Source code for coding

#!/usr/bin/env python -3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2010, 2013 K Richard Pixley
# See LICENSE for details.
# Time-stamp: <29-Jun-2013 00:57:40 PDT by>

Coding is a base class which provides an answer to the issue of how to
create enums in python.

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

#__all__ = []

[docs]class Coding(object): """ This class is related to the way that enums are handled in C. It is intended to be subclassed rather than instantiated directly. Each subclass comprises an independent type which is suitable for type checking as well as a grouping of (name, code, closure) triples. Each instance of a subclass represents a specific (name, code, closure) triple. Within a subclass, items can be looked up by name or by code or traversed by name or by code. For example:: import coding class PeopleCoding(coding.Coding): \""" This is a group of people. Closure is used here as a description but in other subclasses it could be used to represent just about anything including function pointers or closures. \""" bycode = byname = {} # so PeopleCoding will have it's own # dicts rather than sharing those of # the base class PeopleCoding('Bob', 1, 'This code represents Bob.') PeopleCoding('Carol', 2, 'Carol represented here') PeopleCoding('Ted', 3, 'Better Ted than Fred') PeopleCoding('Alice', 4, 'Doesn\'t live here anymore') You can now lookup codes:: PeopleCoding.byname['Bob'].code Or names:: PeopleCoding.bycode[3].name Closures by code:: PeopleCoding.bycode[3].closure Or by name:: PeopleCoding.byname['Bob'].closure Type conversions work as one might expect and, for convenience, the call value of an instance is the closure:: x = PeopleCoding.bycode[3] assert == str(x) assert x.code == int(x) assert x.closure == x() You can list all codes in this class:: [code for code in PeopleCoding.bycode] Or all names:: [name for name in PeopleCoding.byname] You can test for inclusion by name:: 'Herman' in PeopleCoding.byname Or by code:: 2 in PeopleCoding.bycode Note that each subclass of Coding represents a unique type:: assert isinstance(PeopleCoding.bycode[3], PeopleCoding) .. note:: Also note that codings should be considered immutable. .. todo:: Since the class wraps access to data attibutes, there's no reason it couldn't rework the dictionaries to support mutable instances. (Just make sure that when removing items from a dict, we remove the right items rather than some other item with the same key.) .. todo:: support for removing instances. .. todo:: class should include an aggregator for all instances. This will be different from iterating over the dicts when field overloading is in effect. """ byname = {} """ A dict. Note that this is a *class* attribute not an instance attribute. Keys are the names in this Coding class and values are the instances of this class. Each unique name in the grouping will exist in this dictionary exactly once. If *overload_names* is true, then the last instance with the name will be listed here. If *overload_names* is false, then an attempt to enter a second instance with a name which is already represented will raise a KeyError ec """ # pylint: disable=W0105 overload_names = False """ Each unique name in the grouping will exist in the *byname* dictionary exactly once. If *overload_names* is true, then the last instance with that name will be listed there. If *overload_names* is false, then an attempt to enter a second instance with a name which is already represented will raise a KeyError exception. The default is *False*. """ # pylint: disable=W0105 bycode = {} """ A dict. Note that this is a *class* attribute not an instance attribute. Keys are the codes in this Coding class and values are the instances of this class. Each code in the grouping will exist in this dictionary exactly once. If *overload_names* is true, then the last instance with the code will be listed here. If *overload_names* is false, then an attempt to enter a second instance with a name which is already represented will raise a KeyError exception. """ # pylint: disable=W0105 overload_codes = False """ Each unique code in the grouping will exist in the *bycode* dictionary exactly once. If *overload_codes* is true, then the last instance with that name will be listed there. If *overload_codes* is false, then an attempt to enter a second instance with a code which is already represented will raise a KeyError exception. The default is *False*. """ # pylint: disable=W0105 def __init__(self, name='', code=0, closure=None): """ Create a coding instance. """ self._name = name self._code = code self._closure = closure # only the last entry counts if ((not self.overload_names) and name in self.byname or ((not self.overload_codes) and code in self.bycode)): raise KeyError self.byname[name] = self self.bycode[code] = self @property def name(self): """name accessor""" return self._name @name.setter
[docs] def name(self, value): """name setter""" raise NotImplementedError
@property def code(self): """code accessor""" return self._code @code.setter
[docs] def code(self, value): """code setter""" raise NotImplementedError
@property def closure(self): """closure accessor""" return self._closure @closure.setter
[docs] def closure(self, value): """closure setter""" raise NotImplementedError
def __index__(self): return self.code def __hash__(self): return self.code def __int__(self): return self.code def __call__(self): return self.closure def __repr__(self): return '{0}(name={1}, code={2}, closure={3})'.format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.code, self.closure) def __str__(self): return
[docs]class NameMajorCoding(Coding): """ *NameMajorCoding* is a subclass of *Coding* and as such inherits all of the functionality of the Coding class. It adds the ability to compare two instances of this class or of derived classes. Comparisons are done in "name major" order. That is, names are compared first then codes. Closures are not compared. """ def __lt__(self, other): return ( < or (( == and (self.code < other.code))) def __le__(self, other): return ( <= or (( == and (self.code <= other.code))) def __eq__(self, other): return ( == and self.code == other.code) def __ne__(self, other): return ( != and self.code != other.code) def __gt__(self, other): return ( > or (( == and (self.code > other.code))) def __ge__(self, other): return ( >= or (( == and (self.code >= other.code)))
[docs]class CodeMajorCoding(Coding): """ *CodeMajorCoding* is a subclass of *Coding* and as such inherits all of the functionality of the Coding class. It adds the ability to compare two instances of this class or of derived classes. Comparisons are done in "code major" order. That is, codes are compared first then names. Closures are not compared. """ def __lt__(self, other): return (self.code < other.code or ((self.code == other.code) and ( < def __le__(self, other): return (self.code <= other.code or ((self.code == other.code) and ( <= def __eq__(self, other): return (self.code == other.code and == def __ne__(self, other): return (self.code != other.code and != def __gt__(self, other): return (self.code > other.code or ((self.code == other.code) and ( > def __ge__(self, other): return (self.code >= other.code or ((self.code == other.code) and ( >=