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Source code for bridgedb.parse.descriptors

# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_parse_descriptors ; -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2014-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

"""Parsers for Tor Bridge descriptors, including ``bridge-networkstatus``
documents, ``bridge-server-descriptor``s, and ``bridge-extrainfo``

.. py:module:: bridgedb.parse.descriptors
    :synopsis: Parsers for Tor Bridge descriptors.


 DescriptorWarning - Raised when we parse a very odd descriptor.
 deduplicate - Deduplicate a container of descriptors, keeping only the newest
               descriptor for each router.
 parseNetworkStatusFile - Parse a bridge-networkstatus document generated and
                          given to us by the BridgeAuthority.
 parseServerDescriptorsFile - Parse a file containing
 parseExtraInfoFiles - Parse (multiple) file(s) containing bridge-extrainfo

from __future__ import print_function

import datetime
import logging
import os
import shutil

from stem import ProtocolError
from stem.descriptor import parse_file
from stem.descriptor.router_status_entry import _parse_file as _parseNSFile
from stem.descriptor.router_status_entry import RouterStatusEntryV3

from bridgedb import safelog
from bridgedb.parse.nickname import InvalidRouterNickname

[docs]class DescriptorWarning(Warning): """Raised when we parse a very odd descriptor."""
def _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile(filename): """Save a copy of the bad descriptor file for later debugging. If the old filename was ``'descriptors/'``, then the name of the copy will be something like ``'descriptors/'``. :param str filename: The path to the unparseable descriptor file that we should save a copy of. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if a copy of the file was saved successfully, and ``False`` otherwise. """ timestamp = timestamp = timestamp.isoformat(sep=chr(0x2d)) timestamp = timestamp.rsplit('.', 1)[0] path, sep, fname = filename.rpartition(os.path.sep) newfilename = "%s%s%s_%s%sunparseable" % (path, sep, timestamp, fname, os.path.extsep)"Unparseable descriptor file '%s' will be copied to '%s' " "for debugging.") % (filename, newfilename)) try: shutil.copyfile(filename, newfilename) except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover logging.error(("Could not save copy of unparseable descriptor file " "in '%s': %s") % (newfilename, str(error))) return False else: logging.debug(("Successfully finished saving a copy of an unparseable " "descriptor file.")) return True
[docs]def parseNetworkStatusFile(filename, validate=True, skipAnnotations=True, descriptorClass=RouterStatusEntryV3): """Parse a file which contains an ``@type bridge-networkstatus`` document. See :trac:`12254` for why networkstatus-bridges documents don't look anything like the networkstatus v2 documents that they are purported to look like. They are missing all headers, and the entire footer (including authority signatures). :param str filename: The location of the file containing bridge networkstatus descriptors. :param bool validate: Passed along to Stem's parsers. If ``True``, the descriptors will raise exceptions if they do not meet some definition of correctness. :param bool skipAnnotations: If ``True``, skip parsing everything before the first ``r`` line. :param descriptorClass: A class (probably from :mod:`stem.descriptors.router_status_entry`, i.e. :class:`stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV2` or :class:`stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntryV3`) which Stem will parse each descriptor it reads from **filename** into. :raises InvalidRouterNickname: if one of the routers in the networkstatus file had a nickname which does not conform to Tor's nickname specification. :raises ValueError: if the contents of a descriptor are malformed and **validate** is ``True``. :raises IOError: if the file at **filename** can't be read. :rtype: list :returns: A list of :class:`stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry`. """ routers = []"Parsing networkstatus file: %s" % filename) with open(filename) as fh: position = fh.tell() if skipAnnotations: while not fh.readline().startswith('r '): position = fh.tell() logging.debug("Skipping %d bytes of networkstatus file." % position) document = _parseNSFile(fh, validate, entry_class=descriptorClass) try: routers.extend(list(document)) except ValueError as error: if "nickname isn't valid" in str(error): raise InvalidRouterNickname(str(error)) else: raise ValueError(str(error))"Closed networkstatus file: %s" % filename) return routers
[docs]def parseServerDescriptorsFile(filename, validate=True): """Open and parse **filename**, which should contain ``@type bridge-server-descriptor``. .. note:: We have to lie to Stem, pretending that these are ``@type server-descriptor``, **not** ``@type bridge-server-descriptor``. See :trac:`11257`. :param str filename: The file to parse descriptors from. :param bool validate: Whether or not to validate descriptor contents. (default: ``True``) :rtype: list :returns: A list of :class:`stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor`s. """"Parsing server descriptors with Stem: %s" % filename) descriptorType = 'server-descriptor 1.0' document = parse_file(filename, descriptorType, validate=validate) routers = list(document) return routers
