gevent Interface

The gcouchbase module offers a complete API which is fully compatible with the couchbase.bucket.Bucket API, but is fully aware and optimized for the gevent Hub.

Currently, this has been tested with gevent version 0.13 and 1.0.0.

As the gcouchbase implementation relies on gevent internal APIs itself there may be incompatibilities between minor gevent releases, although this is not expected.

Example usage:

from gcouchbase import Bucket
cb = Bucket('couchbase://localhost/default')

# Like the normal Bucket API
res = cb.upsert("foo", "bar")
res = cb.get("foo")

viewiter = cb.query("beer", "brewery_beers", limit=4)
for row in viewiter:
    print("Have row {0}".format(row))
class gcouchbase.bucket.Bucket(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: couchbase.async.bucket.AsyncBucket

This class is a ‘GEvent’-optimized subclass of libcouchbase which utilizes the underlying IOPS structures and the gevent event primitives to efficiently utilize couroutine switching.