(self, args): """ Displays the currently logged in user. Usage: deis auth:whoami """ user = self._settings.get('username') if user: 'You are {} at {}'.format(user, self._settings['controller'])) else: 'Not logged in. Use `deis login` or `deis register` to get started.') def auth_regenerate(self, args): """ Regenerates auth token, defaults to regenerating token for the current user. Usage: deis auth:regenerate [options] Options: -u --username=<username> specify user to regenerate. Requires admin privilages. --all regenerate token for every user. Requires admin privilages. """ payload = {} if args.get('--all'): payload = {'all': True} elif args.get('--username'): payload = {'username': args.get('--username')} response = self._dispatch('post', '/v1/auth/tokens/', json.dumps(payload)) if response.status_code == if '--username' not in args or '--all' not in args: self._settings['token'] = response.json()['token']'Token regenerated.') else:"Token regeneration failed: {}".format(response.text)) sys.exit(1) def builds(self, args): """ Valid commands for builds: builds:list list build history for an application builds:create imports an image and deploys as a new release Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'builds:list' args = docopt(self.builds_list.__doc__) return self.builds_list(args)
[docs] def builds_create(self, args): """ Creates a new build of an application. Imports an <image> and deploys it to Deis as a new release. If a Procfile is present in the current directory, it will be used as the default process types for this application. Usage: deis builds:create <image> [options] Arguments: <image> A fully-qualified docker image, either from Docker Hub (e.g. deis/example-go:latest) or from an in-house registry (e.g. This image must include the tag. Options: -a --app=<app> The uniquely identifiable name for the application. -p --procfile=<procfile> A YAML string used to supply a Procfile to the application. """ _, tag = parse_repository_tag(args['<image>']) if tag is None: self._logger.error('<image> must contain a tag') sys.exit(1) app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = body = {'image': args['<image>']} procfile = args.get('--procfile') if procfile: try: body['procfile'] = yaml.load(procfile) except yaml.YAMLError: self._logger.error('could not parse --procfile') sys.exit(1) else: # read in Procfile for default process types if os.path.exists('Procfile'): try: body['procfile'] = yaml.load(open('Procfile')) except yaml.YAMLError: self._logger.error('could not parse Procfile') sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write('Creating build... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/builds".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}".format(version)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def builds_list(self, args): """ Lists build history for an application. Usage: deis builds:list [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}/builds".format(app)) if response.status_code =="=== {} Builds".format(app)) data = response.json() for item in data['results']:"{0[uuid]:<23} {0[created]}".format(item)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def certs(self, args): """ Valid commands for certs: certs:list list SSL certificates for an app certs:add add an SSL certificate to an app certs:remove remove an SSL certificate from an app Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'certs:list' args = docopt(self.certs_list.__doc__) return self.certs_list(args) def certs_add(self, args): """ Binds a certificate/key pair to an application. Usage: deis certs:add <cert> <key> [options] Arguments: <cert> The public key of the SSL certificate. <key> The private key of the SSL certificate. Options: --common-name=<cname> The common name of the certificate. If none is provided, the controller will interpret the common name from the certificate. --subject-alt-names=<sans> The subject alternate names (SAN) of the certificate, separated by commas. This will create multiple Certificate objects in the controller, one for each SAN. """ cert = args.get('<cert>') key = args.get('<key>') self._certs_add(cert, key, args.get('--common-name')) sans = args.get('--subject-alt-names') if sans: [self._certs_add(cert, key, san) for san in sans.split(',')] def _certs_add(self, cert, key, common_name=None): body = {'certificate': file(cert).read().strip(), 'key': file(key).read().strip()} if common_name: body['common_name'] = common_name sys.stdout.write("Adding SSL endpoint {}...".format(common_name)) else: sys.stdout.write("Adding SSL endpoint... ") sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/certs", json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code =="done") data = response.json() if not common_name:"{common_name}".format(**data)) else: raise ResponseError(response) def certs_list(self, args): """ Show certificate information for an SSL application. Usage: deis certs:list """ response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/certs") if response.status_code == data = response.json() table = [['Common Name', 'Expires']] if len(data['results']) == 0:'No certs') return for item in