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# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_email_server -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Nick Mathewson <>
#           Isis Lovecruft <> 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35
#           Matthew Finkel <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

.. py:module::
    :synopsis: Servers which interface with clients and distribute bridges
               over SMTP.

Servers which interface with clients and distribute bridges over SMTP.

.. inheritance-diagram:: MailServerContext SMTPMessage SMTPIncomingDelivery SMTPIncomingDeliveryFactory SMTPIncomingServerFactory
    :parts: 1

   | |_ addServer - Set up a SMTP server which listens on the configured
   |                EMAIL_PORT for incoming connections, and responds as
   |                necessary to requests for bridges.
   |_ MailServerContext - Helper object that holds information used by the
   |                      email subsystem.
   |_ SMTPMessage - Plugs into Twisted Mail and receives an incoming message.
   |_ SMTPIncomingDelivery - Plugs into SMTPIncomingServerFactory and handles
   |                         SMTP commands for incoming connections.
   |_ SMTPIncomingDeliveryFactory - Factory for SMTPIncomingDeliverys.
   |_ SMTPIncomingServerFactory - Plugs into twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPFactory;
                                  creates a new SMTPMessageDelivery, which
                                  handles response email automation, whenever
                                  we get a incoming connection on the SMTP port.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import io
import socket

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.mail import smtp
from twisted.mail.smtp import rfc822date
from twisted.python import failure

from zope.interface import implements

from bridgedb import __version__
from bridgedb import safelog
from bridgedb.crypto import initializeGnuPG
from import autoresponder
from import templates
from import request
from bridgedb.parse import addr
from bridgedb.parse.addr import UnsupportedDomain
from bridgedb.parse.addr import canonicalizeEmailDomain
from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled

