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Source code for bridgedb.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_util -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <>
#           Matthew Finkel 0x017DD169EA793BE2 <>
# :copyright: (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
#             (c) 2013-2015, Matthew Finkel
#             (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
# :license: 3-Clause BSD, see LICENSE for licensing information

"""Common utilities for BridgeDB."""

from functools import partial

import abc
import logging
import logging.config
import logging.handlers
import os

from twisted.python import components

def _getLogHandlers(logToFile=True, logToStderr=True):
    """Get the appropriate list of log handlers.

    :param bool logToFile: If ``True``, add a logfile handler.
    :param bool logToStderr: If ``True``, add a stream handler to stderr.
    :rtype: list
    :returns: A list containing the appropriate log handler names from the
    logHandlers = []
    if logToFile:
    if logToStderr:
    return logHandlers

def _getRotatingFileHandler(filename, mode='a', maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=0,
                            encoding='utf-8', uid=None, gid=None):
    """Get a :class:`logging.RotatingFileHandler` with a logfile which is
    readable+writable only by the given **uid** and **gid**.

    :param str filename: The full path to the log file.
    :param str mode: The mode to open **filename** with. (default: ``'a'``)
    :param int maxBytes: Rotate logfiles after they have grown to this size in
    :param int backupCount: The number of logfiles to keep in rotation.
    :param str encoding: The encoding for the logfile.
    :param int uid: The owner UID to set on the logfile.
    :param int gid: The GID to set on the logfile.
    :rtype: :class:`logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler`
    :returns: A logfile handler which will rotate files and chown/chmod newly
        created files.
    # Default to the current process owner's uid and gid:
    uid = os.getuid() if not uid else uid
    gid = os.getgid() if not gid else gid

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        open(filename, 'a').close()
    os.chown(filename, uid, gid)
        os.chmod(filename, os.ST_WRITE | os.ST_APPEND)
    except AttributeError:  # pragma: no cover
    XXX FIXME: Travis chokes on `os.ST_WRITE` saying that the module doesn't
               have that attribute, for some reason:""")
        os.chmod(filename, 384)

    fileHandler = partial(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler,
    return fileHandler

