Source code for curate.actions

import sys
import urllib2
from urlparse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, Variable, BNode
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from import SPARQLStore
from FuXi.Rete.Util import generateTokenSet
from import queue

RDF = Namespace("")
RDFS = Namespace("")
DCT = Namespace("")
HTTP = Namespace("")
METH = Namespace("")
CURL = Namespace("")

[docs]class Action(object): def __init__(self, sbind, obind): self.sbind = sbind self.obind = obind self.log = getLogger("%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, sbind.n3(), obind.n3())) self.log.debug("init") def get(self, term, token): if isinstance(term, Variable): for binding in token.bindings: if term in binding: return binding[term] return term
[docs]class httpReq(Action): def __call__(self, tNode, inferredTriple, token, _binding, debug = False): """ Check if the given resource responds with data to an HTTP REQ request. """ resource = self.get(self.sbind, token) method = self.get(self.obind, token)"%s" % resource) class _Request(urllib2.Request): def get_method(self): return method request = _Request(resource) #g = g = Graph() conn = BNode() g.add((conn, RDF["type"], HTTP["Connection"])) g.add((conn, DCT["date"], Literal(datetime.utcnow()))) parsed = urlparse(resource) host, port = parsed.hostname, parsed.port if port is None: if parsed.scheme == "https:": port = 443 else: port = 80 g.add((conn, HTTP["connectionAuthority"], Literal("%s:%s" % (host, port)))) req = BNode() g.add((conn, HTTP["requests"], req)) g.add((req, RDF["type"], HTTP["Request"])) g.add((req, HTTP["methodName"], Literal("HEAD"))) g.add((req, HTTP["mthd"], METH["HEAD"])) g.add((req, HTTP["requestURI"], resource)) if request.headers: self.record_headers(g, req, request.headers) resp = BNode() g.add((req, HTTP["resp"], resp)) g.add((resp, RDF["type"], HTTP["Response"])) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request) g.add((resp, HTTP["statusCodeNumber"], Literal("%s" % response.getcode()))) if response.headers: self.record_headers(g, resp, response.headers) content = response.close() except urllib2.HTTPError, response: g.add((resp, HTTP["statusCodeNumber"], Literal("%s" % response.getcode()))) if response.headers: self.record_headers(g, resp, response.headers) content = response.close() self.log.error("%s %s" % (resource, response)) except urllib2.URLError, e: g.add((resp, HTTP["statusCodeNumber"], Literal("-1"))) g.add((conn, RDFS["comment"], Literal(e.reason))) self.log.error("%s %s" % (resource, e)) += g def record_headers(self, g, msg, hdict): for h in hdict: head = BNode() g.add((msg, HTTP["headers"], head)) g.add((head, RDF["type"], HTTP["MessageHeader"])) g.add((head, HTTP["fieldName"], Literal(h))) g.add((head, HTTP["fieldValue"], Literal(hdict[h])))
[docs]class curlReq(Action): def http_conn(self, g, resource, method): conn = BNode() g.add((conn, RDF["type"], HTTP["Connection"])) g.add((conn, DCT["date"], Literal(datetime.utcnow()))) parsed = urlparse(resource) host = parsed.hostname try: port = parsed.port except: port = None if port is None: if parsed.scheme == "https:": port = 443 else: port = 80 g.add((conn, HTTP["connectionAuthority"], Literal("%s:%s" % (host, port)))) req = BNode() g.add((conn, HTTP["requests"], req)) g.add((req, RDF["type"], HTTP["Request"])) g.add((req, HTTP["methodName"], Literal(method))) g.add((req, HTTP["mthd"], METH[method])) g.add((req, HTTP["requestURI"], resource)) resp = BNode() g.add((req, HTTP["resp"], resp)) g.add((resp, RDF["type"], HTTP["Response"])) return resp def generic_conn(self, g, resource, method): conn = BNode() g.add((conn, RDF["type"], CURL["Curl"])) g.add((conn, DCT["date"], Literal(datetime.utcnow()))) g.add((conn, CURL["uri"], resource)) return conn def recode(self, s): try: return s.decode("utf-8") except: pass try: return s.decode("latin1") except: pass try: return s.decode("koi8-r") except: pass raise UnicodeError(s) def __call__(self, tNode, inferredTriple, token, _binding, debug = False): import pycurl resource = self.get(self.sbind, token) method = self.get(self.obind, token)"Fetching %s" % resource) parsed_resource = urlparse(resource) g = Graph() c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(c.URL, str(resource)) c.setopt(c.FAILONERROR, 0) c.setopt(c.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) c.setopt(c.MAXREDIRS, 5) c.setopt(c.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10) if parsed_resource.scheme in ("http", "https"): resp = self.http_conn(g, resource, method) def handle_header(h): h = h.strip() if ":" in h: k, v = [x.strip() for x in h.split(":", 1)] head = BNode() g.add((resp, HTTP["headers"], head)) g.add((head, RDF["type"], HTTP["MessageHeader"])) g.add((head, HTTP["fieldName"], Literal(k))) g.add((head, HTTP["fieldValue"], Literal(v))) def handle_data(s): s = self.recode(s) g.add((resp, HTTP["body"], Literal(s))) return 0 c.setopt(c.HEADERFUNCTION, handle_header) c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, handle_data) if method == u"HEAD": c.setopt(c.NOBODY, 1) else: resp = self.generic_conn(g, resource, method) def handle_data(s): s = self.recode(s) g.add((resp, CURL["data"], Literal(s))) return 0 c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, handle_data) if parsed_resource.scheme in ("https"): c.setopt(c.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) success = False try: c.perform() success = True except pycurl.error, e: ## why do we have to do this manually here? sys.exc_clear() if e.args[0] == pycurl.E_WRITE_ERROR: ## we purposely fail the write in order not to ## download the whole thing success = True else: g.add((resp, RDFS["comment"], Literal(e.args[1]))) if parsed_resource.scheme in ("http", "https"): code = c.getinfo(c.HTTP_CODE) g.add((resp, HTTP["statusCodeNumber"], Literal("%s" % code))) if code > 399: success = False if success: g.add((resp, CURL["status"], CURL["Success"])) else: g.add((resp, CURL["status"], CURL["Failure"])) c.close() += g
[docs]class addTag(Action): def __call__(self, tNode, inferredTriple, token, _binding, debug = False): dataset = self.get(self.sbind, token) tag = self.get(self.obind, token) queue.add(dataset, "tags", [unicode(tag)])
[docs]class delTag(Action): def __call__(self, tNode, inferredTriple, token, _binding, debug = False): dataset = self.get(self.sbind, token) tag = self.get(self.obind, token) queue.remove(dataset, "tags", [unicode(tag)])
[docs]class addGroup(Action): def __call__(self, tNode, inferredTriple, token, _binding, debug = False): dataset = self.get(self.sbind, token) group = self.get(self.obind, token) if isinstance(group, URIRef): _, group = group.rsplit("/", 1) elif isinstance(group, Literal): _, group = unicode(group) else: return queue.add(dataset, "groups", [unicode(group)])