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# -*- coding: utf-8; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_email_autoresponder -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Nick Mathewson <>
#           Isis Lovecruft <> 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35
#           Matthew Finkel <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

.. py:module::
    :synopsis: Functionality for autoresponding to incoming emails.

Functionality for autoresponding to incoming emails.

.. inheritance-diagram:: EmailResponse SMTPAutoresponder
    :parts: 1

   | |_ createResponseBody - Parse lines from an incoming email and determine
   | |                       how to respond.
   | |_ generateResponse - Create an email response.
   |_ EmailResponse - Holds information for generating a response to a request.
   |_ SMTPAutoresponder - An SMTP autoresponder for incoming mail.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function

import io
import logging
import time

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.mail import smtp
from twisted.python import failure

from bridgedb import safelog
from bridgedb.crypto import NEW_BUFFER_INTERFACE
from import dkim
from import request
from import templates
from import EmailRequestedHelp
from import EmailRequestedKey
from import TooSoonEmail
from import IgnoreEmail
from bridgedb.parse import addr
from bridgedb.parse.addr import canonicalizeEmailDomain
from bridgedb.util import levenshteinDistance
from bridgedb import translations

[docs]def createResponseBody(lines, context, client, lang='en'): """Parse the **lines** from an incoming email request and determine how to respond. :param list lines: The list of lines from the original request sent by the client. :type context: :class:`` :param context: The context which contains settings for the email server. :type client: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param client: The client's email address which should be in the ``'To:'`` header of the response email. :param str lang: The 2-5 character locale code to use for translating the email. This is obtained from a client sending a email to a valid plus address which includes the translation desired, i.e. by sending an email to ` <>`__, the client should receive a response in Farsi. :rtype: str :returns: ``None`` if we shouldn't respond to the client (i.e., if they have already received a rate-limiting warning email). Otherwise, returns a string containing the (optionally translated) body for the email response which we should send out. """ translator = translations.installTranslations(lang) bridges = None try: bridgeRequest = request.determineBridgeRequestOptions(lines) bridgeRequest.client = str(client) # The request was invalid, respond with a help email which explains # valid email commands: if not bridgeRequest.isValid(): raise EmailRequestedHelp("Email request from '%s' was invalid." % str(client)) # Otherwise they must have requested bridges: interval = context.schedule.intervalStart(time.time()) bridges = context.distributor.getBridges(bridgeRequest, interval) except EmailRequestedHelp as error: return templates.buildWelcomeText(translator, client) except EmailRequestedKey as error: return templates.buildKeyMessage(translator, client) except TooSoonEmail as error:"Got a mail too frequently: %s." % error) return templates.buildSpamWarning(translator, client) except (IgnoreEmail, addr.BadEmail) as error: # Don't generate a response if their email address is unparsable or # invalid, or if we've already warned them about rate-limiting: return None else: answer = "(no bridges currently available)\r\n" if bridges: transport = bridgeRequest.justOnePTType() answer = "".join(" %s\r\n" % b.getBridgeLine( bridgeRequest, context.includeFingerprints) for b in bridges) return templates.buildAnswerMessage(translator, client, answer)
[docs]def generateResponse(fromAddress, client, body, subject=None, messageID=None, gpgSignFunc=None): """Create an :class:`EmailResponse`, which acts like an :class:`io.StringIO` instance, by creating and writing all headers and the email body into the file-like :attr:`EmailResponse.mailfile`. :param str fromAddress: The :rfc:`2821` email address which should be in the ``'From:'`` header. :type client: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param client: The client's email address which should be in the ``'To:'`` header of the response email. :param str subject: The string to write to the ``'Subject:'`` header. :param str body: The body of the email. If a **gpgSignFunc** is also given, then :meth:`EmailResponse.writeBody` will generate and include an ascii-armored OpenPGP signature in the **body**. :type messageID: ``None`` or :any:`str` :param messageID: The :rfc:`2822` specifier for the ``'Message-ID:'`` header, if including one is desirable. :type gpgSignFunc: callable :param gpgSignFunc: If given, this should be a callable function for signing messages. See :func:`bridgedb.crypto.initializeGnuPG` for obtaining a pre-configured **gpgSignFunc**. :returns: An :class:`EmailResponse` which contains the entire email. To obtain the contents of the email, including all headers, simply use :meth:`EmailResponse.readContents`. """ response = EmailResponse(gpgSignFunc) = client response.writeHeaders(fromAddress.encode('utf-8'), str(client), subject, inReplyTo=messageID) response.writeBody(body.encode('utf-8')) # Only log the email text (including all headers) if SAFE_LOGGING is # disabled: if not safelog.safe_logging: contents = response.readContents() logging.debug("Email contents:\n%s" % str(contents)) else: logging.debug("Email text for %r created." % str(client)) response.rewind() return response
