============ Introduction ============ .. The width and height in points make it look OK in PDF and not take up the whole page. .. image:: singing-dancing.jpg :alt: Singing & Dancing Logo by Giuseppe Zizza :width: 272pt :height: 165pt *Singing & Dancing* is the next generation newsletter Product for Plone. It's an out of the box solution that works without modification for most of your use cases. And should you find something that Singing & Dancing can't do, it's built to be easily extended via plug-ins using the Zope 3 Component Architecture. Features ======== Modern and extensible Singing & Dancing builds on the latest and greatest efforts in the Zope and Plone world. It makes heavy use of the excellent ``z3c.form`` library and the Zope 3 Component Architecture. This allows you to easily plug in and extend Singing & Dancing to fit your needs. Well tested An extensive suite of automated tests make Singing & Dancing exceptionally stable and reliable. We currently have 200+ tests. Singing & Dancing is not gonna leave you in the lurch! Fully managable through the Plone interface Singing & Dancing is fully usable out of the box. An extensive set of forms reachable through the configuration panel let you as the user configure many details of your newsletters, like *when* they're sent (periodically or manually), *what* is sent (through the use of the *Smart Folder* interface, or manually), and to whom. Subscriptions Singing & Dancing uses *confirmed subscription*, i.e. subscribers receive an e-mail to confirm their subscription. Users can subscribe via a standard subscription form that lists all available newsletters in the site, or through individual subscription forms, e.g. in portlets. Automatic newsletters You can both send newsletters by creating a Page in Plone and send that as a newsletter, or have automatic sending out of newsletters regularily by collecting for example News items in the site. .. _contact-us: Contact us ========== If you have a question, or comment, get in touch with us! Our `mailing list`_ is a good place to do so. If you find a bug, please `let us know`_. We also have an IRC channel called ``#singing-dancing`` on Freenode_. Donate ====== Developing software as Open Source can be a thankless task sometimes. If you're a happy user of Singing & Dancing, and you'd like to show your appreciation, you might want to `donate via PayPal`_. There's other ways to contribute to the project if you're not a developer; one is to post a message to the `mailing list`_ describing any successes or problems that you have with the software. That's the only way we can know if S&D is working correctly for you. Another is to add a screenshot to the `sites using S&D`_. .. _mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/singing-dancing .. _let us know: http://bugs.launchpad.net/singing-dancing/+filebug .. _Freenode: http://freenode.net .. _donate via PayPal: http://ur1.ca/2d41 .. _sites using S&D: http://ur1.ca/2d4p