#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode:python; sh-basic-offset:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
# vim:set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# Copyright 2010, Ron Gorodetzky <ron@parktree.net>
# Copyright 2010, Jeremy Grosser <jeremy@synack.me>
# Copyright 2013, Jorge Gallegos <kad@blegh.net>
The ``attribute`` application handles all attribute specific operations like
querying, adding, deleting and updating attributes.
import bottle
from bottle import request
from clustoapi import util
app = bottle.Bottle()
app.config['source_module'] = __name__
def _write_attrs(method, name, **kwargs):
Helper method for reduced code between POST and PUT.
Returns a response for the methods calling it.
if method == 'set':
code = 200
if method == 'add':
code = 201
util.dumps('"%s" is neither set nor add. How did you get here?' % method, 400)
request_kwargs = dict(request.params.items())
driver = kwargs.get('driver', None)
obj, status, msg = util.get(name, driver)
if not obj:
return util.dumps(msg, status)
# Merge URL values and kwarg values, but do not allow conflicts.
for k, v in request_kwargs.items():
if kwargs.get(k) is not None and kwargs[k] != v:
raise ValueError('Two different values were submitted for "%s": %s' % (k, [kwargs[k], v]))
kwargs[k] = v
# Additionally capture a value error if the json is bad.
json_kwargs = request.json
except ValueError as ve:
return util.dumps('%s' % (ve,), 400)
if json_kwargs:
if request.query:
return util.dumps('Error: json and query params may not be passed in the same request.', 400)
kwargs = json_kwargs
# Adds support for bulk attr posting.
attrs = [kwargs] if isinstance(kwargs, dict) else kwargs
# Check for malformed data or missing pieces before adding any attrs.
for attr in attrs:
for k in ('key', 'value'):
if k not in attr.keys():
bottle.abort(412, 'Provide at least "key" and "value"')
if 'number' in attr:
attr['number'] = int(attr['number'])
except ValueError as ve:
return util.dumps('%s' % (ve,), 400)
if 'datatype' in attr:
datatype = attr.pop('datatype')
mask = attr.pop('mask', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
attr['value'] = util.typecast(attr['value'], datatype, mask=mask)
for attr in attrs:
getattr(obj, method + '_attr')(**attr)
return util.dumps([util.unclusto(_) for _ in obj.attrs()], code)
[docs]def attrs(name, key=None, subkey=None, number=None):
Query attributes from this object.
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=attrpool1' ${server_url}/entity/pool
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/attribute/attrpool1
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will show all the attributes from the object ``attrpool1``:
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} -d 'driver=pool' ${server_url}/attribute/attrpool1
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will show all the attributes from the object ``attrpool1`` **if** the driver
for ``attrpool1`` is ``pool``. In the same vein this code:
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} -d 'driver=basicserver' ${server_url}/attribute/attrpool1
HTTP: 409
Should fail, because the ``attrpool1`` object is of type ``pool``,
**not** ``basicserver``
.. code:: bash
$ ${get} ${server_url}/attribute/attrpool1/owner
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will show the attributes for ``server1`` if their key is ``owner``.
attrs = []
kwargs = dict(request.params.items())
driver = kwargs.get('driver', None)
obj, status, msg = util.get(name, driver)
if not obj:
return util.dumps(msg, status)
qkwargs = {}
if key:
qkwargs['key'] = key
if subkey:
qkwargs['subkey'] = subkey
if number:
qkwargs['number'] = number
for attr in obj.attrs(**qkwargs):
return util.dumps(attrs)
[docs]def add_attr(name, **kwargs):
Add an attribute to this object.
* Requires parameters ``name``, ``key``, and ``value``
* Optional parameters are ``subkey`,` ``number``, and ``datatype``
* Additionally, ``mask`` can be provided for a datetime attribute.
* These parameters can be either be passed with a querystring
* or a json body. If json is supplied, multiple attributes may be
* added at the same time.
