Source code for core

# core/

""" basic package for the program. """

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014 B.H.J Thate"
__version__ = 40


from core.utils import show_eggs, get_how, get_clsname, headertxt, get_plugname
from core.utils import txt_parse, list_files, pretty, get_strace, get_name
from core.utils import j, cdir, rtime, error, smooth, short_date
from core.utils import a_time, nr_days
from core.defines import YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, ENDC
from core.log import datefmt

import collections
import hashlib
import threading
import importlib
import logging
import inspect
import _thread
import pkgutil
import socket
import fcntl
import queue
import types
import errno
import core
import json
import time
import cgi
import sys
import os
import re


homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
try: hostname = socket.getfqdn()
except: hostname = "localhost"
port = 10102


[docs]class Object(dict): """ basic Object on which the rest of the program is based. """ def __getattribute__(zelf, *args, **kwargs): name = args[0] if name == "parsed": return txt_parse(zelf.get_rest()) if name == "url": return zelf.get_url("get") if name == "url_show": return zelf.get_url("show") if name == "what": return get_clsname(zelf) if name == "how" and "func" in zelf: return get_how(zelf.func) return dict.__getattribute__(zelf, *args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(zelf, name): if name in zelf: return zelf[name] if name == "_ready": zelf["_ready"] = threading.Event() if name == "_status": zelf["_status"] = Object() if name == "_state": zelf["_state"] = Object() if name == "_run": zelf["_run"] = Object() if name == "_no_save": zelf["_no_save"] = Object() if name not in zelf: raise AttributeError(name) return zelf[name] def __setattr__(zelf, name, value): if name in zelf and type(zelf[name]) in [types.BuiltinMethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType]: raise OverloadError(name) return dict.__setitem__(zelf, name, value) def __iter__(zelf): for key in zelf.keys(): yield key ## FLEET
[docs] def announce(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ announce to all the running cores. """ for bot in kernel.fleet: bot.announce(args[0]) ## STATE
[docs] def define(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ set a attribute on this object. """ name = args[0] value = args[1] zelf[name] = value
[docs] def register(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ register a value in a list on this object. """ o = Object() = args[0] o.func = args[1] if not in zelf: zelf[] = [] zelf[].append(o)
[docs] def remove(zelf, *args, **kwargs): name = args[0] if name in zelf: del zelf[name] zelf[name] = [] ## GETTERS
[docs] def get_root(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ root directory of the program. """ return j(os.path.expanduser("~"), *args)
[docs] def get_cmnd(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ determine the command in the zelf.txt attribute, if present. """ if "txt" in zelf and zelf.txt: val = zelf.txt.split()[0] if not val: return if "cc" in zelf: if val[0] != return else: return val[1:] return val
[docs] def get_rest(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ get the rest of the txt attribute. """ try: cmnd, rest = zelf.txt.split(" ", 1) ; return rest except ValueError: return ""
[docs] def get_args(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ get the arguments of the txt attribute. """ if "txt" in zelf: return zelf.txt.split()
[docs] def get_days(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ get the number of days relative to the object's creation time. """ t1 = time.time() t2 = a_time(zelf.get_timed()) if t2: time_diff = float(t1 - t2) return nr_days(time_diff)
[docs] def get_timed(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ retrieve the creation time of an object. """ val = "" if "Date" in zelf: val = short_date(zelf.Date) elif "date" in zelf: val = short_date( elif "published" in zelf: val = short_date(zelf.published) elif "saved" in zelf: val = short_date(zelf.saved) elif "added" in zelf: val = short_date(zelf.added) return val
[docs] def get_parsed(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ parse the txt attribute. """ rest = zelf.get_rest() return txt_parse(rest)
[docs] def get_keys(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ skip the unwanted keys e.g those that start with a "_". """ for key in zelf.keys(): k = str(key) if k.startswith("_"): continue yield key
[docs] def get_obj(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ cloned object, with only the proper keys used. """ res = Object() for key in zelf.get_keys(): res[key] = zelf[key] return res
[docs] def get_slice(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ take a slice of the Object. """ o = Object() arguments = args[0] for arg in arguments: try: o[arg] = zelf[arg] except KeyError: continue return o
[docs] def get_path(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ timestamp of related filename. """ if "path" in zelf._no_save: return zelf._no_save.path
[docs] def get_filetime(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ timestamp of related filename. """ if "path" in zelf._no_save: return zelf._no_save.path.split(os.sep)[-1]
[docs] def get_url(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ url of the object's file so that it can be retrieved when API server is running. """ import core.plugs.api as api fn = os.sep.join(zelf.get_path().split(os.sep)[-2:]) if fn: return "http://%s:%s/%s/%s" % (hostname, port, args[0], fn) ## CHECKERS
[docs] def check_wanted(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ whether an object is desired. """ want = args[0] for key, value in want.items(): if key == "format": continue if key not in zelf: continue if value.startswith("-"): continue if value not in str(zelf[key]): return False return True
[docs] def check_notwanted(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ whether an object is not desired. """ not_want = args[0] for key, value in not_want.items(): if key == "format": continue if key not in zelf: continue if value in zelf[key]: return True return False ## INPUT
[docs] def load(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ load a JSON file into this object. """ if args: path = args[0] else: path = zelf._no_save["path"] ondisk = fromdisk = json.loads(ondisk) zelf._no_save.path = path zelf.update(fromdisk) if "data" in zelf: zelf.update( return zelf
[docs] def read(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ read the JSON file from disk. """ path = args[0] try: f = open(path, "r") except IOError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ENOENT: return "{}" raise res = "" for line in f: if not line.strip().startswith("#"): res += line if not res.strip(): return "{}" f.close() return res ## PERSISTENCE
[docs] def write(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ actual write to disk. """ path = args[0] logging.warn("write %s" % path) base, fn = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))) cdir(base) datafile = open(path + ".tmp", 'w') fcntl.flock(datafile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) datafile.write(zelf.to_json(*args, **kwargs)) datafile.write("\n") fcntl.flock(datafile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) datafile.close() os.rename(path + ".tmp", path) return zelf
[docs] def to_disk(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ create JSON ready to be saved to disk. """ path = args[0] todisk = Object() todisk.create_type = zelf.what todisk.version = __version__ todisk.saved = time.ctime(time.time()) = zelf.get_obj() todisk.signature = todisk.make_signature() try: result = todisk.to_json(indent=2, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True) except TypeError: raise NoJSON() return result
[docs] def save(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ save JSON to disk. """ if not args: t = rtime() else: t = args[0] root = j(kernel.cfg.workdir, t) #cdir(root) zelf.sync(root) return root
[docs] def sync(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ sync JSON to disk. """ try: path = args[0] ; zelf._no_save.path = path except IndexError: path = zelf._no_save.path logging.warn("sync %s" % path) d, fn = os.path.split(path) cdir(d) todisk = zelf.to_disk(path, **kwargs) datafile = open(os.path.abspath(path) + ".tmp", 'w') fcntl.flock(datafile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) datafile.write(headertxt % (__version__, "%s characters" % len(todisk))) datafile.write(todisk) datafile.write("\n") fcntl.flock(datafile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) datafile.close() os.rename(path + ".tmp", path) return zelf ## OUTPUT
[docs] def reply(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ send reply to origin. """ if "outer" in zelf: zelf.outer.write(str(args[0]) + "\n") ; zelf.outer.flush() ; return txt = args[0] if "channel" in zelf: zelf._target.say(, txt) else: zelf._target._raw(txt)
[docs] def say(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ output text through the _target attribute. """ zelf._target.say(args[0], args[1])
[docs] def ok(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ signal ok. """ if "_target" in zelf: zelf.reply("ok %s" % " ".join([str(a) for a in args]))
[docs] def show(zelf): """ list of key,value pairs. """ return ["%s=%s" % (a, b) for a, b in zelf.items()] ## ITERATORS
[docs] def objects(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ list of all object's. """ if "time" in kwargs: desired_time = kwargs["time"] else: desired_time = "" objs = [] path = zelf.get_root(kernel.cfg.workdir) logging.warn("loading %s" % path) for fnn in list_files(path, **kwargs): obj = Object().load(fnn, **kwargs) if args and args[0] not in obj: continue if desired_time and desired_time not in obj.get_timed(): continue if "deleted" in obj and obj.deleted: continue objs.append(obj) return objs
