This is a module for dealing with urls. In particular, sanitizing them.
Parse the provided url string and return an URL object
Bases: object
Parse the provided url, and return a URL instance
Return true if this url is equivalent to another
Canonicalize this url. This includes reordering parameters and args to have a consistent ordering
Remove the fragment from this url
Strip any of the provided parameters out of the url
Clear out any ‘..’ and excessive slashes from the path
Lowercase the hostname
A shortcut to abspath, escape and lowercase
Make sure that the path is correctly escaped
Unescape the path
Return the url in an arbitrary encoding
Evaluate the new path relative to the current url
Convert to punycode hostname
Convert to an unpunycoded hostname
Return True if this is a fully-qualified URL with a hostname and everything
Return a unicode version of this url
Return a utf-8 version of this url