=================================== Welcome to datapkg's documentation! =================================== datapkg is a tool for distributing, discovering and installing data 'packages'. datapkg is a *simple* way to 'package' data building on *existing* packaging tools developed for code. datapkg is designed to integrate closely with the `CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network) `_. By putting data in a package, it gets labelled with standardized metadata and can be put in a datapkg repository, such as CKAN or a local one. Once in such a repository, the packages are easy to find and retrieve. Installation ============ .. toctree:: install Getting Started: Users ====================== We recommend users get started by taking a look at the manual: .. toctree:: manual Using datapkg from code using the API ------------------------------------- .. toctree:: api spec More information on specific features ------------------------------------- .. toctree:: distribution Getting Started: Developers =========================== Source mercurial repository can be found at: http://knowledgeforge.net/ckan/datapkg For developers we recommend starting with the design document: .. toctree:: design There are also a set of use cases and research on other similar tools: .. toctree:: usecases research Extending Datapkg ----------------- Datapkg has a rich plugin architecture that makes it easy to extend. .. toctree:: extending Other material ============== .. toctree:: license CHANGELOG external Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`