Writing custom option types


The schema reference documentation explains how to use configglue’s standard option classes – BoolOption, IntOption, etc. For many purposes, those classes are all you’ll need. Sometimes, though, the configglue version won’t meet your precise requirements, or you’ll want to use a option that is entirely different from those shipped with configglue.

configglue’s built-in option types don’t cover every possible data type – only the common types, such as bool and int. For more obscure data types, such as complex numbers or even user-created types you can define your own configglue Option subclasses.

Writing an option subclass

When planning your Option subclass, first give some thought to which existing Option class your new option is most similar to. Can you subclass an existing configglue option and save yourself some work? If not, you should subclass the Option class, from which everything is descended.

Initializing your new option is a matter of separating out any arguments that are specific to your case from the common arguments and passing the latter to the __init__() method of Option (or your parent class).

In our example, we’ll call our option UpperCaseDictOption. (It’s a good idea to call your Option subclass <Something>Option, so it’s easily identifiable as a Option subclass.) It behaves mostly like a DictOption, so we’ll subclass from that:

from configglue import schema

class UpperCaseDictOption(schema.DictOption):
    """ A DictOption with all upper-case keys. """

    def parse(self, section, parser=None, raw=False):
        parsed = super(UpperCaseDictOption, self).parse(
            section, parser, raw)
        result = {}
        for k, v in parsed.items():
            result[k.upper()] = v
        return result

Our UpperCaseDictOption will represent a dictionary with all-uppercase keys.

So, let’s assume we have a configuration file (see documentation on configuration files for details) that includes:

mydict = mydict_section

foo = 1
bar = 2

and a schema like:

class MySchema(schema.Schema):
    mydict = UpperCaseDictOption()

When parsing this configuration file, the parser will contain the following value for the mydict attribute:

{'FOO': '1', 'BAR': '2'}


Note that the dictionary values are strings because we didn’t specify an item type for the UpperCaseDictOption, and so it defaulted to StringOption.

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