
A Distribution is a serialization of the Package and optionally the data too (code, database, a book etc) to some concretely addressable form that can be ‘distributed’ (e.g. uploaded) or accessed (e.g. downloaded). For example:

  • file(s) on disk
  • an API at a specific url.


To the extent possible, we seek to reuse existing ‘distribution’ formats rather than invent our own.

Currently, we provide 2 types of basic file distributions:

  • Simple (Ini-Based) Distribution - DEFAULT
  • Python Distribution

It is also easy to extend datapkg to support new distribution types. See Extending Datapkg.

Base Distribution

class datapkg.distribution.DistributionBase(package=None)
classmethod load(path)

Load a L{Package} object from a path to a package distribution.

@return: the Distribution object.

Return a fileobj stream for material at path.
write(path, **kwargs)
Write this distribution to disk at path.

Simple Distribution

class datapkg.distribution.SimpleDistribution(package=None)

Simple distribution storing metadata in an ini file.

File layout:


  * metadata.txt: package metadata in ini-file format (key = value or
    key: value with support for line continuations). See
  * Manifest items are inserted as sections with name of ile and prefix
    'manifest::' e.g. [manifest::myfilename.csv]


    # Data (and code): any files you want (specify them in the
    # manifest).
write(path, **kwargs)

Writes distribution to disk.

Metadata written to metadata.txt in ini style (python ConfigParser) with encoding to utf8.

Python Distribution

class datapkg.distribution.PythonDistribution(package=None)

Datapkg distribution based on python distribution format (based on setuptools).

File layout:

    # as per standard python approach main 'metadata' goes in python
    # setup.py file with key/value arguments to setup method.

    # manifest template specifying rules for what files to include in
    # the distribution. For details see:
    # http://docs.python.org/distutils/sourcedist.html#the-manifest-in-template
    # NB: If you want to explicitly list every file you can create a
    # MANIFEST file.


    # Data (and code) files. For python to pick up files correctly
    # they should be in subdirectory named after the package or
    # subdirectories thereof (e.g. {pkgname}/data
classmethod load(path)
Load a L{Package} object from a path to a package distribution.
write(path, template='default')

See parent.

@param template: paster template to use

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Package ‘Specs’ (Specifications)

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Datapkg Design

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