Bases: object
An API for interacting with Couchbase clusters
Asynchronously deletes a bucket
Asynchronously run view compaction.
Compacts index file represented by views within the specified <design_doc_name>
Asynchronously creates the default bucket
Asynchronously creates a sasl bucket
Asynchronously creates a standard bucket
Asynchronously creates a views in a design doc
Asynchronously deletes a views in a design doc
Asyncronously fails over nodes
Asynchronously generate expected view query results
Asynchronously initializes a node
The task scheduled will initialize a nodes username and password and will establish the nodes memory quota to be 2/3 of the available system memory.
Asynchronously monitor active task.
When active task reached wait_progress this method will return.
server - The server to handle fragmentation config task. (TestInputServer) type - task type(‘indexer’ , ‘bucket_compaction’, ‘view_compaction’ ) (String) target_value - target value (for example “_design/ddoc” for indexing, bucket “default”
for bucket_compaction or “_design/dev_view” for view_compaction) (String)
wait_progress - expected progress (int) num_iteration - failed test if progress is not changed during num iterations(int) wait_task - expect to find task in the first attempt(bool)
Asynchronously monitor view fragmentation.
When <fragmentation_value> is reached on the index file for <design_doc_name> this method will return.
Asynchronously query a views in a design doc
Asyncronously rebalances a cluster
Asynchronously query a views in a design doc and does full verification of results
Asynchronously wait for stats
Waits for stats to match the criteria passed by the stats variable. See couchbase.stats_tool.StatsCommon.build_stat_check(...) for a description of the stats structure and how it can be built.
bucket - The name of the bucket (String) param - The stats parameter to use. (String) stat - The stat that we want to get the value from. (String) comparison - How to compare the stat result to the value specified. value - The value to compare to.
Synchronously deletes a bucket
Synchronously run view compaction.
Compacts index file represented by views within the specified <design_doc_name>
Synchronously creates the default bucket
Synchronously creates a sasl bucket
Synchronously creates a standard bucket
Synchronously creates a views in a design doc
Synchronously deletes a views in a design doc
Syncronously fails over nodes
Synchronously generate expected view query results
Synchronously initializes a node
The task scheduled will initialize a nodes username and password and will establish the nodes memory quota to be 2/3 of the available system memory.
Synchronously modify fragmentation configuration spec
Synchronously monitor view fragmentation.
When <fragmentation_value> is reached on the index file for <design_doc_name> this method will return.
Synchronously query a views in a design doc
Syncronously rebalances a cluster
Synchronously query a views in a design doc and does full verification of results
Synchronously wait for stats
Waits for stats to match the criteria passed by the stats variable. See couchbase.stats_tool.StatsCommon.build_stat_check(...) for a description of the stats structure and how it can be built.
bucket - The name of the bucket (String) param - The stats parameter to use. (String) stat - The stat that we want to get the value from. (String) comparison - How to compare the stat result to the value specified. value - The value to compare to.
Bases: cbtestlib.couchbase.documentgenerator.KVGenerator
Bases: cbtestlib.couchbase.documentgenerator.KVGenerator
An idempotent document generator.
Gets stats for a specific key from a list of servers