[docs]class EmailResponse(object): """Holds information for generating a response email for a request. .. todo:: At some point, we may want to change this class to optionally handle creating Multipart MIME encoding messages, so that we can include attachments. (This would be useful for attaching our GnuPG keyfile, for example, rather than simply pasting it into the body of the email.) :vartype _buff: :any:`unicode` or :any:`buffer` :var _buff: Used internally to write lines for the response email into the ``_mailfile``. The reason why both of these attributes have two possible types is for the same Python-buggy reasons which require :data:`~bridgedb.crypto.NEW_BUFFER_INTERFACE`. :vartype mailfile: :class:`io.StringIO` or :class:`io.BytesIO` :var mailfile: An in-memory file-like object for storing the formatted headers and body of the response email. :var str delimiter: Delimiter between lines written to the :data:`mailfile`. :var bool closed: ``True`` if :meth:`close` has been called. :vartype to: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :var to: The client's email address, to which this response should be sent. """ _buff = buffer if NEW_BUFFER_INTERFACE else unicode mailfile = io.BytesIO if NEW_BUFFER_INTERFACE else io.StringIO def __init__(self, gpgSignFunc=None): """Create a response to an email we have recieved. This class deals with correctly formatting text for the response email headers and the response body into an instance of :data:`mailfile`. :type gpgSignFunc: callable :param gpgSignFunc: If given, this should be a callable function for signing messages. See :func:`bridgedb.crypto.initializeGnuPG` for obtaining a pre-configured **gpgSignFunc**. """ self.gpgSign = gpgSignFunc self.mailfile = self.mailfile() self.delimiter = '\n' self.closed = False = None
[docs] def close(self): """Close our :data:`mailfile` and set :data:`closed` to ``True``.""" logging.debug("Closing %s.mailfile..." % (self.__class__.__name__)) self.mailfile.close() self.closed = True
[docs] def read(self, size=None): """Read, at most, **size** bytes from our :data:`mailfile`. .. note:: This method is required by Twisted's SMTP system. :param int size: The number of bytes to read. Defaults to ``None``, which reads until EOF. :rtype: str :returns: The bytes read from the :data:`mailfile`. """ contents = '' logging.debug("Reading%s from %s.mailfile..." % ((' {0} bytes'.format(size) if size else ''), self.__class__.__name__)) try: if size is not None: contents ='utf-8') else: contents ='utf-8') except Exception as error: # pragma: no cover logging.exception(error) return contents
[docs] def readContents(self): """Read the all the contents written thus far to the :data:`mailfile`, and then :meth:`seek` to return to the original pointer position we were at before this method was called. :rtype: str :returns: The entire contents of the :data:`mailfile`. """ pointer = self.mailfile.tell() contents = return contents
[docs] def rewind(self): """Rewind to the very beginning of the :data:`mailfile`.""" logging.debug("Rewinding %s.mailfile..." % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def write(self, line): """Write the **line** to the :data:`mailfile`. Any **line** written to me will have :data:`delimiter` appended to it beforehand. :param str line: Something to append into the :data:`mailfile`. """ if line.find('\r\n') != -1: # If **line** contains newlines, send it to :meth:`writelines` to # break it up so that we can replace them: logging.debug("Found newlines in %r. Calling writelines()." % line) self.writelines(line) else: line += self.delimiter self.mailfile.write(self._buff(line.encode('utf8'))) self.mailfile.flush()
[docs] def writelines(self, lines): """Calls :meth:`write` for each line in **lines**. Line endings of ``'\\r\\n'`` will be replaced with :data:`delimiter` (i.e. ``'\\n'``). See :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClient.getMailData` for the reason. :type lines: :any:`basestring` or :any:`list` :param lines: The lines to write to the :attr:`mailfile`. """ if isinstance(lines, basestring): lines = lines.replace('\r\n', '\n') for ln in lines.split('\n'): self.write(ln) elif isinstance(lines, (list, tuple,)): for ln in lines: self.write(ln)
