Source code for curate.builtins

import urllib2
from logging import getLogger
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
from import SPARQLStore
from import queue
from ll.url import URL

[docs]def cmpURI(lhsp, rhsp): """ :param lhsp, rhsp: two urls to be compared according to RFC2396 equality """ log = getLogger("cmpURI(%s, %s)" % (lhsp.n3(), rhsp.n3())) log.debug("init") def f(lhs, rhs): u1 = URL(lhs) u2 = URL(rhs) log.debug("%s == %s" % (u1, u2)) return u1 == u2 return f
def sparqlCheck(_unusedp, endpointp): """ :param endpointp: endpoint pattern, the bound version of which will be checked Check if the SPARQL endpoint functions. In this context, to *function* means returning a result when given a simple query. The query used is: SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 1 """ log = getLogger("sparqlCheck(%s, %s)" % (_unusedp.n3(), endpointp.n3())) log.debug("init") def f(_unused, endpoint): store = SPARQLStore(endpoint) try: ## as generic a query as possible q = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 1" for x in ConjunctiveGraph(store).query(q): return True except Exception, e: log.warn("%s", e) return False return f