[docs]def configureLogging(cfg): """Set up Python's logging subsystem based on the configuration. :type cfg: :class:`~bridgedb.persistent.Conf` :param cfg: The current configuration, including any in-memory settings. """ from bridgedb import safelog # Turn on safe logging by default: safelogging = getattr(cfg, 'SAFELOGGING', True) safelog.setSafeLogging(safelogging) level = getattr(cfg, 'LOGLEVEL', 'WARNING') logLevel = getattr(logging, level, 0) logStderr = getattr(cfg, 'LOG_TO_STDERR', False) logfileName = getattr(cfg, 'LOGFILE', "bridgedb.log") logfileCount = getattr(cfg, 'LOGFILE_COUNT', 3) - 1 logfileRotateSize = getattr(cfg, 'LOGFILE_ROTATE_SIZE', 10000000) logThreads = getattr(cfg, 'LOG_THREADS', False) logTrace = getattr(cfg, 'LOG_TRACE', False) logTimeFormat = getattr(cfg, 'LOG_TIME_FORMAT', "%H:%M:%S") logFilters = [] if safelogging: logFilters = ['safelogEmail', 'safelogIPv4', 'safelogIPv6'] logConfig = { 'version': 1, 'filters': { 'safelogEmail': {'()': safelog.SafelogEmailFilter}, 'safelogIPv4': {'()': safelog.SafelogIPv4Filter}, 'safelogIPv6': {'()': safelog.SafelogIPv6Filter}, }, 'formatters': { 'default': {'()': JustifiedLogFormatter, # These values below are kwargs passed to # :class:`JustifiedFormatter`: 'logThreads': logThreads, 'logTrace': logTrace, 'datefmt': logTimeFormat}, }, 'handlers': { 'console': {'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': logLevel, 'formatter': 'default', 'filters': logFilters}, 'rotating': {'()': _getRotatingFileHandler(logfileName, 'a', logfileRotateSize, logfileCount), 'level': logLevel, 'formatter': 'default', 'filters': logFilters}, }, 'root': { 'handlers': _getLogHandlers(logfileName, logStderr), 'level': logLevel, }, } logging.config.dictConfig(logConfig)"Logger Started.")"Level: %s", logLevel)"Safe Logging: %sabled" % ("En" if safelogging else "Dis"))
[docs]def levenshteinDistance(s1, s2, len1=None, len2=None, offset1=0, offset2=0, memo=None): """Compute the Levenstein Distance between two strings. The `Levenshtein String Distance Algorithm <>` efficiently computes the number of characters which must be changed in **s1** to make it identical to **s2**. >>> from bridgedb.util import levenshteinDistance >>> levenshteinDistance('cat', 'cat') 0 >>> levenshteinDistance('cat', 'hat') 1 >>> levenshteinDistance('arma', 'armadillo') 5 :param str s1: The string which should be changed. :param str s2: The string which **stringOne** should be compared to. """ len1 = len(s1) if len1 is None else len1 len2 = len(s2) if len2 is None else len2 memo = {} if memo is None else memo key = ','.join([str(offset1), str(len1), str(offset2), str(len2)]) if memo.get(key) is not None: return memo[key] if len1 == 0: return len2 elif len2 == 0: return len1 cost = 0 if (s1[offset1] == s2[offset2]) else 1 distance = min( levenshteinDistance(s1, s2, len1-1, len2, offset1+1, offset2, memo) + 1, levenshteinDistance(s1, s2, len1, len2-1, offset1, offset2+1, memo) + 1, levenshteinDistance(s1, s2, len1-1, len2-1, offset1+1, offset2+1, memo) + cost, ) memo[key] = distance return distance
[docs]def isascii(s): """Return True if there are no non-ASCII characters in s, False otherwise. Note that this function differs from the* methods in that it returns True for the empty string, rather than False. >>> from bridgedb.util import isascii >>> isascii('\x80') False >>> isascii('foo\tbar\rbaz\n') True >>> isascii('foo bar') True :param str s: The string to check for non-ASCII characters. """ return all(map((lambda ch: ord(ch) < 128), s))
[docs]def isascii_noncontrol(s): """Return True if there are no non-ASCII or control characters in s, False otherwise. Note that this function differs from the* methods in that it returns True for the empty string, rather than False. >>> from bridgedb.util import isascii_noncontrol >>> isascii_noncontrol('\x80') False >>> isascii_noncontrol('foo\tbar\rbaz\n') False >>> isascii_noncontrol('foo bar') True :param str s: The string to check for non-ASCII or control characters. """ return all(map((lambda ch: 32 <= ord(ch) < 127), s))
[docs]def replaceControlChars(text, replacement=None, encoding="utf-8"): """Remove ASCII control characters [0-31, 92, 127]. >>> from bridgedb.util import replaceControlChars >>> replaceControlChars('foo\n bar\\ baz\r \t\0quux\n') 'foo bar baz quux' >>> replaceControlChars("\bI wonder if I'm outside the quotes now") "I wonder if I'm outside the quotes now" :param str text: Some text to remove ASCII control characters from. :param int replacement: If given, the **replacement** should be an integer representing the decimal representation of the byte to replace occurences of ASCII control characters with. For example, if they should be replaced with the character ``'a'``, then ``97`` should be used as the **replacement**, because ``ord('a') == 97``. :param str encoding: The encoding of the **text**. :rtype: str :returns: The sanitized **text**. """ escaped = bytearray() for byte in bytearray(text, encoding): if byte in range(0, 32) + [92, 127]: if replacement: byte = replacement else: continue escaped += bytearray([byte]) return str(escaped)
