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Source code for bridgedb.https.server

# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_https_server -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: please see included AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

.. py:module:: bridgedb.https.server
    :synopsis: Servers which interface with clients and distribute bridges
               over HTTP(S).


Servers which interface with clients and distribute bridges over HTTP(S).

.. inheritance-diagram:: TranslatedTemplateResource IndexResource OptionsResource HowtoResource CaptchaProtectedResource GimpCaptchaProtectedResource ReCaptchaProtectedResource BridgesResource
    :parts: 1

import base64
import gettext
import logging
import random
import re
import time
import os

from functools import partial

from ipaddr import IPv4Address

import mako.exceptions
from mako.template import Template
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError
from twisted.web import resource
from twisted.web import static
from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.util import redirectTo

from bridgedb import captcha
from bridgedb import crypto
from bridgedb import strings
from bridgedb import translations
from bridgedb import txrecaptcha
from bridgedb.https.request import HTTPSBridgeRequest
from bridgedb.parse import headers
from bridgedb.parse.addr import isIPAddress
from bridgedb.qrcodes import generateQR
from bridgedb.safelog import logSafely
from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled
from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
from bridgedb.util import replaceControlChars

TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
rtl_langs = ('ar', 'he', 'fa', 'gu_IN', 'ku')

# Setting `filesystem_checks` to False is recommended for production servers,
# due to potential speed increases. This means that the atimes of the Mako
# template files aren't rechecked every time the template is requested
# (otherwise, if they are checked, and the atime is newer, the template is
# recompiled). `collection_size` sets the number of compiled templates which
# are cached before the least recently used ones are removed. See:
lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[TEMPLATE_DIR],
logging.debug("Set template root to %s" % TEMPLATE_DIR)

