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# -*- coding: utf-8; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_email_request; -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Nick Mathewson <>
#           Isis Lovecruft <> 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35
#           Matthew Finkel <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

.. py:module::
    :synopsis: Classes for parsing and storing information about requests for
               bridges which are sent to the email distributor.

Classes for parsing and storing information about requests for bridges
which are sent to the email distributor.

.. inheritance-diagram:: EmailBridgeRequest
    :parts: 1

   | |_ determineBridgeRequestOptions - Figure out which filters to apply, or
   |                                    offer help.
   |_ EmailBridgeRequest - A request for bridges which was received through
                           the email distributor.


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import re

from bridgedb import bridgerequest
from import EmailRequestedHelp
from import EmailRequestedKey

#: A regular expression for matching the Pluggable Transport method TYPE in
#: emailed requests for Pluggable Transports.
TRANSPORT_REGEXP = ".*transport ([a-z][_a-z0-9]*)"

#: A regular expression that matches country codes in requests for unblocked
#: bridges.
UNBLOCKED_REGEXP = ".*unblocked ([a-z]{2,4})"

[docs]def determineBridgeRequestOptions(lines): """Figure out which :mod:`~bridgedb.filters` to apply, or offer help. .. note:: If any ``'transport TYPE'`` was requested, or bridges not blocked in a specific CC (``'unblocked CC'``), then the ``TYPE`` and/or ``CC`` will *always* be stored as a *lowercase* string. :param list lines: A list of lines from an email, including the headers. :raises EmailRequestedHelp: if the client requested help. :raises EmailRequestedKey: if the client requested our GnuPG key. :rtype: :class:`EmailBridgeRequest` :returns: A :class:`~bridgerequest.BridgeRequest` with all of the requested parameters set. The returned ``BridgeRequest`` will have already had its filters generated via :meth:`~EmailBridgeRequest.generateFilters`. """ request = EmailBridgeRequest() skippedHeaders = False for line in lines: line = line.strip().lower() # Ignore all lines before the first empty line: if not line: skippedHeaders = True if not skippedHeaders: continue if ("help" in line) or ("halp" in line): raise EmailRequestedHelp("Client requested help.") if "get" in line: request.isValid(True) logging.debug("Email request was valid.") if "key" in line: request.wantsKey(True) raise EmailRequestedKey("Email requested a copy of our GnuPG key.") if "ipv6" in line: request.withIPv6() if "transport" in line: request.withPluggableTransportType(line) if "unblocked" in line: request.withoutBlockInCountry(line) logging.debug("Generating hashring filters for request.") request.generateFilters() return request
[docs]class EmailBridgeRequest(bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase): """We received a request for bridges through the email distributor.""" def __init__(self): """Process a new bridge request received through the :class:``. """ super(EmailBridgeRequest, self).__init__() self._wantsKey = False
[docs] def wantsKey(self, wantsKey=None): """Get or set whether this bridge request wanted our GnuPG key. If called without parameters, this method will return the current state, otherwise (if called with the **wantsKey** parameter set), it will set the current state for whether or not this request wanted our key. :param bool wantsKey: If given, set the validity state of this request. Otherwise, get the current state. """ if wantsKey is not None: self._wantsKey = bool(wantsKey) return self._wantsKey
[docs] def withoutBlockInCountry(self, line): """This request was for bridges not blocked in **country**. Add any country code found in the **line** to the list of ``notBlockedIn``. Currently, a request for a transport is recognized if the email line contains the ``'unblocked'`` command. :param str country: The line from the email wherein the client requested some type of Pluggable Transport. """ unblocked = None logging.debug("Parsing 'unblocked' line: %r" % line) try: unblocked = UNBLOCKED_PATTERN.match(line).group(1) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass if unblocked: self.notBlockedIn.append(unblocked)"Email requested bridges not blocked in: %r" % unblocked)
[docs] def withPluggableTransportType(self, line): """This request included a specific Pluggable Transport identifier. Add any Pluggable Transport method TYPE found in the **line** to the list of ``transports``. Currently, a request for a transport is recognized if the email line contains the ``'transport'`` command. :param str line: The line from the email wherein the client requested some type of Pluggable Transport. """ transport = None logging.debug("Parsing 'transport' line: %r" % line) try: transport = TRANSPORT_PATTERN.match(line).group(1) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass if transport: self.transports.append(transport)"Email requested transport type: %r" % transport)