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# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_email_templates -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft <> 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

.. py:module::
    :synopsis: Templates for formatting emails sent out by the email

Templates for formatting emails sent out by the email distributor.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import os

from datetime import datetime

from bridgedb import strings
from import MAX_EMAIL_RATE

[docs]def addCommands(template): """Add some text telling a client about supported email command, as well as which Pluggable Transports are currently available. """ # Tell them about the various email commands: cmdlist = [] cmdlist.append(template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT.get(3))) for cmd, desc in strings.EMAIL_COMMANDS.items(): command = ' ' command += cmd while not len(command) >= 25: # Align the command descriptions command += ' ' command += template.gettext(desc) cmdlist.append(command) commands = "\n".join(cmdlist) + "\n\n" # And include the currently supported transports: commands += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT.get(5)) commands += "\n" for pt in strings._getSupportedTransports(): commands += ' ' + pt + "\n" return commands
[docs]def addGreeting(template, clientName=None, welcome=False): greeting = "" if not clientName: greeting = template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[7]) else: greeting = template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[6]) % clientName if greeting: if welcome: greeting += u' ' greeting += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[4]) greeting += u'\n\n' return greeting
[docs]def addKeyfile(template): return u'%s\n\n' % strings.BRIDGEDB_OPENPGP_KEY
[docs]def addBridgeAnswer(template, answer): # Give the user their bridges, i.e. the `answer`: bridgeLines = template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[0]) bridgeLines += u"\n\n" bridgeLines += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[1]) bridgeLines += u"\n\n" bridgeLines += u"%s\n\n" % answer return bridgeLines
[docs]def addHowto(template): """Add help text on how to add bridges to Tor Browser. :type template: ``gettext.NullTranslation`` or ``gettext.GNUTranslation`` :param template: A gettext translations instance, optionally with fallback languages set. """ howToTBB = template.gettext(strings.HOWTO_TBB[1]) % strings.EMAIL_SPRINTF["HOWTO_TBB1"] howToTBB += u'\n\n' howToTBB += template.gettext(strings.HOWTO_TBB[2]) howToTBB += u'\n\n' howToTBB += u'\n'.join(["> {0}".format(ln) for ln in template.gettext(strings.HOWTO_TBB[3]).split('\n')]) howToTBB += u'\n\n' howToTBB += template.gettext(strings.HOWTO_TBB[4]) howToTBB += u'\n\n' howToTBB += strings.EMAIL_REFERENCE_LINKS.get("HOWTO_TBB1") howToTBB += u'\n\n' return howToTBB
[docs]def addFooter(template, clientAddress=None): """Add a footer:: -- <3 BridgeDB ________________________________________________________________________ Public Keys: This email was generated with rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles for on Friday, 09 May, 2014 at 18:59:39. :type template: ``gettext.NullTranslation`` or ``gettext.GNUTranslation`` :param template: A gettext translations instance, optionally with fallback languages set. :type clientAddress: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param clientAddress: The client's email address which should be in the ``To:`` header of the response email. """ now = datetime.utcnow() clientAddr = clientAddress.addrstr footer = u' --\n' footer += u' <3 BridgeDB\n' footer += u'_' * 70 footer += u'\n' footer += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[8]) footer += u':\n' footer += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[9]) \ % (clientAddr, now.strftime('%A, %d %B, %Y'), now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) footer += u'\n\n' return footer
[docs]def buildKeyMessage(template, clientAddress=None): message = addKeyfile(template) message += addFooter(template, clientAddress) return message
[docs]def buildWelcomeText(template, clientAddress=None): sections = [] sections.append(addGreeting(template, clientAddress.local, welcome=True)) commands = addCommands(template) sections.append(commands) # Include the same messages as the homepage of the HTTPS distributor: welcome = template.gettext(strings.WELCOME[0]) % strings.EMAIL_SPRINTF["WELCOME0"] welcome += template.gettext(strings.WELCOME[1]) welcome += template.gettext(strings.WELCOME[2]) % strings.EMAIL_SPRINTF["WELCOME2"] sections.append(welcome) message = u"\n\n".join(sections) # Add the markdown links at the end: message += strings.EMAIL_REFERENCE_LINKS.get("WELCOME0") message += u"\n\n" message += addFooter(template, clientAddress) return message
[docs]def buildAnswerMessage(template, clientAddress=None, answer=None): try: message = addGreeting(template, clientAddress.local) message += addBridgeAnswer(template, answer) message += addHowto(template) message += u'\n\n' message += addCommands(template) message += u'\n\n' message += addFooter(template, clientAddress) except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover logging.error("Error while formatting email message template:") logging.exception(error) return message
[docs]def buildSpamWarning(template, clientAddress=None): message = addGreeting(template, clientAddress.local) try: message += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[0]) message += u"\n\n" message += template.gettext(strings.EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[2]) \ % str(MAX_EMAIL_RATE / 3600) message += u"\n\n" message += addFooter(template, clientAddress) except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover logging.error("Error while formatting email spam template:") logging.exception(error) return message