[docs] def writeHeaders(self, fromAddress, toAddress, subject=None, inReplyTo=None, includeMessageID=True, contentType='text/plain; charset="utf-8"', **kwargs): """Write all headers into the response email. :param str fromAddress: The email address for the ``'From:'`` header. :param str toAddress: The email address for the ``'To:'`` header. :type subject: ``None`` or :any:`str` :param subject: The ``'Subject:'`` header. :type inReplyTo: ``None`` or :any:`str` :param inReplyTo: If set, an ``'In-Reply-To:'`` header will be generated. This should be set to the ``'Message-ID:'`` header from the client's original request email. :param bool includeMessageID: If ``True``, generate and include a ``'Message-ID:'`` header for the response. :param str contentType: The ``'Content-Type:'`` header. :kwargs: If given, the key will become the name of the header, and the value will become the contents of that header. """ self.write("From: %s" % fromAddress) self.write("To: %s" % toAddress) if includeMessageID: self.write("Message-ID: %s" % smtp.messageid().encode('utf-8')) if inReplyTo: self.write("In-Reply-To: %s" % inReplyTo.encode('utf-8')) self.write("Content-Type: %s" % contentType.encode('utf-8')) self.write("Date: %s" % smtp.rfc822date().encode('utf-8')) if not subject: subject = '[no subject]' if not subject.lower().startswith('re'): subject = "Re: " + subject self.write("Subject: %s" % subject.encode('utf-8')) if kwargs: for headerName, headerValue in kwargs.items(): headerName = headerName.capitalize() headerName = headerName.replace(' ', '-') headerName = headerName.replace('_', '-') header = "%s: %s" % (headerName, headerValue) self.write(header.encode('utf-8')) # The first blank line designates that the headers have ended: self.write(self.delimiter)
[docs] def writeBody(self, body): """Write the response body into the :attr:`mailfile`. If :attr:`EmailResponse.gpgSignFunc` is set, and signing is configured, the **body** will be automatically signed before writing its contents into the :attr:`mailfile`. :param str body: The body of the response email. """"Writing email body...") if self.gpgSign:"Attempting to sign email...") sig = self.gpgSign(body) if sig: body = sig self.writelines(body)
[docs]class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient): """An :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClient` for responding to incoming mail. The main worker in this class is the :meth:`reply` method, which functions to dissect an incoming email from an incoming :class:`SMTPMessage` and create a :class:`EmailResponse` email message in reply to it, and then, finally, send it out. :vartype log: :api:`twisted.python.util.LineLog` :ivar log: A cache of debug log messages. :vartype debug: bool :ivar debug: If ``True``, enable logging (accessible via :attr:`log`). :ivar str identity: Our FQDN which will be sent during client ``HELO``. :vartype incoming: :api:`Message <twisted.mail.smtp.rfc822.Message>` :ivar incoming: An incoming message, i.e. as returned from :meth:`SMTPMessage.getIncomingMessage`. :vartype deferred: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` :ivar deferred: A :api:`Deferred <twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>` with registered callbacks, :meth:`sentMail` and :meth:`sendError`, which will be given to the reactor in order to process the sending of the outgoing response email. """ debug = True identity = smtp.DNSNAME def __init__(self): """Handle responding (or not) to an incoming email.""" smtp.SMTPClient.__init__(self, self.identity) self.incoming = None self.deferred = defer.Deferred() self.deferred.addCallback(self.sentMail) self.deferred.addErrback(self.sendError)
[docs] def getMailData(self): """Gather all the data for building the response to the client. This method must return a file-like object containing the data of the message to be sent. Lines in the file should be delimited by ``\\n``. :rtype: ``None`` or :class:`EmailResponse` :returns: An ``EmailResponse``, if we have a response to send in reply to the incoming email, otherwise, returns ``None``. """ clients = self.getMailTo() if not clients: return client = clients[0] # There should have been only one anyway # Log the email address that this message came from if SAFELOGGING is # not enabled: if not safelog.safe_logging: logging.debug("Incoming email was from %s ..." % client) if not self.runChecks(client): return recipient = self.getMailFrom() # Look up the locale part in the 'To:' address, if there is one, and # get the appropriate Translation object: lang = translations.getLocaleFromPlusAddr(recipient)"Client requested email translation: %s" % lang) body = createResponseBody(self.incoming.lines, self.incoming.context, client, lang) if not body: return # The client was already warned. messageID = self.incoming.message.getheader("Message-ID", None) subject = self.incoming.message.getheader("Subject", None) response = generateResponse(recipient, client, body, subject, messageID, self.incoming.context.gpgSignFunc) return response