[docs]def getClientIP(request, useForwardedHeader=False): """Get the client's IP address from the ``'X-Forwarded-For:'`` header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` for a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`. :param bool useForwardedHeader: If ``True``, attempt to get the client's IP address from the ``'X-Forwarded-For:'`` header. :rtype: ``None`` or :any:`str` :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable. """ ip = None if useForwardedHeader: header = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For") if header: ip = header.split(",")[-1].strip() if not isIPAddress(ip): logging.warn("Got weird X-Forwarded-For value %r" % header) ip = None else: ip = request.getClientIP() return ip
[docs]def replaceErrorPage(error, template_name=None): """Create a general error page for displaying in place of tracebacks. Log the error to BridgeDB's logger, and then display a very plain "Sorry! Something went wrong!" page to the client. :type error: :exc:`Exception` :param error: Any exeption which has occurred while attempting to retrieve a template, render a page, or retrieve a resource. :param str template_name: A string describing which template/page/resource was being used when the exception occurred, i.e. ``'index.html'``. :returns: A string containing HTML to serve to the client (rather than serving a traceback). """ logging.error("Error while attempting to render %s: %s" % (template_name or 'template', mako.exceptions.text_error_template().render())) # TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the following words and/or phrases in # any string (regardless of capitalization and/or punctuation): # # "BridgeDB" # "pluggable transport" # "pluggable transports" # "obfs2" # "obfs3" # "scramblesuit" # "fteproxy" # "Tor" # "Tor Browser" # errmsg = _("Sorry! Something went wrong with your request.") rendered = """<html> <head> <link href="/assets/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/assets/custom.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <p>{0}</p> </body> </html>""".format(errmsg) return rendered
[docs]class TranslatedTemplateResource(resource.Resource): """A generalised resource which uses gettext translations and Mako templates. """ isLeaf = True def __init__(self, template=None): """Create a new :api:`Resource <twisted.web.resource.Resource>` for a Mako-templated webpage. """ gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True) resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.template = template
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): rtl = False try: langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request) rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs) template = lookup.get_template(self.template) rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0]) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover rendered = replaceErrorPage(err) request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return rendered
render_POST = render_GET
[docs]class IndexResource(TranslatedTemplateResource): """The parent resource of all other documents hosted by the webserver.""" def __init__(self): """Create a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` for the index page.""" TranslatedTemplateResource.__init__(self, 'index.html')
[docs]class OptionsResource(TranslatedTemplateResource): """A resource with additional options which a client may use to specify the which bridge types should be returned by :class:`BridgesResource`. """ def __init__(self): """Create a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` for the options page.""" TranslatedTemplateResource.__init__(self, 'options.html')
[docs]class HowtoResource(TranslatedTemplateResource): """A resource which explains how to use bridges.""" def __init__(self): """Create a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` for the HowTo page.""" TranslatedTemplateResource.__init__(self, 'howto.html')
[docs]class CaptchaProtectedResource(resource.Resource): """A general resource protected by some form of CAPTCHA.""" isLeaf = True def __init__(self, publicKey=None, secretKey=None, useForwardedHeader=False, protectedResource=None): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.publicKey = publicKey self.secretKey = secretKey self.useForwardedHeader = useForwardedHeader self.resource = protectedResource
[docs] def getClientIP(self, request): """Get the client's IP address from the ``'X-Forwarded-For:'`` header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` for a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`. :rtype: ``None`` or :any:`str` :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable. """ return getClientIP(request, self.useForwardedHeader)
[docs] def getCaptchaImage(self, request=None): """Get a CAPTCHA image. :rtype: tuple :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where ``image`` is a binary, JPEG-encoded image, and ``challenge`` is a unique string. If unable to retrieve a CAPTCHA, returns a tuple containing two empty strings. """ return ('', '')
[docs] def extractClientSolution(self, request): """Extract the client's CAPTCHA solution from a POST request. This is used after receiving a POST request from a client (which should contain their solution to the CAPTCHA), to extract the solution and challenge strings. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object for 'bridges.html'. :returns: A redirect for a request for a new CAPTCHA if there was a problem. Otherwise, returns a 2-tuple of strings, the first is the client's CAPTCHA solution from the text input area, and the second is the challenge string. """ try: challenge = request.args['captcha_challenge_field'][0] response = request.args['captcha_response_field'][0] except Exception: # pragma: no cover return redirectTo(request.URLPath(), request) return (challenge, response)
[docs] def checkSolution(self, request): """Override this method to check a client's CAPTCHA solution. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if the client correctly solved the CAPTCHA; ``False`` otherwise. """ return False
