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Source code for bridgedb.parse.options

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2007-2013, all entities within the AUTHORS file
# :license: 3-clause BSD, see included LICENSE for information

"""Parsers for BridgeDB commandline options.

.. py:module:: bridgedb.parse.options
   :synopsis: Parsers for BridgeDB commandline options.


   |__ setConfig()
   |__ getConfig() - Set/Get the config file path.
   |__ setRundir()
   |__ getRundir() - Set/Get the runtime directory.
   |__ parseOptions() - Create the main options parser for BridgeDB.
   \_ BaseOptions - Base options, included in all other options menus.
       |\__ findRundirAndConfigFile() - Find the absolute path of the config
       |                                file and runtime directory, or find
       |                                suitable defaults.
       |__ SIGHUPOptions - Menu to explain SIGHUP signal handling and usage.
       |__ SIGUSR1Options - Menu to explain SIGUSR1 handling and usage.
       |__ MockOptions - Suboptions for creating fake bridge descriptors for
       |                 testing purposes.
       \__ MainOptions - Main commandline options parser for BridgeDB.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import os

from twisted.python import usage

from bridgedb import __version__

#: In :meth:`BaseOptions.findRundirAndConfig`, this is set to the the
#: absolute path of the ``opts['rundir']`` setting, if given, otherwise it
#: defaults to the current directory.
_rundir = None

#: In :meth:`BaseOptions.findRundirAndConfig`, if ``opts['config']`` is
#: given, this is set to the the absolute path of the ``opts['config']``
#: settting relative to the ``rundir``, otherwise it defaults to
#: 'bridgedb.conf' in the current directory.
_config = None

