======= History ======= HEAD ==== V0.8 2011-02-09 =============== * ResourceDownloader objects and plugin point (#964) * Refactor PackageDownloader to use ResourceDownloader and support Resource filtering * Retrieval options for package resourcs (#405). Support selection of resources to download (on command line or API) via glob style patterns or user interaction. V0.7.1 2010-12-02 ================= * MINOR: soften dependency on ckanclient to >= 0.3 for better compatibility with CKAN V0.7 2010-10-11 =============== * MAJOR: Support for uploading datapkgs (upload.py) * MAJOR: Much improved and extended documenation * MAJOR: New sqlite-based DB index giving support for a simple, central, 'local' index (ticket:360) * MAJOR: Make datapkg easily extendable * Support for adding new Index types with plugins * Support for adding new Commands with command plugins * Support for adding new Distributions with distribution plugins * Improved package download support (also now pluggable) * Reimplement url download using only python std lib (removing urlgrabber requirment and simplifying installation) * Improved spec: support for db type index + better documentation * Better configuration management (especially internally) * Reduce dependencies by removing dependency on PasteScript and PasteDeploy (#98) * Various minor bugfixes and code improvements V0.6.1 2010-05-04 ================= * Bugfix release to address breaking changes in python >= 2.6.5 - see http://bugs.python.org/issue7904 V0.6 2010-04-28 =============== * Fixes for unicode in package metadata (when writing to disk) * Remove use of ast module as only in python 2.5/2.6 * Upgrade to use ckanclient 0.3 * Improved python api for usage of datapkg (load_package and load_index) V0.5 2010-02-12 =============== * Improve downloading of package resources (and remove dependency on pip) * Improved installation with metadata written consistently (install now really, really works!) * Register to disk works (writes metadata to disk) * Continued improvements to CLI and documentation V0.4.1 2010-01-19 ================= * Restrict to pip<=0.6.1 (just released pip 0.6.2 has major code re-layout which causes breakages) V0.4 2009-12-28 =============== * Major refactoring to simplify and standardize CLI using 'package specs' * Support for searching indices from CLI, e.g.:: datapkg search ckan:// myquery * Simple installation onto disk * Overhauled and improved documentation and put docs online V0.3 2009-08-25 =============== This release features major improvements over v0.2 particularly in area of CKAN integration with 'write' support especially improved. * Better and more flexible system for reading and writing packages to disk * New Distribution object to encapsulate writing and reading to disk * Implemenations for Python packages (PythonDistribution) and simple ini file (metadata.txt) format (IniBasedDistribution) * Improved approach for configuration with config stored in a dedicated ini file and lots of minor fixes to improve CLI experience * Create new Index object SimpleIndex * Completely overhaul package metadata with support for many additional attribues (author, maintainer, extras etc) * Improved, sphinx-built docs (http://knowledgeforge.net/ckan/doc/datapkg/) v0.2 2009-03-18 =============== * Completely refactor CLI making it better documented and easier to use * Support for 'flat' package structure on disk * Improve creation of on disk package (MANIFEST.in etc) * CKAN integration fully functional * Almost all commands now functioning *and* tested v0.1 2008-12-15 =============== * Manual much improved * CLI: info and dump commands working (r331) * Substantial improvements to interface to setuptools and easy_install (pypkgtools) * First official released to PyPI * Several bugs fixed v0.0.5 2008-07-15 ================= * Start on manual * Core objects mostly working: Register, Repository, Package * Integration with CKAN (not tested) * Lots of tests * Basic functions but a way to go for proper upload/download cycle 2007-06-20: Project Started ===========================