Source code for chempy.eyring

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains functions for the `Eyring equation
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import math

from ._util import get_backend
from .util.pyutil import defaultnamedtuple
from .units import default_units, Backend, default_constants, format_string
from .arrhenius import _get_R

def _get_kB_over_h(constants=None, units=None):
    if constants is None:
        kB_over_h = 2.083664399411865234375e10
        if units is not None:
            s = units.second
            K = units.kelvin
            kB_over_h /= s*K
        kB_over_h = (constants.Boltzmann_constant /
    return kB_over_h

[docs]def eyring_equation(dH, dS, T, constants=None, units=None, backend=None): """ Returns the rate coefficient according to the Eyring equation Parameters ---------- dH: float with unit Enthalpy of activation. dS: float with unit Entropy of activation. T: float with unit temperature constants: object (optional, default: None) if None: T assumed to be in Kelvin, Ea in J/(K mol) else: attributes accessed: molar_gas_constant Tip: pass quantities.constants units: object (optional, default: None) attributes accessed: Joule, Kelvin and mol backend: module (optional) module with "exp", default: numpy, math """ be = get_backend(backend) R = _get_R(constants, units) kB_over_h = _get_kB_over_h(constants, units) try: RT = (R*T).rescale(dH.dimensionality) except AttributeError: RT = R*T try: kB_over_h = kB_over_h.simplified except AttributeError: pass return kB_over_h*T*be.exp(dS/R)*be.exp(-dH/RT)
[docs]class EyringParam(defaultnamedtuple('EyringParam', 'dH dS ref', [None])): """ Kinetic data in the form of an Eyring parameterisation Parameters ---------- dH : float Enthalpy of activation. dS : float Entropy of activation. ref: object (default: None) arbitrary reference (e.g. citation key or dict with bibtex entries) Examples -------- >>> k = EyringParam(72e3, 61.4) >>> '%.5g' % k(298.15) '2435.4' """ def __call__(self, T, constants=None, units=None, backend=None): """ Evaluates the Eyring equation for a specified state Parameters ---------- T : float constants : module (optional) units : module (optional) backend : module (default: math) See also -------- See :func:`chempy.eyring.eyring_equation`. """ return eyring_equation(self.dH, self.dS, T, constants=constants, units=units, backend=backend) def _as_RateExpr(self, rxn, arg_keys=None, constants=None, units=None, backend=math): from .kinetics.rates import EyringMassAction as EMA R = _get_R(constants, units) kB_over_h = _get_kB_over_h(constants, units) kB_h_times_exp_dS_R = kB_over_h * backend.exp(self.dS/R) dH_over_R = self.dH/R return EMA([kB_h_times_exp_dS_R, dH_over_R], arg_keys, rxn=rxn, ref=self.ref)
[docs] def format(self, precision, tex=False): try: str_A = format_string(self.A, precision, tex) str_Ea = format_string(self.Ea, precision, tex) except: str_A = precision.format(self.A) str_Ea = precision.format(self.Ea) return str_A, str_Ea
[docs] def equation_as_string(self, precision, tex=False): if tex: return ( r"\frac{{k_B T}}{{h}}\exp \left(\frac{{{}}}{{R}} \right)" r" \exp \left(-\frac{{{}}}{{RT}} \right)").format( *self.format(precision, tex)) else: return "kB*T/h*exp({}/R)*exp(-{}/(R*T))".format(*self.format(precision, tex))
def __str__(self): return self.equation_as_string('%.5g')
[docs]class EyringParamWithUnits(EyringParam): def __call__(self, state, constants=default_constants, units=default_units, backend=None): """ See :func:`chempy.eyring.eyring_equation`. """ if backend is None: backend = Backend() return super(EyringParamWithUnits, self).__call__( state, constants, units, backend) def _as_RateExpr(self, rxn, arg_keys=None, constants=default_constants, units=default_units, backend=None): if backend is None: backend = Backend() return super(EyringParamWithUnits, self)._as_RateExpr(rxn, arg_keys, constants, units, backend)