Welcome to clipy’s documentation!

Clipy is a microframework for creating simple and intuitive command line interfaces. It is uses optparse module to parse options, but also can be found useful with argparse.


Let’s try to build simple command line integer calculator. Now, open your favorite text editor and start editing. First we define main command:

from clipy import CompositeCommand

main = CompositeCommand()

Now we define four subcommands for addition, substraction, division and multiplication:

from clipy import Command

class Addition(Command):

    summary = "add numbers"

    def run(self, options, args, context=None):
        a = int(self.challenge("a"))
        b = int(self.challenge("b"))
        result = a + b
        print "a + b = %s" % result

class Substraction(Command):

    summary = "substract numbers"

    def run(self, options, args, context=None):
        a = int(self.challenge("a"))
        b = int(self.challenge("b"))
        result = a - b
        print "a - b = %s" % result

class Division(Command):

    summary = "divide numbers"

    def run(self, options, args, context=None):
        a = int(self.challenge("a"))
        b = int(self.challenge("b"))
        result = a // b
        print "a / b = %s" % result

class Multiplication(Command):

    summary = "multiply numbers"

    def run(self, options, args, context=None):
        a = int(self.challenge("a"))
        b = int(self.challenge("b"))
        sum = a * b
        print "a * b = %s" % result

Now we should add this subcommands to our main command:

main.add_command("add", Addition())
main.add_command("substract", Substraction())
main.add_command("divide", Division())
main.add_command("multiply", Multiplication())

And finnaly we add this lines at the end of the file:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now, save all this in file called calc.py and execute:

$ python calc.py -h
Usage: examples/calc.py [options]

-h, --help

substract   substract numbers
multiply    multiply
add         add numbers
help        print help and exit
divide      divide numbers

Ok, now let’s add 2 and 3:

$ python examples/calc.py add
a: 2
b: 3
a + b = 5

It works!

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