There are two main tools of interest in circuits. These are:
These can be found in the module.
The inspect() function is used to help introspect your application by displaying all the channels and events handlers defined through the system including any additional meta data about them.
>>> from circuits import Component
>>> class App(Component):
... def foo(self):
... pass
>>> app = App()
>>> from import inspect
>>> print(inspect(app))
Components: 0
Event Handlers: 3
unregister; 1
<handler[*.unregister] (App._on_unregister)>
foo; 1
<handler[*.foo] (>
prepare_unregister_complete; 1
<handler[<instance of App>.prepare_unregister_complete] (App._on_prepare_unregister_complete)>
The graph() function is used to help visualize the different components in your application and how they interact with one another and how they are registered in the system.
In order to get a image from this you must have the following packages installed:
You can install the required dependencies via:
pip install matplotlib networkx pygraphviz
>>> from circuits import Component, Debugger
>>> from import write
>>> from import TCPServer
>>> class EchoServer(Component):
... def init(self, host="", port=8000):
... TCPServer((host, port)).register(self)
... Debugger().register(self)
... def read(self, sock, data):
..., data))
>>> server = EchoServer()
>>> from import graph
>>> print(graph(server))
* <EchoServer/* 784:MainThread (queued=2) [S]>
* <TCPServer/server 784:MainThread (queued=0) [S]>
* <Debugger/* 784:MainThread (queued=0) [S]>
An output image will be saved to your current working directory and by called <name>.png where <name> is the name of the top-level component in your application of the value you pass to the name= keyword argument of
Example output of telnet Example:
And its DOT Graph: