This module contains plotting utilities.
class dautil.plotting.CyclePlotter(ax)
A plotter which cycles through different linestyle
and linewidth values.
Variables: |
- ax – A SubplotAxes instance.
- cycler – A Cycler instance.
plot(x, y=None, *args, **kwargs)
A facade for the matplotlib plot() method.
Parameters: |
- x – Array of ‘x’ values for the plot.
- y – Array of ‘y’ values for the plot.
class dautil.plotting.Cycler(styles=['-', '--', '-.', ':'], lw=[1, 2])
Utility class, which cycles through values of
plotting related lists.
Variables: |
- STYLES – A list of line styles.
- LW – A list of linewidths.
- colors – A list of colors.
Cycles through a list of colors.
Returns: | The next color in the list. |
Cycles through a list of linewidth values.
Returns: | The next linewidth in the list. |
Cycles through a list of line styles.
class dautil.plotting.Subplotter(nrows=1, ncols=1, context=None)
A utility to help with subplotting.
Variables: |
- context – A Context instance.
- index – The index of the subplot.
- ax – The current SubplotAxes instance.
Cleans up the Subplotter.
Parameters: | mark – Boolean indicating whether to apply watermark. |
Returns: | The appropriate watermark. |
get_string(old, key, params)
Gets a string used to label x-axis,
y-axis or title of a subplot.
Parameters: |
- old – Configuration setting from a file.
- key – title, xlabel, legend or ylabel.
- params – Extra params provided for the
Python string format() method. We expect the
appropriate use of curly braces.
Returns: | A (formatted) string for the x-axis, |
y-axis, legend or title of a subplot.
label(advance=False, title_params=None, xlabel_params=None, ylabel_params=None)
Labels the subplot.
Parameters: |
- advance – Boolean indicating whether to move to the next subplot.
- title_params – Optional title parameters.
- xlabel_params – Optional xlabel parameters.
- ylabel_params – Optional ylabel parameters.
Advance to next subplot.
Returns: | The current subplot after advancing. |
Gets all the matplotlib markers except None.
Returns: | The matplotlib marker character codes except the None markers. |
dautil.plotting.bar(ax, xlabels, vals)
Plots a bar chart.
Parameters: |
- ax – A SubplotAxes object.
- xlabels – Labels on the x-axis.
- vals – Values for the bars.
dautil.plotting.embellish(axes, legends=None)
Adds grid and legends to matplotlib plots.
Parameters: |
- axes – Axes as returned by the plt.subplots() function.
- legends – A list of indices of subplots, which need a legend.
Hides the x-axis and y-axis of matplotlib plots.
Parameters: | axes – Axes as returned by the plt.subplots() function. |
dautil.plotting.hist_norm_pdf(ax, arr)
Plots a histogram with corresponding normal PDF.
Parameters: |
- ax – A SubplotAxes object.
- arr – Values for the histogram.
dautil.plotting.img_show(ax, img, *args, **kwargs)
Plots an image with axes turned off.
Parameters: |
- ax – A SubplotAxes object.
- img – The image to display.
Maps matplotlib markers to values.
Parameters: | vals – Values to map. |
Returns: | A list where each value is replaced by a marker character code. |
dautil.plotting.plot_points(ax, points)
Plots points with the ‘o’ marker and as a line.
Parameters: |
- ax – A SubplotAxes object to draw on.
- points – A list of points as the following: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]
dautil.plotting.plot_polyfit(ax, x, y, degree=1, plot_points=False)
Plots a polynomial fit.
Parameters: |
- ax – A matplotlib SubplotAxes object.
- x – An array of ‘x’ values.
- y – An array of ‘y’ values.
- degree – The polynomial degree.
- plot_points – Whether to plot points.
dautil.plotting.plot_text(ax, xcoords, ycoords, point_labels, add_scatter=False, *args, **kwargs)
Plots text labels with given coordinates.
Parameters: |
- ax – A SubplotAxes object.
- xcoords – Array-like x coordinates.
- ycoords – Array-like y coordinates.
- point_labels – Text labels to put on the chart.
- add_scatter – Whether to scatter plot the coordinate values.
dautil.plotting.sample_cmap(name='Reds', start=0.1, end=0.9, ncolors=9)
Samples a matplotlib color map
using a linearly spaced range.
Parameters: |
- name – Name of the color map.
- start – Start of the linear range.
- end – End of the linear range.
- ncolors – The number of colors in the range.
Returns: | A sample of the color map.
>>> from dautil import plotting
>>> plotting.sample_cmap()
array([[ 0.99692426, 0.89619378, 0.84890428, 1. ],
[ 0.98357555, 0.41279508, 0.28835065, 1. ],
[ 0.59461747, 0.0461361 , 0.07558632, 1. ]])
dautil.plotting.sample_hex_cmap(name='Reds', start=0.1, end=0.9, ncolors=9)
Samples a matplotlib color map
using a linearly spaced range and
return hex values for the colors.
Parameters: |
- name – Name of the color map.
- start – Start of the linear range.
- end – End of the linear range.
- ncolors – The number of colors in the range.
Returns: | A list of hex values from a sample of the color map.
>>> from dautil import plotting
>>> plotting.sample_hex_cmap()
['#fee5d8', '#fdcab5', '#fcab8f', '#fc8a6a', '#fb694a',
'#f14432', '#d92523', '#bc141a', '#980c13']
dautil.plotting.scatter_with_bar(ax, bar_label, *args, **kwargs)
Creates a matplotlib scatter plot with a colorbar.
Parameters: |
- ax – A matplotlib SubplotAxes.
- bar_label – The label of the colorbar.