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Source code for bridgedb.https.request

# -*- coding: utf-8; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_https_request; -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft <> 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

.. py:module:: bridgedb.https.request
    :synopsis: Classes for parsing and storing information about requests for
               bridges which are sent to the HTTPS distributor.


Classes for parsing and storing information about requests for bridges
which are sent to the HTTPS distributor.

.. inheritance-diagram:: HTTPSBridgeRequest


   |_ HTTPSBridgeRequest - A request for bridges which was received through
                           the HTTPS distributor.


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import ipaddr
import logging
import re

from bridgedb import bridgerequest
from bridgedb import geo
from bridgedb.parse import addr

#: A regular expression for matching the Pluggable Transport methodname in
#: HTTP GET request parameters.
TRANSPORT_REGEXP = "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"


[docs]class HTTPSBridgeRequest(bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase): """We received a request for bridges through the HTTPS distributor.""" def __init__(self, addClientCountryCode=True): """Process a new bridge request received through the :class:`~bridgedb.https.distributor.HTTPSDistributor`. :param bool addClientCountryCode: If ``True``, then calling :meth:`withoutBlockInCountry` will attempt to add the client's own country code, geolocated from her IP, to the ``notBlockedIn`` countries list. """ super(HTTPSBridgeRequest, self).__init__() self.addClientCountryCode = addClientCountryCode
[docs] def withIPversion(self, parameters): """Determine if the request **parameters** were for bridges with IPv6 addresses or not. .. note:: If there is an ``ipv6=`` parameter with anything non-zero after it, then we assume the client wanted IPv6 bridges. :param parameters: The :api:`twisted.web.http.Request.args`. """ if parameters.get("ipv6", False):"HTTPS request for bridges with IPv6 addresses.") self.withIPv6()
[docs] def withoutBlockInCountry(self, request): """Determine which countries the bridges for this **request** should not be blocked in. .. note:: Currently, a **request** for unblocked bridges is recognized if it contains an HTTP GET parameter ``unblocked=`` whose value is a comma-separater list of two-letter country codes. Any two-letter country code found in the :api:`request <twisted.web.http.Request>` ``unblocked=`` HTTP GET parameter will be added to the :data:`notBlockedIn` list. If :data:`addClientCountryCode` is ``True``, the the client's own geolocated country code will be added to the to the :data`notBlockedIn` list. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. """ countryCodes = request.args.get("unblocked", list()) for countryCode in countryCodes: try: country = UNBLOCKED_PATTERN.match(countryCode).group() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: if country: self.notBlockedIn.append(country.lower())"HTTPS request for bridges not blocked in: %r" % country) if self.addClientCountryCode: # Look up the country code of the input IP, and request bridges # not blocked in that country. if addr.isIPAddress(self.client): country = geo.getCountryCode(ipaddr.IPAddress(self.client)) if country: self.notBlockedIn.append(country.lower()) ("HTTPS client's bridges also shouldn't be blocked " "in their GeoIP country code: %s") % country)
[docs] def withPluggableTransportType(self, parameters): """This request included a specific Pluggable Transport identifier. Add any Pluggable Transport methodname found in the HTTP GET **parameters** to the list of ``transports``. Currently, a request for a transport is recognized if the request contains the ``'transport='`` parameter. :param parameters: The :api:`twisted.web.http.Request.args`. """ for methodname in parameters.get("transport", list()): try: transport = TRANSPORT_PATTERN.match(methodname).group() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: if transport: self.transports.append(transport)"HTTPS request for transport type: %r" % transport)