[docs]class MailServerContext(object): """Helper object that holds information used by email subsystem. :ivar str username: Reject any RCPT TO lines that aren't to this user. See the ``EMAIL_USERNAME`` option in the config file. (default: ``'bridges'``) :ivar int maximumSize: Reject any incoming emails longer than this size (in bytes). (default: 3084 bytes). :ivar int smtpPort: The port to use for outgoing SMTP. :ivar str smtpServer: The IP address to use for outgoing SMTP. :ivar str smtpFromAddr: Use this address in the raw SMTP ``MAIL FROM`` line for outgoing mail. (default: ````) :ivar str fromAddr: Use this address in the email ``From:`` line for outgoing mail. (default: ````) :ivar int nBridges: The number of bridges to send for each email. :ivar list blacklist: A list of blacklisted email addresses, taken from the ``EMAIL_BLACKLIST`` config setting. :ivar int fuzzyMatch: An integer specifying the maximum Levenshtein Distance from an incoming email address to a blacklisted email address for the incoming email to be dropped. :ivar gpg: A :class:`gnupg.GPG` interface_, as returned by :func:`~bridgedb.crypto.initialiseGnuPG`, or ``None`` if we couldn't initialize GnuPG for some reason. :ivar gpgSignFunc: A callable which signs a message, e.g. the one returned from :func:`~bridgedb.crypto.initialiseGnuPG`. .. _interface: """ def __init__(self, config, distributor, schedule): """Create a context for storing configs for email bridge distribution. :type config: :class:`bridgedb.persistent.Conf` :type distributor: :class:`` :param distributor: The distributor will handle getting the correct bridges (or none) for a client for us. :type schedule: :class:`bridgedb.schedule.ScheduledInterval` :param schedule: An interval-based scheduler, used to help the :data:`distributor` know if we should give bridges to a client. """ self.config = config self.distributor = distributor self.schedule = schedule self.maximumSize = smtp.SMTP.MAX_LENGTH self.includeFingerprints = config.EMAIL_INCLUDE_FINGERPRINTS self.nBridges = config.EMAIL_N_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER self.username = (config.EMAIL_USERNAME or "bridges") self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.fromAddr = (config.EMAIL_FROM_ADDR or "") self.smtpFromAddr = (config.EMAIL_SMTP_FROM_ADDR or self.fromAddr) self.smtpServerPort = (config.EMAIL_SMTP_PORT or 25) self.smtpServerIP = (config.EMAIL_SMTP_HOST or "") self.domainRules = config.EMAIL_DOMAIN_RULES or {} self.domainMap = config.EMAIL_DOMAIN_MAP or {} = self.buildCanonicalDomainMap() self.whitelist = config.EMAIL_WHITELIST or {} self.blacklist = config.EMAIL_BLACKLIST or [] self.fuzzyMatch = config.EMAIL_FUZZY_MATCH or 0 self.gpg, self.gpgSignFunc = initializeGnuPG(config)
[docs] def buildCanonicalDomainMap(self): """Build a map for all email provider domains from which we will accept emails to their canonical domain name. .. note:: Be sure that ``MailServerContext.domainRules`` and ``MailServerContext.domainMap`` are set appropriately before calling this method. This method is automatically called during initialisation, and the resulting domain map is stored as ````. :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary which maps all domains and subdomains which we accept emails from to their second-level, canonical domain names. """ canon = self.domainMap for domain, rule in self.domainRules.items(): if domain not in canon.keys(): canon[domain] = domain for domain in self.config.EMAIL_DOMAINS: canon[domain] = domain return canon
[docs]class SMTPMessage(object): """Plugs into the Twisted Mail and receives an incoming message. :var list lines: A list of lines from an incoming email message. :var int nBytes: The number of bytes received thus far. :var bool ignoring: If ``True``, we're ignoring the rest of this message because it exceeded :data:`MailServerContext.maximumSize`. :var canonicalFromSMTP: See :meth:``. :var canonicalFromEmail: See :meth:``. :var canonicalDomainRules: See :meth:``. :var message: (:api:`twisted.mail.smtp.rfc822.Message` or ``None``) The incoming email message. :var responder: A :class:`` which parses and checks the incoming :data:`message`. If it decides to do so, it will build a :meth:`` email and :meth:`` it. """ implements(smtp.IMessage) def __init__(self, context, canonicalFromSMTP=None): """Create a new SMTPMessage. These are created automatically via :class:`SMTPIncomingDelivery`. :param context: The configured :class:`MailServerContext`. :type canonicalFromSMTP: str or None :param canonicalFromSMTP: The canonical domain which this message was received from. For example, if ``''`` is the configured canonical domain for ``''`` and a message is received from the latter domain, then this would be set to the former. """ self.context = context = self.canonicalFromSMTP = canonicalFromSMTP self.canonicalFromEmail = None self.canonicalDomainRules = None self.lines = [] self.nBytes = 0 self.ignoring = False self.message = None self.responder = autoresponder.SMTPAutoresponder() self.responder.incoming = self