[docs] def getMailTo(self): """Attempt to get the client's email address from an incoming email. :rtype: list :returns: A list containing the client's :func:`normalized <bridgedb.parse.addr.normalizeEmail>` email :api:`Address <twisted.mail.smtp.Address>`, if it originated from a domain that we accept and the address was well-formed. Otherwise, returns ``None``. Even though we're likely to respond to only one client at a time, the return value of this method must be a list in order to hook into the rest of :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClient` correctly. """ clients = [] addrHeader = None try: fromAddr = self.incoming.message.getaddr("From")[1] except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: addrHeader = fromAddr if not addrHeader: logging.warn("No From header on incoming mail.") try: senderHeader = self.incoming.message.getaddr("Sender")[1] except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: addrHeader = senderHeader if not addrHeader: logging.warn("No Sender header on incoming mail.") return clients client = None try: if addrHeader in self.incoming.context.whitelist.keys(): logging.debug("Email address was whitelisted: %s." % addrHeader) client = smtp.Address(addrHeader) else: normalized = addr.normalizeEmail( addrHeader, self.incoming.context.domainMap, self.incoming.context.domainRules) client = smtp.Address(normalized) except (addr.UnsupportedDomain) as error: logging.warn(error) except (addr.BadEmail, smtp.AddressError) as error: logging.warn(error) if client: clients.append(client) return clients
[docs] def getMailFrom(self): """Find our address in the recipients list of the **incoming** message. :rtype: str :return: Our address from the recipients list. If we can't find it return our default ``EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS`` from the config file. """ logging.debug("Searching for our email address in 'To:' header...") ours = None try: ourAddress = smtp.Address(self.incoming.context.fromAddr) allRecipients = self.incoming.message.getaddrlist("To") for _, addr in allRecipients: recipient = smtp.Address(addr) if not ourAddress.domain in recipient.domain: logging.debug(("Not our domain (%s) or subdomain, skipping" " email address: %s") % (ourAddress.domain, str(recipient))) continue # The recipient's username should at least start with ours, # but it still might be a '+' address. if not recipient.local.startswith(ourAddress.local): logging.debug(("Username doesn't begin with ours, skipping" " email address: %s") % str(recipient)) continue # Only check the username before the first '+': beforePlus = recipient.local.split('+', 1)[0] if beforePlus == ourAddress.local: ours = str(recipient) if not ours: raise addr.BadEmail(allRecipients) except Exception as error: logging.error(("Couldn't find our email address in incoming email " "headers: %r" % error)) # Just return the email address that we're configured to use: ours = self.incoming.context.fromAddr logging.debug("Found our email address: %s." % ours) return ours
[docs] def sentMail(self, success): """Callback for a :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPSenderFactory`, called when an attempt to send an email is completed. If some addresses were accepted, code and resp are the response to the DATA command. If no addresses were accepted, code is -1 and resp is an informative message. :param int code: The code returned by the SMTP Server. :param str resp: The string response returned from the SMTP Server. :param int numOK: The number of addresses accepted by the remote host. :param list addresses: A list of tuples (address, code, resp) listing the response to each ``RCPT TO`` command. :param log: The SMTP session log. (We don't use this, but it is sent by :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPSenderFactory` nonetheless.) """ numOk, addresses = success for (address, code, resp) in addresses:"Sent reply to %s" % address) logging.debug("SMTP server response: %d %s" % (code, resp)) if self.debug: for line in self.log.log: if line: logging.debug(line)
[docs] def sendError(self, fail): """Errback for a :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPSenderFactory`. :type fail: :api:`twisted.python.failure.Failure` or :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClientError` :param fail: An exception which occurred during the transaction to send the outgoing email. """ logging.debug("called with %r" % fail) if isinstance(fail, failure.Failure): error = fail.getTraceback() or "Unknown" elif isinstance(fail, Exception): error = fail logging.error(error) try: # This handles QUIT commands, disconnecting, and closing the # transport: smtp.SMTPClient.sendError(self, fail) # We might not have `transport` and `protocol` attributes, depending # on when and where the error occurred, so just catch and log it: except Exception as error: logging.error(error)