def __cmp_published__(x, y): """A custom ``cmp()`` which sorts descriptors by published date. :rtype: int :returns: Return negative if x<y, zero if x==y, positive if x>y. """ if x.published < y.published: return -1 elif x.published == y.published: # This *shouldn't* happen. It would mean that two descriptors for # the same router had the same timestamps, probably meaning there # is a severely-messed up OR implementation out there. Let's log # its fingerprint (no matter what!) so that we can look up its # ``platform`` line in its server-descriptor and tell whoever # wrote that code that they're probably (D)DOSing the Tor network. logging.warn(("Duplicate descriptor with identical timestamp (%s) " "for bridge %s with fingerprint %s !") % (x.published, x.nickname, x.fingerprint)) return 0 elif x.published > y.published: return 1
[docs]def deduplicate(descriptors, statistics=False): """Deduplicate some descriptors, returning only the newest for each router. .. note:: If two descriptors for the same router are discovered, AND both descriptors have the **same** published timestamp, then the router's fingerprint WILL BE LOGGED ON PURPOSE, because we assume that router to be broken or malicious. :param list descriptors: A list of :class:`stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor`, :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor`, or :class:`stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry`. :param bool statistics: If ``True``, log some extra statistics about the number of duplicates. :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary mapping router fingerprints to their newest available descriptor. """ duplicates = {} newest = {} for descriptor in descriptors: fingerprint = descriptor.fingerprint if fingerprint in duplicates: duplicates[fingerprint].append(descriptor) else: duplicates[fingerprint] = [descriptor,] for fingerprint, dupes in duplicates.items(): dupes.sort(cmp=__cmp_published__) first = dupes.pop() newest[fingerprint] = first duplicates[fingerprint] = dupes if statistics: # sorted() won't sort by values (or anything that isn't the first item # in its container), period, no matter what the cmp function is. totals = sorted([(len(v), k,) for k, v in duplicates.viewitems()]) total = sum([k for (k, v) in totals]) bridges = len(duplicates) top = 10 if bridges >= 10 else bridges"Number of bridges with duplicates: %5d" % bridges)"Total duplicate descriptors: %5d" % total)"Bridges with the most duplicates (Top %d):" % top) for i, (subtotal, bridge) in zip(range(1, top + 1), totals[:top]):" #%d %s: %d duplicates" % (i, bridge, subtotal))"Descriptor deduplication finished.") return newest
[docs]def parseExtraInfoFiles(*filenames, **kwargs): """Open **filenames** and parse any ``@type bridge-extrainfo-descriptor`` contained within. .. warning:: This function will *not* check that the ``router-signature`` at the end of the extrainfo descriptor is valid. See ``bridgedb.bridges.Bridge._verifyExtraInfoSignature`` for a method for checking the signature. The signature cannot be checked here, because to do so, we would need the latest, valid, corresponding ``signing-key`` for the Bridge. .. note:: This function will call :func:`deduplicate` to deduplicate the extrainfo descriptors parsed from all **filenames**. :kwargs validate: If there is a ``'validate'`` keyword argument, its value will be passed along as the ``'validate'`` argument to :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor`. The ``'validate'`` keyword argument defaults to ``True``, meaning that the hash digest stored in the ``router-digest`` line will be checked against the actual contents of the descriptor and the extrainfo document's signature will be verified. :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary mapping bridge fingerprints to their corresponding, deduplicated :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.RelayExtraInfoDescriptor`. """ descriptors = [] # The ``stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor`` # class (with ``descriptorType = 'bridge-extra-info 1.1``) is unsuitable # for our purposes for the following reasons: # # 1. It expects a ``router-digest`` line, which is only present in # sanitised bridge extrainfo descriptors. # # 2. It doesn't check the ``router-signature`` (nor does it expect there # to be a signature). descriptorType = 'extra-info 1.0' validate = True if ('validate' in kwargs) and (kwargs['validate'] is False): validate = False for filename in filenames:"Parsing %s descriptors in %s..." % (descriptorType, filename)) document = parse_file(filename, descriptorType, validate=validate) try: for router in document: descriptors.append(router) except (ValueError, ProtocolError) as error: logging.error( ("Stem exception while parsing extrainfo descriptor from " "file '%s':\n%s") % (filename, str(error))) _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile(filename) routers = deduplicate(descriptors) return routers