[docs] def selected(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ list of desired objects. """ parsed = args[0] if kernel.cfg.get("debug", None): logging.warn("> parse %s" % parsed.pretty()) if "exclude" in kwargs: exclude = kwargs["exclude"] else: exclude = None if exclude in parsed.args: parsed.args.remove(exclude) if "time" in parsed.wanted: kwargs["time"] = parsed.wanted.time objs = [] for obj in zelf.objects(**kwargs): if not obj.check_wanted(parsed.wanted): continue if not "full" in kwargs and not obj.selector(parsed.args): continue if obj.check_notwanted(parsed.not_wanted): continue objs.append(obj) return objs ## SELECTOR
[docs] def selector(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ see if this objects has the desired attributes. """ wanted = args[0] if not wanted: return True go = False for w in wanted: if zelf.get(w, ""): go = True ; break return go ## TIME RELATED
[docs] def first(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ return the first object where the key and/or value matches. """ key = args[0] try: value = args[1] except IndexError: value = None result = None for o in zelf.objects(): if key not in o: continue if value and o[key] != value: continue if not result: result = o if o.get("saved", "") < result.get("saved", ""): result = o return result
[docs] def last(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ return the last object where the key and/or value matches. """ key = args[0] try: value = args[1] except IndexError: value = None result = None for o in zelf.objects(): if key not in o: continue if value and value != o[key]: continue if not result: result = o if a_time(short_date(o.saved)) > a_time(short_date(result.saved)): result = o return result ## WAITERS
[docs] def ready(zelf): """ signal to ready state. """ logging.debug("ready %s %s" % (get_name(zelf), get_strace())) zelf._ready.set()
[docs] def clear(zelf): """ clear the ready state. """ logging.debug("clear %s %s" % (get_name(zelf), get_strace())) zelf._ready.clear()
[docs] def wait(zelf, sec=180.0): """ wait for ready state. """ logging.debug("wait %s %s" % (get_name(zelf), get_strace())) try: zelf._ready.wait(sec) except: pass ## HELPERS
[docs] def to_json(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ JSON string representation of this object. """ return json.dumps(zelf.get_obj(*args, **kwargs), default=smooth, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_full(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ full JSON dump of this object. """ return json.dumps(zelf, default=smooth, indent=4)
[docs] def make_signature(zelf, sig=None): """ signature of the data contained in this object. """ if "data" in zelf: return str(hashlib.sha1(bytes(str(, "utf-8")).hexdigest()) raise NotSet
[docs] def make_path(zelf, *args, **kwargs): """ create workdir if necessary. """ path = zelf.get_path(*args, **kwargs) ; cdir(path) ; return path
[docs] def pretty(zelf): """ nice formatted JSON string of this object. """ return json.dumps(zelf.get_obj(), indent=2, default=pretty, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=True) ## BOOT
[docs]def boot(*args, **kwargs): """ get the program properly initialized. """ global kernel global workdir if args: cfg = args[0] else: cfg = Object() if "mods" not in cfg: cfg.mods = [] cfg.loglevel = cfg.get("loglevel", "error") core.log.init(cfg.loglevel) cfg.workdir = cfg.get("workdir", None) or cfg.get("wantdir", None) or homedir + os.sep + "" if cfg.get("eggs", None): cfg.workdir = os.path.expanduser(j(os.getcwd(), "data")) cdir(cfg.workdir) kernel.cfg.update(cfg) if kernel.cfg.loglevel != "error": for line in logging.warn(line) if kernel.cfg.loglevel != "error": print("") print("%sDEPENDS%s" % (GREEN, ENDC)) print("") show_eggs("core") for mod in kernel.cfg.mods: show_eggs(mod) print("") print("%sPLUGINS%s" % (BLUE, ENDC)) print("") kernel.plugs.load_plugs("core.plugs") for mod in kernel.cfg.mods: kernel.plugs.load_plugs("%s.plugs" % mod) kernel.plugs.init(cfg.get("init", "")) kernel.plugs.wait() if and kernel.cfg.loglevel != "error": print("") kernel.ready() return kernel ## SHUTDOWN
[docs]def shutdown(): """ close the program in a appropiate manner. """ global kernel for obj in if obj == None: continue try: obj.exit() except AttributeError: pass except: error() kernel.cmnds.exit() kernel.plugs.exit() if print("") ; logging.warn("exit") os._exit(0) ## KERNEL
import core.dispatch import core.plugins kernel = Object() kernel.cmnds = core.dispatch.Dispatcher() kernel.workers = core.dispatch.Dispatcher() kernel.plugs = core.plugins.Plugins() = Object() kernel.cfg = Object() kernel.fleet = []