[docs] def reply(self): """Reply to an incoming email. Maybe. If nothing is returned from either :func:`createResponseBody` or :func:`generateResponse`, then the incoming email will not be responded to at all. This can happen for several reasons, for example: if the DKIM signature was invalid or missing, or if the incoming email came from an unacceptable domain, or if there have been too many emails from this client in the allotted time period. :rtype: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` :returns: A ``Deferred`` which will callback when the response has been successfully sent, or errback if an error occurred while sending the email. """"Got an email; deciding whether to reply.") response = self.getMailData() if not response: return self.deferred return self.send(response)
[docs] def runChecks(self, client): """Run checks on the incoming message, and only reply if they pass. 1. Check if the client's address is whitelisted. 2. If it's not whitelisted, check that the domain names, taken from the SMTP ``MAIL FROM:`` command and the email ``'From:'`` header, can be :func:`canonicalized <addr.canonicalizeEmailDomain>`. 3. Check that those canonical domains match. 4. If the incoming message is from a domain which supports DKIM signing, then run :func:`` as well. .. note:: Calling this method sets the :attr:`incoming.canonicalFromEmail` and :attr:`incoming.canonicalDomainRules` attributes of the :attr:`incoming` message. :type client: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param client: The client's email address, extracted from the ``'From:'`` header from the incoming email. :rtype: bool :returns: ``False`` if the checks didn't pass, ``True`` otherwise. """ # If the SMTP ``RCPT TO:`` domain name couldn't be canonicalized, then # we *should* have bailed at the SMTP layer, but we'll reject this # email again nonetheless: if not self.incoming.canonicalFromSMTP: logging.warn(("SMTP 'MAIL FROM' wasn't from a canonical domain " "for email from %s") % str(client)) return False # Allow whitelisted addresses through the canonicalization check: if str(client) in self.incoming.context.whitelist.keys(): self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail = client.domain"'From:' header contained whitelisted address: %s" % str(client)) # Straight up reject addresses in the EMAIL_BLACKLIST config option: elif str(client) in self.incoming.context.blacklist:"'From:' header contained blacklisted address: %s") return False else: logging.debug("Canonicalizing client email domain...") try: # The client's address was already checked to see if it came # from a supported domain and is a valid email address in # :meth:`getMailTo`, so we should just be able to re-extract # the canonical domain safely here: self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail = canonicalizeEmailDomain( client.domain, logging.debug("Canonical email domain: %s" % self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail) except addr.UnsupportedDomain as error:"Domain couldn't be canonicalized: %s" % safelog.logSafely(client.domain)) return False # The canonical domains from the SMTP ``MAIL FROM:`` and the email # ``From:`` header should match: if self.incoming.canonicalFromSMTP != self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail: logging.error("SMTP/Email canonical domain mismatch!") logging.debug("Canonical domain mismatch: %s != %s" % (self.incoming.canonicalFromSMTP, self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail)) #return False self.incoming.domainRules = self.incoming.context.domainRules.get( self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail, list()) # If the domain's ``domainRules`` say to check DKIM verification # results, and those results look bad, reject this email: if not dkim.checkDKIM(self.incoming.message, self.incoming.domainRules): return False # If fuzzy matching is enabled via the EMAIL_FUZZY_MATCH setting, then # calculate the Levenshtein String Distance (see # :func:`~bridgedb.util.levenshteinDistance`): if self.incoming.context.fuzzyMatch != 0: for blacklistedAddress in self.incoming.context.blacklist: distance = levenshteinDistance(str(client), blacklistedAddress) if distance <= self.incoming.context.fuzzyMatch:"Fuzzy-matched %s to blacklisted address %s!" % (self.incoming.canonicalFromEmail, blacklistedAddress)) return False return True
[docs] def send(self, response, retries=0, timeout=30, reaktor=reactor): """Send our **response** in reply to :data:`incoming`. :type client: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address` :param client: The email address of the client. :param response: A :class:`EmailResponse`. :param int retries: Try resending this many times. (default: ``0``) :param int timeout: Timeout after this many seconds. (default: ``30``) :rtype: :api:`Deferred <twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>` :returns: Our :data:`deferred`. """"Sending reply to %s ..." % str( factory = smtp.SMTPSenderFactory(self.incoming.context.smtpFromAddr, str(, response, self.deferred, retries=retries, timeout=timeout) factory.domain = smtp.DNSNAME reaktor.connectTCP(self.incoming.context.smtpServerIP, self.incoming.context.smtpServerPort, factory) return self.deferred