#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode:python; sh-basic-offset:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
# vim:set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# Copyright 2010, Ron Gorodetzky <ron@parktree.net>
# Copyright 2010, Jeremy Grosser <jeremy@synack.me>
# Copyright 2013, Jorge Gallegos <kad@blegh.net>
The ``entity`` application will hold all methods related to entity management
in clusto. That is: creation, querying, modification and overall entity
import bottle
from bottle import request
import clusto
from clustoapi import util
app = bottle.Bottle(autojson=False)
app.config['source_module'] = __name__
[docs]def list(driver=None):
Returns all entities, or (optionally) all entities of the given driver
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/entity/
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will list all entities
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/entity/clustometa
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will list all entities that match the driver ``clustometa``
The following example should fail because there is no driver ``nondriver``:
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/entity/nondriver
"The requested driver \"nondriver\" does not exist"
HTTP: 412
Content-type: application/json
result = []
kwargs = {}
mode = bottle.request.headers.get('Clusto-Mode', default='compact')
headers = {}
# Assignments are moved into the try block because of the int casting.
current = int(bottle.request.headers.get('Clusto-Page', default='0'))
per = int(bottle.request.headers.get('Clusto-Per-Page', default='50'))
except TypeError as ve:
return util.dumps('%s' % (ve,), 400)
for param in request.params.keys():
kwargs[param] = request.params.getall(param)
if driver:
if driver in clusto.driverlist:
kwargs['clusto_drivers'] = [clusto.driverlist[driver]]
return util.dumps('The requested driver "%s" does not exist' % (driver,), 412)
ents = clusto.get_entities(**kwargs)
if current:
ents, total = util.page(ents, current=current, per=per)
headers['Clusto-Pages'] = total
headers['Clusto-Per-Page'] = per
headers['Clusto-Page'] = current
for ent in ents:
result.append(util.show(ent, mode))
return util.dumps(result, headers=headers)
[docs]def create(driver):
Creates a new object of the given driver.
* Requires HTTP parameters ``name``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=createpool1' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
Will create a new ``pool1`` object with a ``pool`` driver. If the
``pool1`` object already exists, the status code returned will be 202,
and you will see whatever warnings in the ``Warnings`` header:
.. code:: bash
$ ${post_i} -d 'name=createpool1' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
Warnings: Entity(s) /pool/createpool1 already exist(s)...
If you try to create a server of an unknown driver, you should receive
a 412 status code back:
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=createobject' ${server_url}/entity/nondriver
"Requested driver \"nondriver\" does not exist"
HTTP: 412
Content-type: application/json
The following example:
.. code:: bash
$ ${post_i} -d 'name=createpool1' -d 'name=createpool2' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
Warnings: Entity(s) /pool/createpool1 already exist(s)...
Will attempt to create new objects ``createpool1`` and ``createpool2`` with
a ``pool`` driver. As all objects are validated prior to creation, if any of
them already exists the return code will be 202 (Accepted) and you will get
an extra header ``Warnings`` with the message.
if driver not in clusto.driverlist:
return util.dumps('Requested driver "%s" does not exist' % (driver,), 412)
cls = clusto.driverlist[driver]
names = request.params.getall('name')
found = []
for name in names:
except LookupError:
result = []
for name in names:
result.append(util.unclusto(clusto.get_or_create(name, cls)))
headers = {}
if found:
headers['Warnings'] = 'Entity(s) %s already exist(s)' % (','.join(found),)
code = 201
if found:
code = 202
return util.dumps(result, code, headers=headers)
[docs]def delete(driver, name):
Deletes an object if it matches the given driver
* Requires HTTP parameters ``name``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=servercreated' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${delete} ${server_url}/entity/nondriver/servercreated
"Requested driver \"nondriver\" does not exist"
HTTP: 412
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${delete} ${server_url}/entity/basicserver/servercreated
HTTP: 204
.. code:: bash
$ ${delete} ${server_url}/entity/basicserver/servercreated
HTTP: 404
Content-type: None
Will create a new ``servercreated`` object with a ``basicserver`` driver. Then
it will proceed to delete it. If the operation succeeded, it will return a 200,
if the object doesn't exist, it will return a 404.
if driver not in clusto.driverlist:
return util.dumps('Requested driver "%s" does not exist' % (driver,), 412)
notfound = None
obj = clusto.get_by_name(name)
except LookupError:
notfound = name
code = 204
if notfound:
code = 404
return bottle.HTTPResponse('', code, headers={'Content-type': None})
[docs]def show(driver, name):
Returns a json representation of the given object
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=showpool' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/entity/pool/showpool
"attrs": [],
"contents": [],
"driver": "pool",
"name": "showpool",
"parents": []
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will return a JSON representation of the previously created ``showpool``.
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/entity/basicserver/showpool
"The driver for object \"showpool\" is not \"basicserver\""
HTTP: 409
Content-type: application/json
Will yield a 409 (Conflict) because the object ``showpool`` is not a
``basicserver`` object.
obj, status, msg = util.get(name, driver)
if not obj:
return util.dumps(msg, status)
return util.dumps(util.show(obj))
[docs]def action(driver, name):
Inserts/removes the given device from the request parameters into/from the object
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=pool1' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=server1' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'device=server1' -d 'action=insert' ${server_url}/entity/pool/pool1
"attrs": [],
"contents": [
"driver": "pool",
"name": "pool1",
"parents": []
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'device=server1' -d 'action=remove' ${server_url}/entity/pool/pool1
"attrs": [],
"contents": [],
"driver": "pool",
"name": "pool1",
"parents": []
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
#. Create a pool entity called ``pool1``
#. Create a basicserver entity called ``server1``
#. Insert the entity ``server1`` into the entity ``pool1``
#. Remove the entity ``server1`` from the entity ``pool1``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=pool2' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=server2' -d 'name=server3' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'device=server2' -d 'device=server3' -d 'action=insert' ${server_url}/entity/pool/pool2
"attrs": [],
"contents": [
"driver": "pool",
"name": "pool2",
"parents": []
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'device=server2' -d 'device=server3' -d 'action=remove' ${server_url}/entity/pool/pool2
"attrs": [],
"contents": [],
"driver": "pool",
"name": "pool2",
"parents": []
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
The above will:
#. Create a pool entity called ``pool2``
#. Create two basicserver entities called ``server2`` and ``server3``
#. Insert both basicserver entities into the pool entity
#. Remove both basicserver entities from the pool entity
obj, status, msg = util.get(name, driver)
if not obj:
return util.dumps(msg, status)
devices = request.params.getall('device')
action = request.params.get('action')
if not action:
bottle.abort(400, 'Parameter \'action\' is required.')
devobjs = []
notfound = []
for device in devices:
except LookupError:
if notfound:
bottle.abort(404, 'Objects %s do not exist and cannot be used with "%s"' % (','.join(notfound), name,))
if action == 'insert':
for devobj in devobjs:
if devobj not in obj:
elif action == 'remove':
for devobj in devobjs:
if devobj in obj:
bottle.abort(400, '%s is not a valid action.' % (action))
return show(driver, name)