[docs]def setConfig(path): """Set the absolute path to the config file. See :meth:`BaseOptions.postOptions`. :param string path: The path to set. """ global _config _config = path
[docs]def getConfig(): """Get the absolute path to the config file. :rtype: string :returns: The path to the config file. """ return _config
[docs]def setRundir(path): """Set the absolute path to the runtime directory. See :meth:`BaseOptions.postOptions`. :param string path: The path to set. """ global _rundir _rundir = path
[docs]def getRundir(): """Get the absolute path to the runtime directory. :rtype: string :returns: The path to the config file. """ return _rundir
[docs]def parseOptions(): """Create the main options parser and its subcommand parsers. Any :exc:`~twisted.python.usage.UsageErrors` which are raised due to invalid options are ignored; their error message is printed and then we exit the program. :rtype: :class:`MainOptions` :returns: The main options parsing class, with any commandline arguments already parsed. """ options = MainOptions() try: options.parseOptions() except usage.UsageError as uerr: print(uerr.message) print(options.getUsage()) sys.exit(1) except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover exc, value, tb = sys.exc_info() print("Unhandled Error: %s" % error.message) print(traceback.format_exc(tb)) return options
[docs]class BaseOptions(usage.Options): """Base options included in all main and sub options menus.""" longdesc = textwrap.dedent("""BridgeDB is a proxy distribution system for private relays acting as bridges into the Tor network. See `bridgedb <command> --help` for addition help.""") optParameters = [ ['config', 'c', None, 'Configuration file [default: <rundir>/bridgedb.conf]'], ['rundir', 'r', None, """Change to this directory before running. [default: `os.getcwd()'] All other paths, if not absolute, should be relative to this path. This includes the config file and any further files specified within the config file. """]] def __init__(self): """Create an options parser. All flags, parameters, and attributes of this base options parser are inherited by all child classes. """ super(BaseOptions, self).__init__() self['version'] = self.opt_version self['verbosity'] = 30
[docs] def opt_quiet(self): """Decrease verbosity""" # We use '10' because then it corresponds to the log levels self['verbosity'] -= 10
[docs] def opt_verbose(self): """Increase verbosity""" self['verbosity'] += 10
opt_q = opt_quiet opt_v = opt_verbose
[docs] def opt_version(self): """Display BridgeDB's version and exit.""" print("%s-%s" % (__package__, __version__)) sys.exit(0)
[docs] def findRundirAndConfigFile(rundir=None, config=None): """Find the absolute path of the config file and runtime directory, or find suitable defaults. Attempts to set the absolute path of the runtime directory. If the config path is relative, its absolute path is set relative to the runtime directory path (unless it starts with '.' or '..', then it is interpreted relative to the current working directory). If the path to the config file is absolute, it is left alone. :type rundir: string or None :param rundir: The user-supplied path to the runtime directory, from the commandline options (i.e. ``options = BaseOptions().parseOptions(); options['rundir'];``). :type config: string or None :param config: The user-supplied path to the config file, from the commandline options (i.e. ``options = BaseOptions().parseOptions(); options['config'];``). :raises: :api:`twisted.python.usage.UsageError` if either the runtime directory or the config file cannot be found. """ gRundir = getRundir() gConfig = getConfig() if gRundir is None: if rundir is not None: gRundir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rundir)) else: gRundir = os.getcwdu() setRundir(gRundir) if not os.path.isdir(gRundir): # pragma: no cover raise usage.UsageError( "Could not change to runtime directory: `%s'" % gRundir) if gConfig is None: if config is None: config = 'bridgedb.conf' gConfig = config if not os.path.isabs(gConfig): # startswith('.') will handle other relative paths, i.e. '..' if gConfig.startswith('.'): # pragma: no cover gConfig = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(gConfig)) else: gConfig = os.path.join(gRundir, gConfig) setConfig(gConfig) gConfig = getConfig() if not os.path.isfile(gConfig): # pragma: no cover raise usage.UsageError( "Specified config file `%s' doesn't exist!" % gConfig)
[docs] def postOptions(self): """Automatically called by :meth:`parseOptions`. Determines appropriate values for the 'config' and 'rundir' settings. """ super(BaseOptions, self).postOptions() self.findRundirAndConfigFile(self['rundir'], self['config']) gConfig = getConfig() gRundir = getRundir() if (self['rundir'] is None) and (gRundir is not None): self['rundir'] = gRundir if (self['config'] is None) and (gConfig is not None): self['config'] = gConfig if self['verbosity'] <= 10: print("%s.postOptions():" % self.__class__) print(" gCONFIG=%s" % gConfig) print(" self['config']=%s" % self['config']) print(" gRUNDIR=%s" % gRundir) print(" self['rundir']=%s" % self['rundir'])
[docs]class MockOptions(BaseOptions): """Suboptions for creating necessary conditions for testing purposes.""" optParameters = [ ['descriptors', 'n', 1000, '''Generate <n> mock bridge descriptor sets (types: netstatus, extrainfo, server)''']]
[docs]class SIGHUPOptions(BaseOptions): """Options menu to explain usage and handling of SIGHUP signals.""" longdesc = """If you send a SIGHUP to a running BridgeDB process, the servers will parse and reload all bridge descriptor files into the databases. Note that this command WILL NOT handle sending the signal for you; see signal(7) and kill(1) for additional help."""
[docs]class SIGUSR1Options(BaseOptions): """Options menu to explain usage and handling of SIGUSR1 signals.""" longdesc = """If you send a SIGUSR1 to a running BridgeDB process, the servers will dump all bridge assignments by distributor from the databases to files. Note that this command WILL NOT handle sending the signal for you; see signal(7) and kill(1) for additional help."""
[docs]class MainOptions(BaseOptions): """Main commandline options parser for BridgeDB.""" optFlags = [ ['dump-bridges', 'd', 'Dump bridges by hashring assignment into files'], ['reload', 'R', 'Reload bridge descriptors into running servers']] subCommands = [ ['mock', None, MockOptions, "Generate a testing environment"], ['SIGHUP', None, SIGHUPOptions, "Reload bridge descriptors into running servers"], ['SIGUSR1', None, SIGUSR1Options, "Dump bridges by hashring assignment into files"]]