================= What to read next ================= So you've read all the :doc:`introductory material ` and have decided you'd like to keep using configglue. We've only just scratched the surface with this intro. So what's next? Well, we've always been big fans of learning by doing. At this point you should know enough to start fooling around. As you need to learn new tricks, come back to the documentation. We've put a lot of effort into making confgglue's documentation useful, easy to read and as complete as possible. The rest of this document explains more about how the documentation works so that you can get the most out of it. How the documentation is organized ================================== configglue's main documentation is broken up into "chunks" designed to fill different needs: * The :doc:`introductory material ` is designed for people new to configglue. It doesn't cover anything in depth, but instead gives a high-level overview of how developing in configglue "feels". * The :doc:`topic guides `, on the other hand, dive deep into individual parts of configglue. There are complete guides to configglue's :doc:`schema system `, :doc:`configuration files `, :doc:`command-line integration `, and much more. This is probably where you'll want to spend most of your time; if you work your way through these guides you should come out knowing pretty much everything there is to know about configglue. * We've written a set of :doc:`how-to guides ` that answer common "How do I ...?" questions. Here you'll find information about :doc:`writing custom option types `, and more. * The guides and how-to's don't cover every single class, function, and method available in configglue -- that would be overwhelming when you're trying to learn. Instead, details about individual classes, functions, methods, and modules are kept in the :doc:`reference `. This is where you'll turn to find the details of a particular function or whathaveyou.