data['results']: # strip unused fields for field in item.keys(): if field not in ['common_name', 'expires']: del item[field] table += [[item['common_name'], item['expires']]], headers='firstrow')) else: raise ResponseError(response) def certs_remove(self, args): """ removes a certificate/key pair from the application. Usage: deis certs:remove <cn> [options] Arguments: <cn> the common name of the cert to remove from the app. """ cn = args.get('<cn>') sys.stdout.write("Removing {}... ".format(cn)) sys.stdout.flush() response = self._dispatch('delete', "/v1/certs/{}".format(cn)) if response.status_code =='Done.') else: raise ResponseError(response) def config(self, args): """ Valid commands for config: config:list list environment variables for an app config:set set environment variables for an app config:unset unset environment variables for an app config:pull extract environment variables to .env config:push set environment variables from .env Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'config:list' args = docopt(self.config_list.__doc__) return self.config_list(args)
[docs] def config_list(self, args): """ Lists environment variables for an application. Usage: deis config:list [options] Options: --oneline print output on one line. -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name of the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = oneline = args.get('--oneline') response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app)) if response.status_code == config = response.json() values = config['values'] if not oneline:"=== {} Config".format(app)) items = values.items() if len(items) == 0:'No configuration') return keys = sorted(values) if not oneline: width = max(map(len, keys)) + 5 for k in keys: k, v = encode(k), encode(values[k])"{k:<" + str(width) + "} {v}").format(**locals())) else: output = [] for k in keys: k, v = encode(k), encode(values[k]) output.append("{k}={v}".format(**locals()))' '.join(output)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def config_set(self, args): """ Sets environment variables for an application. Usage: deis config:set <var>=<value> [<var>=<value>...] [options] Arguments: <var> the uniquely identifiable name for the environment variable. <value> the value of said environment variable. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = values = dictify(args['<var>=<value>']) if values.get('SSH_KEY'): if os.path.isfile(values.get('SSH_KEY')): with open(values.get('SSH_KEY')) as f: ssh_key = else: ssh_key = values['SSH_KEY'] match = re.match(r'^-.+ .SA PRIVATE KEY-*', ssh_key) if match: values['SSH_KEY'] = b64encode(ssh_key) else: self._logger.error("Could not parse SSH private key {}".format(ssh_key)) sys.exit(1) self._config_set(app, values)
def _config_set(self, app, values): """ Internal logic to set environment variables for an application. """ body = {'values': json.dumps(values)} sys.stdout.write('Creating config... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}\n".format(version)) config = response.json() values = config['values']"=== {}".format(app)) items = values.items() if len(items) == 0:'No configuration') return for k, v in values.items():"{}: {}".format(encode(k), encode(v))) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def config_unset(self, args): """ Unsets an environment variable for an application. Usage: deis config:unset <key>... [options] Arguments: <key> the variable to remove from the application's environment. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = values = {} for k in args.get('<key>'): values[k] = None body = {'values': json.dumps(values)} sys.stdout.write('Creating config... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch( 'post', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}\n".format(version)) config = response.json() values = config['values']"=== {}".format(app)) items = values.items() if len(items) == 0:'No configuration') return for k, v in values.items():"{k}: {v}".format(**locals())) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def _read_config_from_path(self, path): env_dict = {} with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if re.match(r'.+=.+', line) is None: self._logger.warning('could not parse config line: "%s"', line) continue k, v = line.split('=', 1) env_dict[k] = v return env_dict
[docs] def config_pull(self, args): """ Extract all environment variables from an application for local use. Your environment will be stored locally in a file named .env. This file can be read by foreman to load the local environment for your app. Usage: deis config:pull [options] Options: -a --app=<app> The application that you wish to pull from -i --interactive Prompts for each value to be overwritten -o --overwrite Allows you to have the pull overwrite keys in .env """ app = args.get('--app') overwrite = args.get('--overwrite') interactive = args.get('--interactive') env_dict = {} if not app: app = try: # load env_dict from existing .env, if it exists env_dict = self._read_config_from_path('.env') except IOError: pass response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app)) if response.status_code == config = response.json()['values'] for k, v in config.items(): if interactive and raw_input("overwrite {} with {}? (y/N) ".format(k, v)) == 'y': env_dict[k] = v if k in env_dict and not overwrite: continue env_dict[k] = v # write env_dict to .env try: with open('.env', 'w') as f: for i in env_dict: f.write("{}={}\n".format(i, env_dict[i])) except IOError: self._logger.error('could not write to local env') sys.exit(1) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def config_push(self, args): """ Sets environment variables for an application. The environment is read from <path>. This file can be read by foreman to load the local environment for your app. Usage: deis config:push [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. -p <path>, --path=<path> a path leading to an environment file [default: .env] """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = # read from .env try: env_dict = self._read_config_from_path(args.get('--path')) self._config_set(app, env_dict) except IOError: self._logger.error('could not read env from ' + args.get('--path')) sys.exit(1) def domains(self, args): """ Valid commands for domains: domains:add bind a domain to an application domains:list list domains bound to an application domains:remove unbind a domain from an application Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'domains:list' args = docopt(self.domains_list.__doc__) return self.domains_list(args)
[docs] def domains_add(self, args): """ Binds a domain to an application. Usage: deis domains:add <domain> [options] Arguments: <domain> the domain name to be bound to the application, such as ``. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = domain = args.get('<domain>') body = {'domain': domain} sys.stdout.write("Adding {domain} to {app}... ".format(**locals())) sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch( 'post', "/v1/apps/{app}/domains".format(app=app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code =="done") else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def domains_remove(self, args): """ Unbinds a domain for an application. Usage: deis domains:remove <domain> [options] Arguments: <domain> the domain name to be removed from the application. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = domain = args.get('<domain>') sys.stdout.write("Removing {domain} from {app}... ".format(**locals())) sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch( 'delete', "/v1/apps/{app}/domains/{domain}".format(**locals())) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code =="done") else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def domains_list(self, args): """ Lists domains bound to an application. Usage: deis domains:list [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch( 'get', "/v1/apps/{app}/domains".format(app=app)) if response.status_code == domains = response.json()['results']"=== {} Domains".format(app)) if len(domains) == 0:'No domains') return for domain in domains:['domain']) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def git(self, args): """ Valid commands for git: git:remote Adds git remote of application to repository Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ raise DocoptExit('`deis git` is not a valid command, try `deis help git`') def git_remote(self, args): """ Adds git remote of application to repository Usage: deis git:remote [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. -r --remote REMOTE name of remote to create. [default: deis] """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch( 'get', "/v1/apps/{app}/domains".format(app=app)) if response.status_code == self._git_remote_create(app, args.get('--remote')) else: raise ResponseError(response) def _git_remote_create(self, app, remote_name): """ Adds a git_remote to the current repository. Sets up a git root if necessary. """ hostname = urlparse.urlparse(self._settings['controller']).netloc.split(':')[0] git_remote = "ssh://git@{hostname}:2222/{app}.git".format(**locals()) try: self._session.git_root() except EnvironmentError: return try: subprocess.check_call( ['git', 'remote', 'add', remote_name, git_remote], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)'Git remote {} added'.format(remote_name)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self._logger.error('Could not create Deis remote') sys.exit(1) def limits(self, args): """ Valid commands for limits: limits:list list resource limits for an app limits:set set resource limits for an app limits:unset unset resource limits for an app Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'limits:list' args = docopt(self.limits_list.__doc__) return self.limits_list(args)
