*************** MongoDB Backend *************** Requirements: `pymongo`:: pip install pymongo Store Configuration =================== Type is ``mongo`` * ``url`` – Mongo database URL, for example ``mongodb://localhost:37017/`` * ``database`` – name of the Mongo database * ``collection`` – name of mongo collection where documents are facts Example:: [store] type: mongo url: mongodb://localhost:37017/ database: MongoBI collection: activations Mappings ======== Custom aggregate with function provided in the mapping: .. code-block:: javascript "aggregates": [ { "name": "subtotal", } ], "mappings": { "subtotas": { "field": "cart_subtotal", "group": { "$sum": "$subtotal" } } } Collection Filter ================= To apply a filter for the whole collection: .. code-block:: javascript "browser_options": { "filter": { "type": "only_this_type", "category": 1 } }