
The tools package contains modules that work alongside the ConfigTreeView implementation. The tools package contains:

dataformatter module
A tool to convert a row of data that follows the structure defined by the ConfigTreeView implementation into the format that a GtkListStore expects( python list [] format) by mapping the index_map of the ConfigTreeView to the types list defined at ConfigTreeView runtime.

dataformatter Module

class, types)

TreeView data coming from the server will come in list of dicts. Each dict represents a row in the treeview. Each key-path in the dict corresponds to an index as defined in the index_map of a ConfigTreeView. Example index_map( mapping a column hierachy to an index in the TreeView row):

{'address': {'markup': 6},
 'cell-bg-index': 10,
 'comments': {'markup': 7},
 'contact': {'markup': 3},
 'market': {'pixbuf': 5},
 'name': {'markup': 11},
 'payment': [{'markup': 8}, {'markup': 9}],
 'placed': {'markup': 4},
 'shipping': {'markup': 2},
 'status': [{'markup': 0}, {'markup': 1}]

Sample data(Key-paths will have the same hierarchy as the index_map:

  'market': {'pixbuf': 'images/pixbufs/my_image.png'},
  'name': {'markup': 'Wesley Hansen'},
  'cell-bg-index': 'blue',
  'address':{'markup': '2336 112th Avenue'}

As you can see, the data coming from the server will share the same hierarchy, as this is important to determine which column/renderer and, ultimately, the index in a row to insert the data into.

The DataFormatter will take care of this, creating a simple API to do it. It will be able to, taking in an index_map and a types list(these things are taken from a ConfigTreeView), take in data and generate formatted rows, which are ready for either appending to a liststore, or some other post-formatting function.

__init__(index_map, types)

Create a new data formatter with the given index_map and types

  • index_map – A dict that maps a key location to an index in the types list
  • types – A list of types that describe what data types, and the order with which, a row of data for this gtk.TreeView‘s TreeModel is expecting

Returns an empty list with the correct length a gtk.TreeModel with the given index_map (from the constructor) expects.

Example: if the index_map contained 4 different values of type str, then this function would return: [None, None, None, None]


Yields formatted rows of data where data is a list of dicts, where each dict’s key-path has a valid value in index_map...if it doesn’t a warning is printed out, and that value is skipped in that row.

Parameters:data – The data, whose structure is a list of dicts, as described by the index_map.

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