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Source code for bridgedb.parse.addr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2013 Isis Lovecruft
#             (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2007-2013, all entities within the AUTHORS file
# :license: 3-clause BSD, see included LICENSE for information

"""Utilities for parsing IP and email addresses.

.. py:module:: bridgedb.parse.addr
    :synopsis: Parsers for finding and validating IP addresses, email
        addresses, and port ranges.



   | |_ extractEmailAddress() - Validate a :rfc:2822 email address.
   | |_ isIPAddress() - Check if an arbitrary string is an IP address.
   | |_ isIPv4() - Check if an arbitrary string is an IPv4 address.
   | |_ isIPv6() - Check if an arbitrary string is an IPv6 address.
   | \_ isValidIP() - Check that an IP address is valid.
   |_ PortList - A container class for validated port ranges.


How address validity is determined

The following terms define addresses which are **not** valid. All other
addresses are taken to be valid.

Private IP Address Ranges
.. glossary::

   Private Address
     These address ranges are reserved by IANA for private intranets, and not
     routable to the Internet::    -  (  -  ( - (
     For additional information, see :rfc:`1918`.

Reserved and Special Use Addresses
.. glossary::

   Unspecified Address
   Default Route
     Current network (only valid as source address). See :rfc:`1122`. An
     **Unspecified Address** in the context of firewalls means "all addresses
     of the local machine". In a routing context, it is usually termed the
     **Default Route**, and it means the default route (to "the rest of" the
     internet). See :rfc:`1700`.
     For example::

   Loopback Address
     Reserved for loopback and IPC on the localhost. See :rfc:`1122`.

   Localhost Address
     Loopback IP addresses (refers to self). See :rfc:`5735`.
     Examples include:: -   (

   Link-Local Address
     These are the link-local blocks, used for communication between hosts on
     a single link. See :rfc:`3927`.

   Multicast Address
     Reserved for multicast addresses. See :rfc:`3171`.
     For example:: - (

   Private Address
     Reserved for private networks. See :rfc:`1918`.
     Some examples include::

   Reserved Address
     Reserved (former Class E network). See :rfc:`1700`, :rfc:`3232`, and
     :rfc:`5735`. The one exception to this rule is the :term:`Limited
     Broadcast Address`, ```` for which packets at the IP
     layer are not forwarded to the public internet. For example:: - (

   Limited Broadcast Address
     Limited broadcast address (limited to all other nodes on the LAN). See
     :rfc:`919`. For IPv4, ``255`` in any part of the IP is reserved for
     broadcast addressing to the local LAN, e.g.::

.. warning:: The :mod:`ipaddr` module (as of version 2.1.10) does not
             understand the following reserved_ addresses:
.. _reserved:

.. glossary::

   Reserved Address (Protocol Assignments)
     Reserved for IETF protocol assignments. See :rfc:`5735`.

   Reserved Address (6to4 Relay Anycast)
     IPv6 to IPv4 relay. See :rfc:`3068`.

   Reserved Address (Network Benchmark)
     Network benchmark tests. See :rfc:`2544`.

   Reserved Address (TEST-NET-1)
     Reserved for use in documentation and example code. It is often used in
     conjunction with domain names ```` or ```` in
     vendor and protocol documentation. See :rfc:`1166`.
     For example::

   Reserved Address (TEST-NET-2)
     TEST-NET-2. See :rfc:`5737`.

   Reserved Address (TEST-NET-3)
     TEST-NET-3. See :rfc:`5737`.

   Shared Address Space
     See :rfc:`6598`.

   Site-Local Address
   Unique Local Address
     Similar uses to :term:`Limited Broadcast Address`. For IPv6, everything
     becomes convoluted_ and complicated_, and then redefined_. See
     :rfc:`4193`, :rfc:`3879`, and :rfc:`3513`. The
     :meth:`ipaddr.IPAddress.is_site_local` method *only* checks to see if
     the address is a **Unique Local Address** vis-á-vis :rfc:`3513` §2.5.6,


.. _convoluted:
.. _complicated:
.. _redefined:

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import re

import ipaddr

#: These are the special characters which RFC2822 allows within email addresses:
#:     ASPECIAL = '!#$%&*+-/=?^_`{|}~' + "\\\'"
#: …But these are the only ones we're confident that we can handle correctly:
#:     ASPECIAL = '-_+/=_~'
ASPECIAL = '-_+/=_~'
ACHAR = r'[\w%s]' % "".join("\\%s" % c for c in ASPECIAL)
DOTATOM = r'%s+(?:\.%s+)*' % (ACHAR, ACHAR)
DOMAIN = r'\w+(?:\.\w+)*'
ADDRSPEC = r'(%s)\@(%s)' % (DOTATOM, DOMAIN)
# A compiled regexp which matches on any type and ammount of whitespace:
SPACE_PAT = re.compile(r'\s+')
# A compiled regexp which matches RFC2822 email address strings:

[docs]class BadEmail(Exception): """Exception raised when we get a bad email address.""" def __init__(self, msg, email): Exception.__init__(self, msg) = email
[docs]class InvalidPort(ValueError): """Raised when a given port number is invalid."""
[docs]class UnsupportedDomain(ValueError): """Raised when we get an email address from an unsupported domain."""
[docs]def canonicalizeEmailDomain(domain, domainmap): """Decide if an email was sent from a permitted domain. :param str domain: The domain portion of an email address to validate. It will be checked that it is one of the domains allowed to email requests for bridges to the :class:``. :param dict domainmap: A map of permitted alternate domains (in lowercase) to their canonical domain names (in lowercase). This can be configured with the ``EMAIL_DOMAIN_MAP`` option in ``bridgedb.conf``, for example:: EMAIL_DOMAIN_MAP = {'': '', '': ''} :raises UnsupportedDomain: if the domain portion of the email address is not within the map of alternate to canonical allowed domain names. :rtype: str :returns: The canonical domain name for the email address. """ permitted = None try: permitted = domainmap.get(domain) except AttributeError: logging.debug("Got non-dict for 'domainmap' parameter: %r" % domainmap) if not permitted: raise UnsupportedDomain("Domain not permitted: %s" % domain) return permitted
[docs]def extractEmailAddress(emailaddr): """Given an email address, obtained for example, via a ``From:`` or ``Sender:`` email header, try to extract and parse (according to :rfc:`2822`) the local and domain portions. We only allow the following form:: LOCAL_PART := DOTATOM DOMAIN := DOTATOM ADDRSPEC := LOCAL_PART "@" DOMAIN In particular, we are disallowing: obs-local-part, obs-domain, comment, and obs-FWS. Other forms exist, but none of the incoming services we recognize support them. :param emailaddr: An email address to validate. :raises BadEmail: if the **emailaddr** couldn't be validated or parsed. :returns: A tuple of the validated email address, containing the mail local part and the domain:: (LOCAL_PART, DOMAIN) """ orig = emailaddr try: addr = SPACE_PAT.sub(' ', emailaddr).strip() except TypeError as error: logging.debug(error) raise BadEmail("Can't extract address from object type %r!" % type(orig), orig) # Only works on usual-form addresses; raises BadEmail on weird # address form. That's okay, since we'll only get those when # people are trying to fool us. if '<' in addr: # Take the _last_ index of <, so that we don't need to bother # with quoting tricks. idx = addr.rindex('<') addr = addr[idx:] m ='<([^>]*)>', addr) if m is None: raise BadEmail("Couldn't extract address spec", orig) addr = # At this point, addr holds a putative addr-spec. addr = addr.replace(" ", "") m = ADDRSPEC_PAT.match(addr) if not m: raise BadEmail("Bad address spec format", orig) localpart, domain = m.groups() return localpart, domain
[docs]def isIPAddress(ip, compressed=True): """Check if an arbitrary string is an IP address, and that it's valid. :type ip: basestring or int :param ip: The IP address to check. :param boolean compressed: If True, return a string representing the compressed form of the address. Otherwise, return an :class:`ipaddr.IPAddress` instance. :rtype: A :class:`ipaddr.IPAddress`, or a string, or False :returns: The IP, as a string or a class, if it passed the checks. Otherwise, returns False. """ try: ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(ip) except ValueError: return False else: if isValidIP(ip): if compressed: return ip.compressed else: return ip return False
[docs]def isIPv(version, ip): """Check if **ip** is a certain **version** (IPv4 or IPv6). .. warning: Do *not* put any calls to the logging module in this function, or else an infinite recursion will occur when the call is made, due the the log :class:`~logging.Filter`s in :mod:`~bridgedb.safelog` using this function to validate matches from the regular expression for IP addresses. :param integer version: The IPv[4|6] version to check; must be either ``4`` or ``6``. Any other value will be silently changed to ``4``. :param ip: The IP address to check. May be an any type which :class:`ipaddr.IPAddress` will accept. :rtype: boolean :returns: ``True``, if the address is an IPv4 address. """ try: ipaddr.IPAddress(ip, version=version) except (ipaddr.AddressValueError, Exception): return False else: return True return False
[docs]def isIPv4(ip): """Check if an address is IPv4. .. attention:: This does *not* check validity. See :func:`isValidIP`. :type ip: basestring or int :param ip: The IP address to check. :rtype: boolean :returns: True if the address is an IPv4 address. """ return isIPv(4, ip)
[docs]def isIPv6(ip): """Check if an address is IPv6. .. attention:: This does *not* check validity. See :func:`isValidIP`. :type ip: basestring or int :param ip: The IP address to check. :rtype: boolean :returns: True if the address is an IPv6 address. """ return isIPv(6, ip)
[docs]def isValidIP(ip): """Check that an IP (v4 or v6) is valid. The IP address, **ip**, must not be any of the following: * A :term:`Link-Local Address`, * A :term:`Loopback Address` or :term:`Localhost Address`, * A :term:`Multicast Address`, * An :term:`Unspecified Address` or :term:`Default Route`, * Any other :term:`Private Address`, or address within a privately allocated space, such as the IANA-reserved :term:`Shared Address Space`. If it is an IPv6 address, it also must not be: * A :term:`Site-Local Address` or an :term:`Unique Local Address`. >>> from bridgedb.parse.addr import isValidIP >>> isValidIP('') True >>> isValidIP('') True >>> isValidIP('') False >>> isValidIP('1') False >>> isValidIP('1.2.3') False >>> isValidIP('xyzzy') False :type ip: An :class:`ipaddr.IPAddress`, :class:`ipaddr.IPv4Address`, :class:`ipaddr.IPv6Address`, or str :param ip: An IP address. If it is a string, it will be converted to a :class:`ipaddr.IPAddress`. :rtype: boolean :returns: ``True``, if **ip** passes the checks; False otherwise. """ reasons = [] try: if isinstance(ip, basestring): ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(ip) if ip.is_link_local: reasons.append('link local') if ip.is_loopback: reasons.append('loopback') if ip.is_multicast: reasons.append('multicast') if ip.is_private: reasons.append('private') if ip.is_unspecified: reasons.append('unspecified') if (ip.version == 6) and ip.is_site_local: reasons.append('site local') elif (ip.version == 4) and ip.is_reserved: reasons.append('reserved') except ValueError: reasons.append('cannot convert to ip') if reasons: explain = ', '.join([r for r in reasons]) logging.debug("IP address %r is invalid! Reason(s): %s" % (ip, explain)) return False return True
[docs]def normalizeEmail(emailaddr, domainmap, domainrules, ignorePlus=True): """Normalise an email address according to the processing rules for its canonical originating domain. The email address, **emailaddr**, will be parsed and validated, and then checked that it originated from one of the domains allowed to email requests for bridges to the :class:`` via the :func:`canonicaliseEmailDomain` function. :param str emailaddr: An email address to normalise. :param dict domainmap: A map of permitted alternate domains (in lowercase) to their canonical domain names (in lowercase). This can be configured with the ``EMAIL_DOMAIN_MAP`` option in ``bridgedb.conf``, for example:: EMAIL_DOMAIN_MAP = {'': '', '': ''} :param dict domainrules: A mapping of canonical permitted domain names to a list of rules which should be applied to processing them, for example:: EMAIL_DOMAIN_RULES = {'': ["ignore_dots", "dkim"] Currently, ``"ignore_dots"`` means that all ``"."`` characters will be removed from the local part of the validated email address. :param bool ignorePlus: If ``True``, assume that ```` is an alias for ````, and remove everything after the first ``'+'`` character. :raises UnsupportedDomain: if the email address originated from a domain that we do not explicitly support. :raises BadEmail: if the email address could not be parsed or validated. :rtype: str :returns: The validated, normalised email address, if it was from a permitted domain. Otherwise, returns an empty string. """ emailaddr = emailaddr.lower() localpart, domain = extractEmailAddress(emailaddr) canonical = canonicalizeEmailDomain(domain, domainmap) if ignorePlus: idx = localpart.find('+') if idx >= 0: localpart = localpart[:idx] rules = domainrules.get(canonical, []) if 'ignore_dots' in rules: localpart = localpart.replace(".", "") normalized = "%s@%s" % (localpart, domain) return normalized
[docs]class PortList(object): """A container class for validated port ranges. From torspec.git/dir-spec.txt §2.3: | | portspec ::= "*" | port | port "-" port | port ::= an integer between 1 and 65535, inclusive. | | [Some implementations incorrectly generate ports with value 0. | Implementations SHOULD accept this, and SHOULD NOT generate it. | Connections to port 0 are never permitted.] | :ivar set ports: All ports which have been added to this ``PortList``. """ #: The maximum number of allowed ports per IP address. PORTSPEC_LEN = 16 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`~bridgedb.parse.addr.PortList`. :param args: Should match the ``portspec`` defined above. :raises: InvalidPort, if one of ``args`` doesn't match ``port`` as defined above. """ self.ports = set() self.add(*args) def _sanitycheck(self, port): """Check that ``port`` is in the range [1, 65535] inclusive. :raises: InvalidPort, if ``port`` doesn't match ``port`` as defined in the excert from torspec above. :rtype: int :returns: The **port**, if no exceptions were raised. """ if (not isinstance(port, int)) or not (0 < port <= 65535): raise InvalidPort("%s is not a valid port number!" % port) return port def __contains__(self, port): """Determine whether ``port`` is already in this ``PortList``. :returns: True if ``port`` is in this ``PortList``; False otherwise. """ return port in self.ports
[docs] def add(self, *args): """Add a port (or ports) to this ``PortList``. :param args: Should match the ``portspec`` defined above. :raises: InvalidPort, if one of ``args`` doesn't match ``port`` as defined above. """ for arg in args: portlist = [] try: if isinstance(arg, basestring): ports = set([int(p) for p in arg.split(',')][:self.PORTSPEC_LEN]) portlist.extend([self._sanitycheck(p) for p in ports]) if isinstance(arg, int): portlist.append(self._sanitycheck(arg)) if isinstance(arg, PortList): self.add(list(arg.ports)) except ValueError: raise InvalidPort("%s is not a valid port number!" % arg) self.ports.update(set(portlist))
def __iter__(self): """Iterate through all ports in this PortList.""" return self.ports.__iter__() def __str__(self): """Returns a pretty string representation of this PortList.""" return ','.join(['%s' % port for port in self.ports]) def __repr__(self): """Returns a raw depiction of this PortList.""" return "PortList('%s')" % self.__str__() def __len__(self): """Returns the total number of ports in this PortList.""" return len(self.ports) def __getitem__(self, port): """Get the value of ``port`` if it is in this PortList. :raises: ValueError, if ``port`` isn't in this PortList. :rtype: integer :returns: The ``port``, if it is in this PortList. """ return list(self.ports)[port]