
This module implements functions for dividing time into chunks.

Inheritance diagram of UnknownInterval, Unscheduled, ScheduledInterval

KNOWN_INTERVALS = ['second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month']

The known time intervals (or periods) for dividing time by.

exception UnknownInterval[source]

Bases: exceptions.ValueError

Raised if an interval isn’t one of the KNOWN_INTERVALS.


Convert a datetime struct to a Unix timestamp in seconds.

Parameters:timestruct (datetime.datetime) – A datetime object to convert into a timestamp in Unix Era seconds.
Return type:int

Convert a Unix timestamp to a datetime struct.

Parameters:timestamp (int) – A timestamp in Unix Era seconds.
Return type:datetime.datetime
interface ISchedule[source]

An Interface specification for a Schedule.


The type of period which this Schedule’s intervals will rotate by.


Number of **intervalPeriod**s before rotation to the next interval


Get the start time of the interval that contains when.


Get the interval which includes an arbitrary when.


Get the start of the interval after the one containing when.

class Unscheduled(count=None, period=None)[source]

Bases: object

A base Schedule that has only one period that contains all time.

>>> from bridgedb.schedule import fromUnixSeconds
>>> from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled
>>> timestamp = 1427769526
>>> str(fromUnixSeconds(timestamp))
'2015-03-31 02:38:46'
>>> sched = Unscheduled()
>>> start = sched.intervalStart(timestamp)
>>> start
>>> str(fromUnixSeconds(start))
'0001-01-01 00:00:00'
>>> sched.getInterval(timestamp)
'1970-01-01 00:00:00'
>>> next = sched.nextIntervalStarts(timestamp)
>>> next
>>> str(fromUnixSeconds(next))
'9999-12-31 23:59:59'

Create a schedule for dividing time into intervals.

  • count (int) – The total number of period in one interval.
  • period (str) – One of the periods in KNOWN_INTERVALS.

Get the start time of the interval that contains when.

Parameters:when (int) – The time which we’re trying to find the corresponding interval for.
Return type:int
Returns:The Unix epoch timestamp for the start time of the interval that contains when.

Get the interval that contains the time when.

Parameters:when (int) – The time which we’re trying to find the corresponding interval for.
Return type:str
Returns:A timestamp in the form YEAR-MONTH[-DAY[-HOUR]]. It’s specificity depends on what type of interval we’re using. For example, if using "month", the return value would be something like "2013-12".

Return the start time of the interval starting _after_ when.

Return type:int
Returns:Return the Y10K bug.
class ScheduledInterval(count=None, period=None)[source]

Bases: bridgedb.schedule.Unscheduled

An class that splits time into periods, based on seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

>>> from bridgedb.schedule import fromUnixSeconds
>>> from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
>>> timestamp = 1427769526
>>> str(fromUnixSeconds(timestamp))
'2015-03-31 02:38:46'
>>> sched = ScheduledInterval(5, 'minutes')
>>> start = sched.intervalStart(timestamp)
>>> start
>>> current = sched.getInterval(timestamp)
>>> current
'2015-03-31 02:35:00'
>>> current == str(fromUnixSeconds(start))
>>> next = sched.nextIntervalStarts(timestamp)
>>> next
>>> str(fromUnixSeconds(next))
'2015-03-31 02:40:00'
>>> later = 1427771057
>>> str(fromUnixSeconds(later))
'2015-03-31 03:04:17'
>>> sched.getInterval(later)
'2015-03-31 03:00:00'

Create a schedule for dividing time into intervals.

  • count (int or str) – The total number of period in one interval.
  • period (str) – One of the periods in KNOWN_INTERVALS.

Set our intervalCount.


This method should be called before _setIntervalPeriod(), because the latter may change the count, if it decides to change the period (for example, to simplify things by changing weeks into days).

Parameters:count (int) – The number of times the intervalPeriod should be repeated during the interval. Defaults to 1.
Raises UnknownInterval:
 if the specified count was invalid.

Set our intervalPeriod.

Parameters:period (str) – One of the KNOWN_INTERVALS, or its plural. Defaults to 'hour'.
Raises UnknownInterval:
 if the specified period is unknown.

Get the start time of the interval that contains when.

Parameters:when (int) – The time which we’re trying to determine the start of interval that contains it. This should be given in Unix seconds, for example, taken from calendar.timegm().
Return type:int
Returns:The Unix epoch timestamp for the start time of the interval that contains when.

Get the interval that contains the time when.

>>> import calendar
>>> from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
>>> sched = ScheduledInterval(1, 'month')
>>> when = calendar.timegm((2007, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0))
>>> sched.getInterval(when)
>>> then = calendar.timegm((2014, 05, 13, 20, 25, 13))
>>> sched.getInterval(then)
Parameters:when (int) – The time which we’re trying to find the corresponding interval for. Given in Unix seconds, for example, taken from calendar.timegm().
Return type:str
Returns:A timestamp in the form YEAR-MONTH[-DAY[-HOUR]]. It’s specificity depends on what type of interval we’re using. For example, if using "month", the return value would be something like "2013-12".

Return the start time of the interval starting _after_ when.

Returns:The Unix epoch timestamp for the start time of the interval that contains when.