Source code for chempy.water_diffusivity_holz_2000

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import warnings

    from numpy import any as _any
except ImportError:
    _any = any

# Parameters from paper (SI-units):

gamma = 2.063
dgamma = 0.051
D0 = 1.635e-8
TS = 215.05
dD0 = 2.242e-11
dTS = 1.2
low_t_bound = 273.15  # 0 deg C, m.p. at ambient pressure
high_t_bound = 373.15  # 100 deg C, b.p. at ambient pressure

[docs]def water_self_diffusion_coefficient(T=298.15, units=None, warn=True, err_mult=None): """ Temperature-dependent self-diffusion coefficient of water. Parameters ---------- T: float Temperature (default: in Kelvin) units: object (optional) object with attributes: Kelvin, meter, kilogram warn: bool (default: True) Emit UserWarning when outside temperature range. err_mult: length 2 array_like (default: None) Perturb paramaters D0 and TS with err_mult[0]*dD0 and err_mult[1]*dTS respectively, where dD0 and dTS are the reported uncertainties in the fitted paramters. Useful for estimating error in diffusion coefficient. References ---------- Temperature-dependent self-diffusion coefficients of water and six selected molecular liquids for calibration in accurate 1H NMR PFG measurements Manfred Holz, Stefan R. Heila, Antonio Saccob; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2000,2, 4740-4742 DOI: 10.1039/B005319H """ if units is None: K = 1 m = 1 s = 1 else: K = units.Kelvin m = units.meter s = units.second _D0 = D0 * m**2 * s**-1 _TS = TS * K if err_mult is not None: _dD0 = dD0 * m**2 * s**-1 _dTS = dTS * K _D0 += err_mult[0]*_dD0 _TS += err_mult[1]*_dTS if warn and (_any(T < low_t_bound*K) or _any(T > high_t_bound*K)): warnings.warn("Temperature is outside range (0-100 degC)") return _D0*((T/_TS) - 1)**gamma # generated at
bibtex = """ @article{Holz2000, doi = {10.1039/b005319h}, url = {}, year = {2000}, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})}, volume = {2}, number = {20}, pages = {4740--4742}, author = {Manfred Holz and Stefan R. Heil and Antonio Sacco}, title = {Temperature-dependent self-diffusion coefficients of water and six selected molecular liquids for calibration in accurate 1H {NMR} {PFG} measurements}, journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.} } """