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=addattrserver' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'key=group' -d 'value=web' ${server_url}/attribute/addattrserver
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "web"
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
#. Create an entity called ``addattrserver``
#. Add the attribute with ``key=group`` and ``value=web`` to it
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'key=group' -d 'subkey=owner' -d 'value=web' ${server_url}/attribute/addattrserver
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "web"
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "owner",
"value": "web"
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
Will add the attribute with key ``group`` *and* subkey ``owner`` *and*
value ``joe`` to the previously created entity ``addattrserver``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'key=group' -d 'subkey=id' -d 'value=6' -d 'datatype=int' ${server_url}/attribute/addattrserver
"datatype": "int",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "id",
"value": 6
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
Will add the attribute with key ``group`` *and* subkey ``id`` *and*
value ``1`` with the correct datatype to the previously created entity ``addattrserver``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'key=inception' -d 'value=/basicserver/addattrserver' -d 'datatype=relation' ${server_url}/attribute/addattrserver
"datatype": "relation",
"key": "inception",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "/basicserver/addattrserver"
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
Will add the attribute with key ``inception`` *and* itself as a relation
using the ``relation`` datatype.
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'key=birthday' -d 'subkey=jtcunning' -d 'value=1991-07-09T14:46:51.321435' -d 'datatype=datetime' ${server_url}/attribute/addattrserver
"datatype": "datetime",
"key": "birthday",
"number": null,
"subkey": "jtcunning",
"value": "1991-07-09T14:46:51.321435"
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
Will add the attribute with key ``birthday`` *and* subkey ``jtcunning``
with the ``datetime`` python object as the datatype.
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '${sample_json_attrs}' ${server_url}/attribute/addattrserver
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "admin",
"value": "apache"
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "member",
"value": "webapp"
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
Will add two attributes in bulk by stating
that the content type is ``application/json``.
return _write_attrs('add', name, **kwargs)
[docs]def set_attr(name, **kwargs):
Sets an attribute from this object. If the attribute doesn't exist
it will be added, if the attribute already exists then it will be
* Requires HTTP parameters ``key`` and ``value``
* Optional parameters are ``subkey`,` ``number``, and ``datatype``
* Additionally, ``mask`` can be provided for a datetime attribute.
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=setattrserver' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'key=group' -d 'value=web' ${server_url}/attribute/setattrserver
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "web"
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${put} -d 'value=db' ${server_url}/attribute/setattrserver/group
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "db"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
#. Create the entity ``setattrserver``
#. Add the attribute with ``key=group`` and ``value=web``
#. Update the attribute to ``value=db``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=setattrserver2' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${put} -d 'value=joe' ${server_url}/attribute/setattrserver2/group/owner
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "owner",
"value": "joe"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${put} -d 'value=bob' ${server_url}/attribute/setattrserver2/group/owner
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "owner",
"value": "bob"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
#. Create a new object ``setattrserver2`` of type ``basicserver``
#. Set the attribute with key ``group`` *and* subkey ``owner`` with value
``joe`` to the object ``setattrserver1``. Since this is the only attribute
so far, this operation works just like ``add_attr()``
#. Update the attribute we set above, now the ``value`` will read ``bob``
return _write_attrs('set', name, **kwargs)
[docs]def del_attrs(name, key, subkey=None, number=None):
Deletes an attribute from this object
* Requires HTTP path ``key``
* Optional parameters are ``subkey``, ``value``, and ``number``
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=deleteserver1' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${put} -d 'value=joe' ${server_url}/attribute/deleteserver1/group/owner
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "owner",
"value": "joe"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${delete} ${server_url}/attribute/deleteserver1/group/owner
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
Will create a ``basicserver`` object called ``deleteserver1``, then it will
add an attribute (the only attribute so far), then it will delete it.
.. code:: bash
$ ${post} -d 'name=deleteserver2' ${server_url}/entity/basicserver
HTTP: 201
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${put} -d 'value=engineering' ${server_url}/attribute/deleteserver2/group
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "engineering"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${put} -d 'value=joe' ${server_url}/attribute/deleteserver2/group/owner
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "engineering"
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": "owner",
"value": "joe"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
.. code:: bash
$ ${delete} ${server_url}/attribute/deleteserver2/group/owner
"datatype": "string",
"key": "group",
"number": null,
"subkey": null,
"value": "engineering"
HTTP: 200
Content-type: application/json
This example should add two attributes with the same key, but different
subkey, then it will delete only the second value.
kwargs = dict(request.params.items())
driver = kwargs.get('driver', None)
obj, status, msg = util.get(name, driver)
if not obj:
return util.dumps(msg, status)
qkwargs = {'key': key}
if subkey:
qkwargs['subkey'] = subkey
if number:
qkwargs['number'] = number
return util.dumps([util.unclusto(_) for _ in obj.attrs()])