Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import warnings

from .._util import _any, get_backend

[docs]def water_permittivity(T=None, P=None, units=None, U=None, just_return_U=False, warn=True, backend=None): """ Relative permittivity of water as function of temperature (K) and pressure (bar). Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature (default: 298.15 Kelvin) P : float Pressure (default: 1 bar) units : object (optional) object with attributes: Kelvin, bar U : array_like (optional) 9 parameters to the equation. just_return_U : bool (optional, default: False) Do not compute relative permittivity, just return the parameters ``U``. warn : bool (default: True) Emit UserWarning when outside temperature/pressure range. backend : module (default: None) modules which contains "exp", default: numpy, math Returns ------- Relative permittivity of water (dielectric constant) References ---------- Bradley, D.J.; Pitzer, K.S. `Thermodynamics of electrolytes. 12. Dielectric properties of water and Debye--Hueckel parameters to 350/sup 0/C and 1 kbar`, J. Phys. Chem.; Journal Volume 83 (12) (1979), pp. 1599-1603, DOI: 10.1021/j100475a009 """ be = get_backend(backend) if units is None: K = 1 bar = 1 else: K = units.kelvin bar = if T is None: T = 298.15*K if P is None: P = 1*bar if U is None: U = (3.4279e2, -5.0866e-3 / K, 9.4690e-7 / K**2, -2.0525, 3.1159e3*K, -1.8289e2*K, -8.0325e3*bar, 4.2142e6*K*bar, 2.1417/K*bar) if just_return_U: return U T0 = 273.15*K if warn: if _any(T < T0) or _any(T > T0 + 350*K): warnings.warn("Outside temperature range (0-350 degC)") else: if _any(T > T0 + 70*K): if _any(P > 2000*bar): warnings.warn("Outside pressure range (2000 bar)") else: if _any(P > 5000*bar): warnings.warn("Outside pressure range (5000 bar)") B = U[6] + U[7]/T + U[8]*T C = U[3] + U[4]/(U[5] + T) eps1000 = U[0]*be.exp(U[1]*T + U[2]*T**2) return eps1000 + C*be.log((B+P)/(B + 1000.0*bar)) # generated at
bibtex = """ @article{Bradley1979, doi = {10.1021/j100475a009}, url = {}, year = {1979}, month = {jun}, publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}, volume = {83}, number = {12}, pages = {1599--1603}, author = {Daniel J. Bradley and Kenneth S. Pitzer}, title = {Thermodynamics of electrolytes. 12. Dielectric properties of water and Debye-Hueckel parameters to and 1 kbar}, journal = {J. Phys. Chem.} } """