[docs] def lineReceived(self, line): """Called when we get another line of an incoming message.""" self.nBytes += len(line) if self.nBytes > self.context.maximumSize: self.ignoring = True else: self.lines.append(line) if not safelog.safe_logging: try: ln = line.rstrip("\r\n").encode('utf-8', 'replace') logging.debug("> %s" % ln) except (UnicodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): # pragma: no cover pass except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover logging.error("Error while trying to log incoming email") logging.exception(error)
[docs] def eomReceived(self): """Tell the :data:`responder` to reply when we receive an EOM.""" if not self.ignoring: self.message = self.getIncomingMessage() self.responder.reply() return defer.succeed(None)
[docs] def connectionLost(self): """Called if we die partway through reading a message.""" pass
[docs] def getIncomingMessage(self): """Create and parse an :rfc:`2822` message object for all :data:`lines` received thus far. :rtype: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.rfc822.Message` :returns: A ``Message`` comprised of all lines received thus far. """ rawMessage = io.StringIO() for line in self.lines: rawMessage.writelines(unicode(line.decode('utf8')) + u'\n') return smtp.rfc822.Message(rawMessage)
[docs]class SMTPIncomingDelivery(smtp.SMTP): """Plugs into :class:`SMTPIncomingServerFactory` and handles SMTP commands for incoming connections. :type context: :class:`MailServerContext` :var context: A context containing SMTP/Email configuration settings. :var deferred: A :api:`deferred <twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>` which will be returned when :meth:`reply` is called. Additional callbacks may be set on this deferred in order to schedule additional actions when the response is being sent. :type fromCanonicalSMTP: str or ``None`` :var fromCanonicalSMTP: If set, this is the canonicalized domain name of the address we received from incoming connection's ``MAIL FROM:``. """ implements(smtp.IMessageDelivery) context = None deferred = defer.Deferred() fromCanonicalSMTP = None @classmethod
[docs] def setContext(cls, context): """Set our :data:`context` to a new :class:`MailServerContext`.""" cls.context = context
[docs] def receivedHeader(self, helo, origin, recipients): """Create the ``Received:`` header for an incoming email. :type helo: tuple :param helo: The lines received during SMTP client HELO. :type origin: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param origin: The email address of the sender. :type recipients: list :param recipients: A list of :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.User` instances. """ helo_ = ' helo={0}'.format(helo[0]) if helo[0] else '' from_ = 'from %s ([%s]%s)' % (helo[0], helo[1], helo_) by_ = 'by %s with BridgeDB (%s)' % (smtp.DNSNAME, __version__) for_ = 'for %s; %s ' % (' '.join(map(str, recipients)), rfc822date()) return str('Received: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s' % (from_, by_, for_))
[docs] def validateFrom(self, helo, origin): """Validate the ``MAIL FROM:`` address on the incoming SMTP connection. This is done at the SMTP layer. Meaning that if a Postfix or other email server is proxying emails from the outside world to BridgeDB, the :api:`origin.domain <>` will be set to the local hostname. Therefore, if the SMTP ``MAIL FROM:`` domain name is our own hostname (as returned from :func:`socket.gethostname`) or our own FQDN, allow the connection. Otherwise, if the ``MAIL FROM:`` domain has a canonical domain in our mapping (taken from our :data:``, which is taken in turn from the ``EMAIL_DOMAIN_MAP``), then our :data:`fromCanonicalSMTP` is set to that domain. :type helo: tuple :param helo: The lines received during SMTP client HELO. :type origin: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param origin: The email address we received this message from. :raises: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPBadSender` if the ``origin.domain`` was neither our local hostname, nor one of the canonical domains listed in :attr:``. :rtype: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :returns: The ``origin``. We *must* return some non-``None`` data from this method, or else Twisted will reply to the sender with a 503 error. """ try: if str(origin) in self.context.whitelist.keys(): logging.warn("Got SMTP 'MAIL FROM:' whitelisted address: %s." % str(origin)) # We need to be certain later that when the fromCanonicalSMTP # domain is checked again the email 'From:' canonical domain, # that we allow whitelisted addresses through the check. self.fromCanonicalSMTP = origin.domain return origin if ((origin.domain == self.context.hostname) or (origin.domain == smtp.DNSNAME)): self.fromCanonicalSMTP = origin.domain else: logging.debug("Canonicalizing client SMTP domain...") canonical = canonicalizeEmailDomain(origin.domain, logging.debug("Canonical SMTP domain: %r" % canonical) self.fromCanonicalSMTP = canonical except UnsupportedDomain as error: raise smtp.SMTPBadSender(origin) except Exception as error: logging.exception(error) # This method **cannot** return None, or it'll cause a 503 error. return origin
