Source code for collective.smsauthenticator.browser.settings_helper
from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
from plone import api
from Products.Five import BrowserView
from collective.smsauthenticator.helpers import (
is_two_step_verification_globally_enabled, has_enabled_two_step_verification
_ = MessageFactory('collective.smsauthenticator')
[docs]class SettingsHelper(BrowserView):
Helper view for accessing some conditions from portal actions (actions.xml).
def __init__(self, context, request):
self.context = context
self.request = request
[docs] def is_two_step_verification_globally_enabled(self):
Disable the two-step verification for the user and redirect back to the `@@personal-information`.
return is_two_step_verification_globally_enabled()
[docs] def show_enable_two_step_verification_link(self):
Indicates whether the enable two-step verification link should be shown.
The following conditions shall be met for True to be returned:
- User hasn't enabled the two-step verification for his account.
- In app settings, the globally enable two-step verification is set to False.
:return bool:
user = api.user.get_current()
return not is_two_step_verification_globally_enabled() \
and (has_enabled_two_step_verification(user) is False)
[docs] def show_disable_two_step_verification_link(self):
Indicates whether the disable two-step verification link should be shown.
The following conditions shall be met for True to be returned:
- User hasn enabled the two-step verification for his account.
- In app settings, the globally enable two-step verification is set to False.
:return bool:
user = api.user.get_current()
return not is_two_step_verification_globally_enabled() and has_enabled_two_step_verification(user)