[docs] def limits_list(self, args): """ Lists resource limits for an application. Usage: deis limits:list [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name of the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app)) if response.status_code == self._print_limits(app, response.json()) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def limits_set(self, args): """ Sets resource limits for an application. A resource limit is a finite resource within a container which we can apply restrictions to either through the scheduler or through the Docker API. This limit is applied to each individual container, so setting a memory limit of 1G for an application means that each container gets 1G of memory. Usage: deis limits:set [options] <type>=<limit>... Arguments: <type> the process type as defined in your Procfile, such as 'web' or 'worker'. Note that Dockerfile apps have a default 'cmd' process type. <limit> The limit to apply to the process type. By default, this is set to --memory. You can only set one type of limit per call. With --memory, units are represented in Bytes (B), Kilobytes (K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). For example, `deis limit:set cmd=1G` will restrict all "cmd" processes to a maximum of 1 Gigabyte of memory each. With --cpu, units are represented in the number of cpu shares. For example, `deis limit:set --cpu cmd=1024` will restrict all "cmd" processes to a maximum of 1024 cpu shares. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. -c --cpu limits cpu shares. -m --memory limits memory. [default: true] """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = body = {} # see if cpu shares are being specified, otherwise default to memory target = 'cpu' if args.get('--cpu') else 'memory' body[target] = json.dumps(dictify(args['<type>=<limit>'])) sys.stdout.write('Applying limits... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}\n".format(version)) self._print_limits(app, response.json()) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def limits_unset(self, args): """ Unsets resource limits for an application. Usage: deis limits:unset [options] [--memory | --cpu] <type>... Arguments: <type> the process type as defined in your Procfile, such as 'web' or 'worker'. Note that Dockerfile apps have a default 'cmd' process type. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. -c --cpu limits cpu shares. -m --memory limits memory. [default: true] """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = values = {} for k in args.get('<type>'): values[k] = None body = {} # see if cpu shares are being specified, otherwise default to memory target = 'cpu' if args.get('--cpu') else 'memory' body[target] = json.dumps(values) sys.stdout.write('Applying limits... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}\n".format(version)) self._print_limits(app, response.json()) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def _print_limits(self, app, config):"=== {} Limits".format(app)) def write(d): items = d.items() if len(items) == 0:'Unlimited') return keys = sorted(d) width = max(map(len, keys)) + 5 for k in keys: v = d[k]"{k:<" + str(width) + "} {v}").format(**locals()))"\n--- Memory") write(config.get('memory', '{}'))"\n--- CPU") write(config.get('cpu', '{}')) def ps(self, args): """ Valid commands for processes: ps:list list application processes ps:restart restart an application or its process types ps:scale scale processes (e.g. web=4 worker=2) Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'ps:list' args = docopt(self.ps_list.__doc__) return self.ps_list(args)
[docs] def ps_list(self, args, app=None): """ Lists processes servicing an application. Usage: deis ps:list [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ if not app: app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}/containers".format(app)) if response.status_code != raise ResponseError(response) processes = response.json()"=== {} Processes\n".format(app)) c_map = {} for item in processes['results']: c_map.setdefault(item['type'], []).append(item) for c_type in c_map:"--- {c_type}: ".format(**locals())) for c in c_map[c_type]:"{type}.{num} {state} ({release})".format(**c))'')
def ps_restart(self, args): """ Restart an application, a process type or a specific process. Usage: deis ps:restart [<type>] [options] Arguments: <type> the process name as defined in your Procfile, such as 'web' or 'worker'. To restart a particular process, use 'web.1'. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') procname = args.get('<type>') if not app: app = restarting_cmd = 'Restarting processes... but first, {}!\n'.format( os.environ.get('DEIS_DRINK_OF_CHOICE', 'coffee')) sys.stdout.write(restarting_cmd) sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() before = time.time() url = '/v1/apps/{}/containers/restart'.format(app) if procname: if '.' in procname: # format is web.2 proctype, procnum = procname.split('.') url = '/v1/apps/{}/containers/{}/{}/restart'.format(app, proctype, procnum) else: url = '/v1/apps/{}/containers/{}/restart'.format(app, procname) response = self._dispatch('post', url) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code =='done in {}s'.format(int(time.time() - before))) self.ps_list({}, app) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def ps_scale(self, args): """ Scales an application's processes by type. Usage: deis ps:scale <type>=<num>... [options] Arguments: <type> the process name as defined in your Procfile, such as 'web' or 'worker'. Note that Dockerfile apps have a default 'cmd' process type. <num> the number of processes. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = body = {} for type_num in args.get('<type>=<num>'): typ, count = type_num.split('=') body.update({typ: int(count)}) scaling_cmd = 'Scaling processes... but first, {}!\n'.format( os.environ.get('DEIS_DRINK_OF_CHOICE', 'coffee')) sys.stdout.write(scaling_cmd) sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() before = time.time() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/scale".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code =='done in {}s'.format(int(time.time() - before))) self.ps_list({}, app) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def tags(self, args): """ Valid commands for tags: tags:list list tags for an app tags:set set tags for an app tags:unset unset tags for an app Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'tags:list' args = docopt(self.tags_list.__doc__) return self.tags_list(args)
[docs] def tags_list(self, args): """ Lists tags for an application. Usage: deis tags:list [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name of the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app)) if response.status_code == self._print_tags(app, response.json()) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def tags_set(self, args): """ Sets tags for an application. A tag is a key/value pair used to tag an application's containers and is passed to the scheduler. This is often used to restrict workloads to specific hosts matching the scheduler-configured metadata. Usage: deis tags:set [options] <key>=<value>... Arguments: <key> the tag key, for example: "environ" or "rack" <value> the tag value, for example: "prod" or "1" Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = body = {} body['tags'] = json.dumps(dictify(args['<key>=<value>'])) sys.stdout.write('Applying tags... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}\n".format(version)) self._print_tags(app, response.json()) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def tags_unset(self, args): """ Unsets tags for an application. Usage: deis tags:unset [options] <key>... Arguments: <key> the tag key to unset, for example: "environ" or "rack" Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = values = {} for k in args.get('<key>'): values[k] = None body = {} body['tags'] = json.dumps(values) sys.stdout.write('Applying tags... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', "/v1/apps/{}/config".format(app), json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == version = response.headers['Deis-Release']"done, v{}\n".format(version)) self._print_tags(app, response.json()) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def _print_tags(self, app, config): items = config['tags']"=== {} Tags".format(app)) if len(items) == 0:'No tags defined') return keys = sorted(items) width = max(map(len, keys)) + 5 for k in keys: v = items[k]"{k:<" + str(width) + "} {v}").format(**locals())) def keys(self, args): """ Valid commands for SSH keys: keys:list list SSH keys for the logged in user keys:add add an SSH key keys:remove remove an SSH key Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'keys:list' args = docopt(self.keys_list.__doc__) return self.keys_list(args)
[docs] def keys_add(self, args): """ Adds SSH keys for the logged in user. Usage: deis keys:add [<key>] Arguments: <key> a local file path to an SSH public key used to push application code. """ path = args.get('<key>') if not path: selected_key = self._ask_pubkey_interactively() else: # check the specified key format selected_key = self._parse_key(path) if not selected_key: self._logger.error("usage: deis keys:add [<key>]") return # Upload the key to Deis body = { 'id':, 'public': "{} {}".format(selected_key.type, selected_key.str) } sys.stdout.write("Uploading {} to Deis...".format( sys.stdout.flush() response = self._dispatch('post', '/v1/keys', json.dumps(body)) if response.status_code =='done') else: raise ResponseError(response)
def _parse_key(self, path): """Parse an SSH public key path into a Key namedtuple.""" Key = namedtuple('Key', 'path name type str comment id') name = path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] with open(path) as f: data = match = re.match(r'^(ssh-...|ecdsa-[^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ?(.*)', data) if not match: self._logger.error("Could not parse SSH public key {0}".format(name)) sys.exit(1) key_type, key_str, key_comment = match.groups() if key_comment: key_id = key_comment else: key_id = name.replace('.pub', '') return Key(path, name, key_type, key_str, key_comment, key_id) def _ask_pubkey_interactively(self): # find public keys and prompt the user to pick one ssh_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh') pubkey_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(ssh_dir, '*.pub')) if not pubkey_paths: self._logger.error('No SSH public keys found') return pubkeys_list = [self._parse_key(k) for k in pubkey_paths]'Found the following SSH public keys:') for i, key_ in enumerate(pubkeys_list):"{}) {} {}".format(i + 1,, key_.comment))"0) Enter path to pubfile (or use keys:add <key_path>) ") inp = raw_input('Which would you like to use with Deis? ') try: if int(inp) != 0: selected_key = pubkeys_list[int(inp) - 1] else: selected_key_path = raw_input('Enter the path to the pubkey file: ') selected_key = self._parse_key(os.path.expanduser(selected_key_path)) except:'Aborting') return return selected_key