[docs] def validateTo(self, user): """Validate the SMTP ``RCPT TO:`` address for the incoming connection. The local username and domain name to which this SMTP message is addressed, after being stripped of any ``'+'`` aliases, **must** be identical to those in the email address set our ``EMAIL_SMTP_FROM_ADDR`` configuration file option. :type user: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.User` :param user: Information about the user this SMTP message was addressed to. :raises: A :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPBadRcpt` if any of the above conditions weren't met. :rtype: callable :returns: A parameterless function which returns an instance of :class:`SMTPMessage`. """ logging.debug("Validating SMTP 'RCPT TO:' email address...") recipient = user.dest ourAddress = smtp.Address(self.context.smtpFromAddr) if not ((ourAddress.domain in recipient.domain) or (recipient.domain == "bridgedb")): logging.debug(("Not our domain (%s) or subdomain, skipping" " SMTP 'RCPT TO' address: %s") % (ourAddress.domain, str(recipient))) raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(str(recipient)) # The recipient's username should at least start with ours, # but it still might be a '+' address. if not recipient.local.startswith(ourAddress.local): logging.debug(("Username doesn't begin with ours, skipping" " SMTP 'RCPT TO' address: %s") % str(recipient)) raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(str(recipient)) # Ignore everything after the first '+', if there is one. beforePlus = recipient.local.split('+', 1)[0] if beforePlus != ourAddress.local: raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(str(recipient)) return lambda: SMTPMessage(self.context, self.fromCanonicalSMTP)
[docs]class SMTPIncomingDeliveryFactory(object): """Factory for :class:`SMTPIncomingDelivery` s. This class is used to distinguish between different messages delivered over the same connection. This can be used to optimize delivery of a single message to multiple recipients, something which cannot be done by :api:`IMessageDelivery <twisted.mail.smtp.IMessageDelivery>` implementors due to their lack of information. :var context: A :class:`MailServerContext` for storing configuration settings. :var delivery: A :class:`SMTPIncomingDelivery` to deliver incoming SMTP messages to. """ implements(smtp.IMessageDeliveryFactory) context = None delivery = SMTPIncomingDelivery def __init__(self): logging.debug("%s created." % self.__class__.__name__) @classmethod
[docs] def setContext(cls, context): """Set our :data:`context` and the context for our :data:`delivery`.""" cls.context = context
[docs] def getMessageDelivery(self): """Get a new :class:`SMTPIncomingDelivery` instance.""" return
[docs]class SMTPIncomingServerFactory(smtp.SMTPFactory): """Plugs into :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPFactory`; creates a new :class:`SMTPIncomingDeliveryFactory`, which handles response email automation whenever we get a incoming connection on the SMTP port. .. warning:: My :attr:`` isn't an OpenSSL context, as is used for the :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPSender`. :vartype context: :class:`MailServerContext` :ivar context: A context for storing server configuration settings. :vartype deliveryFactory: :class:`SMTPIncomingDeliveryFactory` :ivar deliveryFactory: A factory for producing :class:`SMTPIncomingDelivery` instances. :ivar domain: :api:`Our FQDN <twisted.mail.smtp.DNSNAME>`. :ivar int timeout: The number of seconds to wait, after the last chunk of data was received, before raising a :api:`SMTPTimeoutError <twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPTimeoutError>` for an incoming connection. :vartype protocol: :api:`twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol` :ivar protocol: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTP` """ context = None deliveryFactory = SMTPIncomingDeliveryFactory def __init__(self, **kwargs): smtp.SMTPFactory.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.deliveryFactory = self.deliveryFactory() @classmethod
[docs] def setContext(cls, context): """Set :data:`context` and :data:`deliveryFactory`.context.""" cls.context = context cls.deliveryFactory.setContext(cls.context)
[docs] def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = smtp.SMTPFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr) self.deliveryFactory.transport = p.transport # XXX is this set yet? p.factory = self p.deliveryFactory = self.deliveryFactory return p
[docs]def addServer(config, distributor): """Set up a SMTP server which listens on the configured ``EMAIL_PORT`` for incoming connections, and responds as necessary to requests for bridges. :type config: :class:`bridgedb.configure.Conf` :param config: A configuration object. :type distributor: :class:`` :param dist: A distributor which will handle database interactions, and will decide which bridges to give to who and when. """ if config.EMAIL_ROTATION_PERIOD: count, period = config.EMAIL_ROTATION_PERIOD.split() schedule = ScheduledInterval(count, period) else: schedule = Unscheduled() context = MailServerContext(config, distributor, schedule) factory = SMTPIncomingServerFactory() factory.setContext(context) addr = config.EMAIL_BIND_IP or "" port = config.EMAIL_PORT or 6725 try: reactor.listenTCP(port, factory, interface=addr) except CannotListenError as error: # pragma: no cover logging.fatal(error) raise SystemExit(error.message) # Set up a LoopingCall to run every 30 minutes and forget old email times. lc = LoopingCall(distributor.cleanDatabase) lc.start(1800, now=False) return factory