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """Retrieve a ReCaptcha from the API server and serve it to the client. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object for a page which should be protected by a CAPTCHA. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ rtl = False image, challenge = self.getCaptchaImage(request) try: langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request) rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs) # TODO: this does not work for versions of IE < 8.0 imgstr = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(image) template = lookup.get_template('captcha.html') rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0], imgstr=imgstr, challenge_field=challenge) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(err, 'captcha.html') request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return rendered
[docs] def render_POST(self, request): """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution. If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") if self.checkSolution(request) is True: try: rendered = self.resource.render(request) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(err) return rendered logging.debug("Client failed a CAPTCHA; returning redirect to %s" % request.uri) return redirectTo(request.uri, request)
[docs]class GimpCaptchaProtectedResource(CaptchaProtectedResource): """A web resource which uses a local cache of CAPTCHAs, generated with gimp-captcha_, to protect another resource. .. _gimp-captcha: """ def __init__(self, hmacKey=None, captchaDir='', **kwargs): """Protect a resource via this one, using a local CAPTCHA cache. :param str secretkey: A PKCS#1 OAEP-padded, private RSA key, used for verifying the client's solution to the CAPTCHA. See :func:`bridgedb.crypto.getRSAKey` and the ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE`` config setting. :param str publickey: A PKCS#1 OAEP-padded, public RSA key, used for creating the ``captcha_challenge_field`` string to give to a client. :param bytes hmacKey: The master HMAC key, used for validating CAPTCHA challenge strings in :meth:`captcha.GimpCaptcha.check`. The file where this key is stored can be set via the ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE`` option in the config file. :param str captchaDir: The directory where the cached CAPTCHA images are stored. See the ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR`` config setting. :param bool useForwardedHeader: If ``True``, obtain the client's IP address from the ``X-Forwarded-For`` HTTP header. :type protectedResource: :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` :param protectedResource: The resource to serve if the client successfully passes the CAPTCHA challenge. """ CaptchaProtectedResource.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.hmacKey = hmacKey self.captchaDir = captchaDir
[docs] def checkSolution(self, request): """Process a solved CAPTCHA via :meth:`bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha.check`. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :rtupe: bool :returns: True, if the CAPTCHA solution was valid; False otherwise. """ valid = False challenge, solution = self.extractClientSolution(request) clientIP = self.getClientIP(request) clientHMACKey = crypto.getHMAC(self.hmacKey, clientIP) try: valid = captcha.GimpCaptcha.check(challenge, solution, self.secretKey, clientHMACKey) except captcha.CaptchaExpired as error: logging.warn(error) valid = False logging.debug("%sorrect captcha from %r: %r." % ("C" if valid else "Inc", clientIP, solution)) return valid
[docs] def getCaptchaImage(self, request): """Get a random CAPTCHA image from our **captchaDir**. Creates a :class:`~bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha`, and calls its :meth:`~bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha.get` method to return a random CAPTCHA and challenge string. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A client's initial request for some other resource which is protected by this one (i.e. protected by a CAPTCHA). :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where:: - ``image`` is a string holding a binary, JPEG-encoded image. - ``challenge`` is a unique string associated with the request. """ # Create a new HMAC key, specific to requests from this client: clientIP = self.getClientIP(request) clientHMACKey = crypto.getHMAC(self.hmacKey, clientIP) capt = captcha.GimpCaptcha(self.publicKey, self.secretKey, clientHMACKey, self.captchaDir) try: capt.get() except captcha.GimpCaptchaError as error: logging.error(error) except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover logging.error("Unhandled error while retrieving Gimp captcha!") logging.exception(error) return (capt.image, capt.challenge)
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """Get a random CAPTCHA from our local cache directory and serve it to the client. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object for a page which should be protected by a CAPTCHA. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_GET(self, request)
[docs] def render_POST(self, request): """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution. If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_POST(self, request)
[docs]class ReCaptchaProtectedResource(CaptchaProtectedResource): """A web resource which uses the reCaptcha_ service. .. _reCaptcha: """ def __init__(self, remoteIP=None, **kwargs): CaptchaProtectedResource.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.remoteIP = remoteIP def _renderDeferred(self, checkedRequest): """Render this resource asynchronously. :type checkedRequest: tuple :param checkedRequest: A tuple of ``(bool, request)``, as returned from :meth:`checkSolution`. """ try: valid, request = checkedRequest except Exception as err: logging.error("Error in _renderDeferred(): %s" % err) return logging.debug("Attemping to render %svalid request %r" % ('' if valid else 'in', request)) if valid is True: try: rendered = self.resource.render(request) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover rendered = replaceErrorPage(err) else:"Client failed a CAPTCHA; redirecting to %s" % request.uri) rendered = redirectTo(request.uri, request) try: request.write(rendered) request.finish() except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover logging.exception(err) return request
[docs] def getCaptchaImage(self, request): """Get a CAPTCHA image from the remote reCaptcha server. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A client's initial request for some other resource which is protected by this one (i.e. protected by a CAPTCHA). :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where:: - ``image`` is a string holding a binary, JPEG-encoded image. - ``challenge`` is a unique string associated with the request. """ capt = captcha.ReCaptcha(self.publicKey, self.secretKey) try: capt.get() except Exception as error: logging.fatal("Connection to Recaptcha server failed: %s" % error) if capt.image is None: logging.warn("No CAPTCHA image received from ReCaptcha server!") return (capt.image, capt.challenge)
[docs] def getRemoteIP(self): """Mask the client's real IP address with a faked one. The fake client IP address is sent to the reCaptcha server, and it is either the public IP address of (if the config option ``RECAPTCHA_REMOTE_IP`` is configured), or a random IP. :rtype: str :returns: A fake IP address to report to the reCaptcha API server. """ if self.remoteIP: remoteIP = self.remoteIP else: # generate a random IP for the captcha submission remoteIP = IPv4Address(random.randint(0, 2**32-1)).compressed return remoteIP
[docs] def checkSolution(self, request): """Process a solved CAPTCHA by sending it to the ReCaptcha server. The client's IP address is not sent to the ReCaptcha server; instead, a completely random IP is generated and sent instead. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :rtupe: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` :returns: A deferred which will callback with a tuple in the following form: (:type:`bool`, :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`) If the CAPTCHA solution was valid, a tuple will contain:: (True, Request) Otherwise, it will contain:: (False, Request) """ challenge, response = self.extractClientSolution(request) clientIP = self.getClientIP(request) remoteIP = self.getRemoteIP() logging.debug("Captcha from %r. Parameters: %r" % (clientIP, request.args)) def checkResponse(solution, request): """Check the :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`. :type solution: :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`. :param solution: The client's CAPTCHA solution, after it has been submitted to the reCaptcha API server. """ # This valid CAPTCHA result from this function cannot be reliably # unittested, because it's callbacked to from the deferred # returned by ``txrecaptcha.submit``, the latter of which would # require networking (as well as automated CAPTCHA # breaking). Hence, the 'no cover' pragma. if solution.is_valid: # pragma: no cover"Valid CAPTCHA solution from %r." % clientIP) return (True, request) else:"Invalid CAPTCHA solution from %r: %r" % (clientIP, solution.error_code)) return (False, request) d = txrecaptcha.submit(challenge, response, self.secretKey, remoteIP).addCallback(checkResponse, request) return d
[docs] def render_GET(self, request): """Retrieve a ReCaptcha from the API server and serve it to the client. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object for 'bridges.html'. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_GET(self, request)
[docs] def render_POST(self, request): """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution. If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :returns: :api:`twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET`, in order to handle the ``Deferred`` returned from :meth:`checkSolution`. Eventually, when the ``Deferred`` request is done being processed, :meth:`_renderDeferred` will handle rendering and displaying the HTML to the client. """ d = self.checkSolution(request) d.addCallback(self._renderDeferred) return NOT_DONE_YET
[docs]class BridgesResource(resource.Resource): """This resource displays bridge lines in response to a request.""" isLeaf = True def __init__(self, distributor, schedule, N=1, useForwardedHeader=False, includeFingerprints=True): """Create a new resource for displaying bridges to a client. :type distributor: :class:`HTTPSDistributor` :param distributor: The mechanism to retrieve bridges for this distributor. :type schedule: :class:`~bridgedb.schedule.ScheduledInterval` :param schedule: The time period used to tweak the bridge selection procedure. :param int N: The number of bridges to hand out per query. :param bool useForwardedHeader: Whether or not we should use the the X-Forwarded-For header instead of the source IP address. :param bool includeFingerprints: Do we include the bridge's fingerprint in the response? """ gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True) resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.distributor = distributor self.schedule = schedule self.nBridgesToGive = N self.useForwardedHeader = useForwardedHeader self.includeFingerprints = includeFingerprints
[docs] def render(self, request): """Render a response for a client HTTP request. Presently, this method merely wraps :meth:`getBridgeRequestAnswer` to catch any unhandled exceptions which occur (otherwise the server will display the traceback to the client). If an unhandled exception *does* occur, the client will be served the default "No bridges currently available" HTML response page. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. :rtype: str :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve. """ try: response = self.getBridgeRequestAnswer(request) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) response = self.renderAnswer(request) return response
[docs] def getClientIP(self, request): """Get the client's IP address from the ``'X-Forwarded-For:'`` header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object for a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`. :rtype: ``None`` or :any:`str` :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable. """ return getClientIP(request, self.useForwardedHeader)
[docs] def getBridgeRequestAnswer(self, request): """Respond to a client HTTP request for bridges. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. :rtype: str :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve. """ bridgeLines = None interval = self.schedule.intervalStart(time.time()) ip = self.getClientIP(request)"Replying to web request from %s. Parameters were %r" % (ip, request.args)) if ip: bridgeRequest = HTTPSBridgeRequest() bridgeRequest.client = ip bridgeRequest.isValid(True) bridgeRequest.withIPversion(request.args) bridgeRequest.withPluggableTransportType(request.args) bridgeRequest.withoutBlockInCountry(request) bridgeRequest.generateFilters() bridges = self.distributor.getBridges(bridgeRequest, interval) bridgeLines = [replaceControlChars(bridge.getBridgeLine( bridgeRequest, self.includeFingerprints)) for bridge in bridges] return self.renderAnswer(request, bridgeLines)