[docs]def registerAdapter(adapter, adapted, interface): """Register a Zope interface adapter for global use. See :api:`twisted.python.components.registerAdapter` and the Twisted Matrix Labs `howto documentation for components`_. .. howto documentation for components: """ try: components.registerAdapter(adapter, adapted, interface) except ValueError: # An adapter class was already registered pass
[docs]class JustifiedLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): """A logging formatter which pretty prints thread and calling function information, in addition to the normal timestamp, log level, and log message. :ivar int width: The width of the column for the calling function information, if the latter is to be included. """ width = 30 def __init__(self, logThreads=False, logTrace=False, datefmt="%H:%M:%s"): """If **logTrace** is ``True``, the line number, module name, and function name where the logger was called will be included in the message, and the width of this information will always equal ``width``. :param bool logThreads: If ``True``, include the current thread name and ID in formatted log messages. :param bool logTrace: If ``True``, include information on the calling function in formatted log messages. """ super(JustifiedLogFormatter, self).__init__(datefmt=datefmt) self.logThreads = logThreads self.logTrace = logTrace _fmt = ["%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7.7s"] if self.logThreads: _fmt.append("[%(threadName)s id:%(thread)d]") _fmt.append("%(callingFunc)s") _fmt.append("%(message)s") self._fmt = " ".join(_fmt) def _formatCallingFuncName(self, record): """Format the combined module name and function name of the place where the log message/record was recorded, so that the formatted string is left-justified and not longer than the :cvar:`width`. :type record: :class:`logging.LogRecord` :param record: A record of an event created by calling a logger. :returns: The :class:`logging.LogRecord` with its ``message`` attribute rewritten to contain the module and function name, truncated to ``width``, or padded on the right with spaces as is necessary. """ callingFunc = "" if self.logTrace: # The '.' character between the module name and function name # would otherwise be interpreted as a format string specifier, so # we must specify ``chr(46)``: lineno = "L%s:" % record.lineno caller = "%s%-s%s" % (lineno.rjust(6), record.module, chr(46)) maxFuncNameWidth = self.width - 2 - len(caller) funcName = record.funcName if len(funcName) > maxFuncNameWidth: funcName = record.funcName[:maxFuncNameWidth] caller += "%s()" % (funcName) callingFunc = caller.ljust(self.width) record.callingFunc = callingFunc return record
[docs] def format(self, record): """Reformat this log **record** to neatly print thread and function traces, if configured to do so. :type record: :class:`logging.LogRecord` :param record: A record of an event created by calling a logger. """ record = self._formatCallingFuncName(record) return super(JustifiedLogFormatter, self).format(record)
[docs]class mixin: """Subclasses of me can be used as a mixin class by registering another class, ``ClassA``, which should be mixed with the ``mixin`` subclass, in order to provide simple, less error-prone, multiple inheritance models:: >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> from bridgedb.util import mixin >>> >>> class ClassA(object): ... def sayWhich(self): ... print("ClassA.sayWhich() called.") ... def doSuperThing(self): ... print("%s" % super(ClassA, self)) ... def doThing(self): ... print("ClassA is doing a thing.") ... >>> class ClassB(ClassA): ... def sayWhich(self): ... print("ClassB.sayWhich() called.") ... def doSuperThing(self): ... print("%s" % super(ClassB, self)) ... def doOtherThing(self): ... print("ClassB is doing something else.") ... >>> class ClassM(mixin): ... def sayWhich(self): ... print("ClassM.sayWhich() called.") ... >>> ClassM.register(ClassA) >>> >>> class ClassC(ClassM, ClassB): ... def sayWhich(self): ... super(ClassC, self).sayWhich() ... >>> c = ClassC() >>> c.sayWhich() ClassM.sayWhich() called. >>> c.doSuperThing() <super: <class 'ClassB'>, <ClassC object>> >>> c.doThing() ClassA is doing a thing. >>> c.doOtherThing() ClassB is doing something else. .. info:: This class' name is lowercased because pylint is hardcoded to expect mixin classes to end in ``'mixin'``. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta