Development Processes

We document all our internal development processes here so you know exactly how we work and what to expect. If you find any issues or problems please let us know!

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

We employ the use of the SCRUM Agile Process and use our Issue Tracker to track features, bugs, chores and releases. If you wish to contribute to circuits, please familiarize yourself with SCRUM and BitBucket <>‘s Issue Tracker.

Bug Reports

  • New Bug Reports are submitted via:

  • Confirmation and Discussion of all New Bug Reports.

  • Once confirmed, a new Bug is raised in our Issue Tracker

  • An appropriate milestone will be set (depending on current milestone’s schedule and resources)

  • A unit test developed that demonstrates the bug’s failure.

  • A fix developed that passes the unit test and breaks no others.

  • A New Pull Request created with the fix.

    This must contains: - A new or modified unit test. - A patch that fixes the bug ensuring all unit tests pass. - The Change Log updated. - Appropriate documentation updated.

  • The Pull Request is reviewed and approved by at least two other developers.

Feature Requests

  • New Feature Requests are submitted via:

  • Confirmation and Discussion of all New Feature Requests.

  • Once confirmed, a new Feature is raised in our Issue Tracker

  • An appropriate milestone will be set (depending on current milestone’s schedule and resources)

  • A unit test developed that demonstrates the new feature.

  • The new feature developed that passes the unit test and breaks no others.

  • A New Pull Request created with the fix.

    This must contains: - A new or modified unit test. - A patch that implements the new feature ensuring all unit tests pass. - The Change Log updated. - Appropriate documentation updated.

  • The Pull Request is reviewed and approved by at least two other developers.

Writing new Code

  • Submit a New Issue

  • Write your code.

  • Use flake8 to ensure code quality.

  • Run the tests:

    $ tox
  • Ensure any new or modified code does not break existing unit tests.

  • Update any relevant doc strings or documentation.

  • Update the Change Log updated.

  • Submit a New Pull Request.

Running the Tests

To run the tests you will need the following installed:

All of these can be installed via easy_install or pip.

Please also ensure that you you have all supported versions of Python that circuits supports installed in your local environment.

To run the tests:

$ tox

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