[docs] def getResponseFormat(self, request): """Determine the requested format for the response. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. :rtype: ``None`` or str :returns: The argument of the first occurence of the ``format=`` HTTP GET parameter, if any were present. (The only one which currently has any effect is ``format=plain``, see note in :meth:`renderAnswer`.) Otherwise, returns ``None``. """ format = request.args.get("format", None) if format and len(format): format = format[0] # Choose the first arg return format
[docs] def renderAnswer(self, request, bridgeLines=None): """Generate a response for a client which includes **bridgesLines**. .. note: The generated response can be plain or HTML. A plain response looks like:: voltron ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF voltron 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567 That is, there is no HTML, what you see is what you get, and what you get is suitable for pasting directly into Tor Launcher (or into a torrc, if you prepend ``"Bridge "`` to each line). The plain format can be requested from BridgeDB's web service by adding an ``&format=plain`` HTTP GET parameter to the URL. Also note that you won't get a QRCode, usage instructions, error messages, or any other fanciness if you use the plain format. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. :type bridgeLines: list or None :param bridgeLines: A list of strings used to configure a Tor client to use a bridge. If ``None``, then the returned page will instead explain that there were no bridges of the type they requested, with instructions on how to proceed. :rtype: str :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve. """ rtl = False format = self.getResponseFormat(request) if format == 'plain': request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") try: rendered = bytes('\n'.join(bridgeLines)) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(err) else: request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") qrcode = None qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines) if qrjpeg: qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(qrjpeg) try: langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request) rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs) template = lookup.get_template('bridges.html') rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0], answer=bridgeLines, qrcode=qrcode) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(err) return rendered
[docs]def addWebServer(config, distributor): """Set up a web server for HTTP(S)-based bridge distribution. :type config: :class:`bridgedb.persistent.Conf` :param config: A configuration object from :mod:`bridgedb.Main`. Currently, we use these options:: HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_PORT HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_BIND_IP HTTP_USE_IP_FROM_FORWARDED_HEADER HTTPS_N_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER HTTPS_INCLUDE_FINGERPRINTS HTTPS_KEY_FILE HTTPS_CERT_FILE HTTPS_PORT HTTPS_BIND_IP HTTPS_USE_IP_FROM_FORWARDED_HEADER HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD RECAPTCHA_ENABLED RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY RECAPTCHA_SEC_KEY RECAPTCHA_REMOTEIP GIMP_CAPTCHA_ENABLED GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE :type distributor: :class:`bridgedb.https.distributor.HTTPSDistributor` :param distributor: A bridge distributor. :raises SystemExit: if the servers cannot be started. :rtype: :api:`twisted.web.server.Site` :returns: A webserver. """ captcha = None fwdHeaders = config.HTTP_USE_IP_FROM_FORWARDED_HEADER numBridges = config.HTTPS_N_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER fprInclude = config.HTTPS_INCLUDE_FINGERPRINTS"Starting web servers...") index = IndexResource() options = OptionsResource() howto = HowtoResource() robots = static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'robots.txt')) assets = static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'assets/')) keys = static.Data(bytes(strings.BRIDGEDB_OPENPGP_KEY), 'text/plain') root = resource.Resource() root.putChild('', index) root.putChild('robots.txt', robots) root.putChild('keys', keys) root.putChild('assets', assets) root.putChild('options', options) root.putChild('howto', howto) if config.RECAPTCHA_ENABLED: publicKey = config.RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY secretKey = config.RECAPTCHA_SEC_KEY captcha = partial(ReCaptchaProtectedResource, remoteIP=config.RECAPTCHA_REMOTEIP) elif config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_ENABLED: # Get the master HMAC secret key for CAPTCHA challenges, and then # create a new HMAC key from it for use on the server. captchaKey = crypto.getKey(config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE) hmacKey = crypto.getHMAC(captchaKey, "Captcha-Key") # Load or create our encryption keys: secretKey, publicKey = crypto.getRSAKey(config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE) captcha = partial(GimpCaptchaProtectedResource, hmacKey=hmacKey, captchaDir=config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR) if config.HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD: count, period = config.HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD.split() sched = ScheduledInterval(count, period) else: sched = Unscheduled() bridges = BridgesResource(distributor, sched, numBridges, fwdHeaders, includeFingerprints=fprInclude) if captcha: # Protect the 'bridges' page with a CAPTCHA, if configured to do so: protected = captcha(publicKey=publicKey, secretKey=secretKey, useForwardedHeader=fwdHeaders, protectedResource=bridges) root.putChild('bridges', protected)"Protecting resources with %s." % captcha.func.__name__) else: root.putChild('bridges', bridges) site = Site(root) site.displayTracebacks = False if config.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_PORT: # pragma: no cover ip = config.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_BIND_IP or "" port = config.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_PORT or 80 try: reactor.listenTCP(port, site, interface=ip) except CannotListenError as error: raise SystemExit(error)"Started HTTP server on %s:%d" % (str(ip), int(port))) if config.HTTPS_PORT: # pragma: no cover ip = config.HTTPS_BIND_IP or "" port = config.HTTPS_PORT or 443 try: from twisted.internet.ssl import DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory factory = DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(config.HTTPS_KEY_FILE, config.HTTPS_CERT_FILE) reactor.listenSSL(port, site, factory, interface=ip) except CannotListenError as error: raise SystemExit(error)"Started HTTPS server on %s:%d" % (str(ip), int(port))) return site