[docs] def keys_list(self, args): """ Lists SSH keys for the logged in user. Usage: deis keys:list """ response = self._dispatch('get', '/v1/keys') if response.status_code == data = response.json() if data['count'] == 0:'No keys found') return"=== {owner} Keys".format(**data['results'][0])) for key in data['results']: public = key['public']"{0} {1}...{2}".format( key['id'], public[0:16], public[-10:])) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def keys_remove(self, args): """ Removes an SSH key for the logged in user. Usage: deis keys:remove <key> Arguments: <key> the SSH public key to revoke source code push access. """ key = args.get('<key>') sys.stdout.write("Removing {} SSH Key... ".format(key)) sys.stdout.flush() response = self._dispatch('delete', "/v1/keys/{}".format(key)) if response.status_code =='done') else: raise ResponseError(response)
def perms(self, args): """ Valid commands for perms: perms:list list permissions granted on an app perms:create create a new permission for a user perms:delete delete a permission for a user Use `deis help perms:[command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'perms:list' args = docopt(self.perms_list.__doc__) return self.perms_list(args)
[docs] def perms_list(self, args): """ Lists all users with permission to use an app, or lists all users with system administrator privileges. Usage: deis perms:list [-a --app=<app>|--admin] Options: -a --app=<app> lists all users with permission to <app>. <app> is the uniquely identifiable name for the application. --admin lists all users with system administrator privileges. """ app, url = self._parse_perms_args(args) response = self._dispatch('get', url) if response.status_code ==, indent=2)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def perms_create(self, args): """ Gives another user permission to use an app, or gives another user system administrator privileges. Usage: deis perms:create <username> [-a --app=<app>|--admin] Arguments: <username> the name of the new user. Options: -a --app=<app> grants <username> permission to use <app>. <app> is the uniquely identifiable name for the application. --admin grants <username> system administrator privileges. """ app, url = self._parse_perms_args(args) username = args.get('<username>') body = {'username': username} if app: msg = "Adding {} to {} collaborators... ".format(username, app) else: msg = "Adding {} to system administrators... ".format(username) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() response = self._dispatch('post', url, json.dumps(body)) if response.status_code =='done') else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def perms_delete(self, args): """ Revokes another user's permission to use an app, or revokes another user's system administrator privileges. Usage: deis perms:delete <username> [-a --app=<app>|--admin] Arguments: <username> the name of the user. Options: -a --app=<app> revokes <username> permission to use <app>. <app> is the uniquely identifiable name for the application. --admin revokes <username> system administrator privileges. """ app, url = self._parse_perms_args(args) username = args.get('<username>') url = "{}/{}".format(url, username) if app: msg = "Removing {} from {} collaborators... ".format(username, app) else: msg = "Remove {} from system administrators... ".format(username) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() response = self._dispatch('delete', url) if response.status_code =='done') else: raise ResponseError(response)
def _parse_perms_args(self, args): app = args.get('--app'), admin = args.get('--admin') if admin: app = None url = '/v1/admin/perms' else: app = app[0] or url = "/v1/apps/{}/perms".format(app) return app, url def releases(self, args): """ Valid commands for releases: releases:list list an application's release history releases:info print information about a specific release releases:rollback return to a previous release Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'releases:list' args = docopt(self.releases_list.__doc__) return self.releases_list(args)
[docs] def releases_info(self, args): """ Prints info about a particular release. Usage: deis releases:info <version> [options] Arguments: <version> the release of the application, such as 'v1'. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ version = args.get('<version>') if not version.startswith('v'): version = 'v' + version app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch( 'get', "/v1/apps/{app}/releases/{version}".format(**locals())) if response.status_code ==, indent=2)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def releases_list(self, args): """ Lists release history for an application. Usage: deis releases:list [options] Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name for the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = response = self._dispatch('get', "/v1/apps/{app}/releases".format(**locals())) if response.status_code =="=== {} Releases".format(app)) data = response.json() for item in data['results']: item['created'] = readable_datetime(item['created'])"v{version:<6} {created:<28} {summary}".format(**item)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
[docs] def releases_rollback(self, args): """ Rolls back to a previous application release. Usage: deis releases:rollback [<version>] [options] Arguments: <version> the release of the application, such as 'v1'. Options: -a --app=<app> the uniquely identifiable name of the application. """ app = args.get('--app') if not app: app = version = args.get('<version>') if version: if version.startswith('v'): version = version[1:] body = {'version': int(version)} else: body = {} url = "/v1/apps/{app}/releases/rollback".format(**locals()) if version: sys.stdout.write('Rolling back to v{version}... '.format(**locals())) else: sys.stdout.write('Rolling back one release... ') sys.stdout.flush() try: progress = TextProgress() progress.start() response = self._dispatch('post', url, json.dumps(body)) finally: progress.cancel() progress.join() if response.status_code == new_version = response.json()['version']"done, v{}".format(new_version)) else: raise ResponseError(response)
def shortcuts(self, args): """ Shows valid shortcuts for client commands. Usage: deis shortcuts """'Valid shortcuts are:\n') for shortcut, command in SHORTCUTS.items(): if ':' not in shortcut:"{:<10} -> {}".format(shortcut, command))'\nUse `deis help [command]` to learn more') def users(self, args): """ Valid commands for users: users:list list all registered users Use `deis help [command]` to learn more. """ sys.argv[1] = 'users:list' args = docopt(self.users_list.__doc__) return self.users_list(args) def users_list(self, args): """ Lists all registered users. Requires admin privilages. Usage: deis users:list """ response = self._dispatch('get', '/v1/users/') if response.status_code == data = response.json()'=== Users') for item in data['results']:'{username}'.format(**item)) else: raise ResponseError(response) SHORTCUTS = OrderedDict([ ('create', 'apps:create'), ('destroy', 'apps:destroy'), ('info', 'apps:info'), ('login', 'auth:login'), ('logout', 'auth:logout'), ('logs', 'apps:logs'), ('open', 'apps:open'), ('passwd', 'auth:passwd'), ('pull', 'builds:create'), ('register', 'auth:register'), ('rollback', 'releases:rollback'), ('run', 'apps:run'), ('scale', 'ps:scale'), ('sharing', 'perms:list'), ('sharing:list', 'perms:list'), ('sharing:add', 'perms:create'), ('sharing:remove', 'perms:delete'), ('whoami', 'auth:whoami'), ]) def parse_args(cmd): """ Parses command-line args applying shortcuts and looking for help flags. """ if cmd == 'help': cmd = sys.argv[-1] help_flag = True else: cmd = sys.argv[1] help_flag = False # swap cmd with shortcut if cmd in SHORTCUTS: cmd = SHORTCUTS[cmd] # change the cmdline arg itself for docopt if not help_flag: sys.argv[1] = cmd else: sys.argv[2] = cmd # convert : to _ for matching method names and docstrings if ':' in cmd: cmd = '_'.join(cmd.split(':')) return cmd, help_flag def _dispatch_cmd(method, args): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if args.get('--app'): args['--app'] = args['--app'].lower() try: method(args) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.error("Couldn't connect to the Deis Controller:\n{}\nMake sure that the Controller URI is \ correct and the server is running.".format(err)) sys.exit(1) except EnvironmentError as err: logger.error(err.args[0]) sys.exit(1) except ResponseError as err: resp = err.args[0] logger.error('{} {}'.format(resp.status_code, resp.reason)) try: msg = resp.json() if 'detail' in msg: msg = "Detail:\n{}".format(msg['detail']) except: msg = resp.text sys.exit(1) def _init_logger(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) # TODO: add a --debug flag logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(handler) def main(): """ Create a client, parse the arguments received on the command line, and call the appropriate method on the client. """ _init_logger() cli = DeisClient() args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__, options_first=True) cmd = args['<command>'] cmd, help_flag = parse_args(cmd) # print help if it was asked for if help_flag: if cmd != 'help' and cmd in dir(cli): print(trim(getattr(cli, cmd).__doc__)) return docopt(__doc__, argv=['--help']) # unless cmd needs to use sys.argv directly if hasattr(cli, cmd): method = getattr(cli, cmd) else: # split by : to execute the proper command split_cmd = args['<command>'].split(':') dash_separated_command = 'deis-{}'.format(split_cmd[0]) arglist = args['<args>'] if len(split_cmd) > 1: # safety precaution in case users want to use more than one colon in their command arglist = split_cmd[1:] + arglist try: sys.exit([dash_separated_command] + arglist)) except OSError: raise DocoptExit('Found no matching command, try `deis help`') # re-parse docopt with the relevant docstring docstring = trim(getattr(cli, cmd).__doc__) if 'Usage: ' in docstring: args.update(docopt(docstring)) # dispatch the CLI command _dispatch_cmd(method, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main() sys.exit(0)