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Source code for bridgedb.bridges

# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_bridges -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: please see the AUTHORS file for attributions
# :copyright: (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
#             (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

"""Classes for manipulating and storing Bridges and their attributes.

.. inheritance-diagram:: PluggableTransportUnavailable MalformedBridgeInfo MalformedPluggableTransport InvalidPluggableTransportIP MissingServerDescriptorDigest ServerDescriptorDigestMismatch ServerDescriptorWithoutNetworkstatus InvalidExtraInfoSignature Flags PluggableTransport Bridge
    :parts: 1


**Glossary Terms**

.. glossary::

    Bridge Line
      A "Bridge Line" is how BridgeDB refers to lines in a ``torrc``
      file which should begin with the word ``"Bridge"``, and it is how
      a client tells their Tor process that they would like to use a
      particular bridge.


from __future__ import print_function

import base64
import codecs
import hashlib
import ipaddr
import logging
import os
import warnings

from Crypto.Util import asn1
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface

import bridgedb.Storage

from bridgedb import geo
from bridgedb import safelog
from bridgedb import bridgerequest
from bridgedb.crypto import removePKCS1Padding
from bridgedb.parse.addr import isIPAddress
from bridgedb.parse.addr import isIPv4
from bridgedb.parse.addr import isIPv6
from bridgedb.parse.addr import isValidIP
from bridgedb.parse.addr import PortList
from bridgedb.parse.fingerprint import isValidFingerprint
from bridgedb.parse.fingerprint import toHex
from bridgedb.parse.fingerprint import fromHex
from bridgedb.parse.nickname import isValidRouterNickname
from bridgedb.util import isascii_noncontrol

[docs]class PluggableTransportUnavailable(Exception): """Raised when a :class:`Bridge` doesn't have the requested :class:`PluggableTransport`. """
[docs]class MalformedBridgeInfo(ValueError): """Raised when some information about a bridge appears malformed."""
[docs]class MalformedPluggableTransport(MalformedBridgeInfo): """Raised when information used to initialise a :class:`PluggableTransport` appears malformed. """
[docs]class InvalidPluggableTransportIP(MalformedBridgeInfo): """Raised when a :class:`PluggableTransport` has an invalid address."""
[docs]class MissingServerDescriptorDigest(MalformedBridgeInfo): """Raised when the hash digest for an ``@type bridge-server-descriptor`` (which should be in the corresponding ``@type bridge-networkstatus`` document), was missing. """
[docs]class ServerDescriptorDigestMismatch(MalformedBridgeInfo): """Raised when the digest in an ``@type bridge-networkstatus`` document doesn't match the hash digest of the ``@type bridge-server-descriptor``'s contents. """
[docs]class ServerDescriptorWithoutNetworkstatus(MalformedBridgeInfo): """Raised when we find a ``@type bridge-server-descriptor`` which was not mentioned in the latest ``@type bridge-networkstatus`` document. """
[docs]class InvalidExtraInfoSignature(MalformedBridgeInfo): """Raised if the signature on an ``@type bridge-extrainfo`` is invalid."""
[docs]class IBridge(Interface): """I am a (mostly) stub interface whose primary purpose is merely to allow other classes to signify whether or not they can be treated like a :class:`Bridge`. """ fingerprint = Attribute( ("The lowercased, hexadecimal-encoded, hash digest of this Bridge's " "public identity key.")) address = Attribute("This Bridge's primary public IP address.") port = Attribute("The port which this Bridge is listening on.")
[docs]class Flags(object): """All the flags which a :class:`Bridge` may have.""" fast = False guard = False running = False stable = False valid = False
[docs] def update(self, flags): """Update with **flags** taken from an ``@type networkstatus-bridge`` 's'-line. From `dir-spec.txt`_: | | "s" SP Flags NL | | [Exactly once.] | | A series of space-separated status flags, in lexical order (as ASCII | byte strings). Currently documented flags are: | | [...] | "Fast" if the router is suitable for high-bandwidth circuits. | "Guard" if the router is suitable for use as an entry guard. | [...] | "Stable" if the router is suitable for long-lived circuits. | "Running" if the router is currently usable. | [...] | "Valid" if the router has been 'validated'. .. _dir-spec.txt: :param list flags: A list of strings containing each of the flags parsed from the 's'-line. """ = 'Fast' in flags self.guard = 'Guard' in flags self.running = 'Running' in flags self.stable = 'Stable' in flags self.valid = 'Valid' in flags
[docs]class BridgeAddressBase(object): """A base class for describing one of a :class:`Bridge`'s or a :class:`PluggableTransport`'s location, including its identity key fingerprint and IP address. :type fingerprint: str :ivar fingerprint: The uppercased, hexadecimal fingerprint of the identity key of the parent bridge running this pluggable transport instance, i.e. the main ORPort bridge whose ``@type bridge-server-descriptor`` contains a hash digest for a ``@type bridge-extrainfo-document``, the latter of which contains the parameter of this pluggable transport in its ``transport`` line. :type address: ``ipaddr.IPv4Address`` or ``ipaddr.IPv6Address`` :ivar address: The IP address of :class:`Bridge` or one of its :class:`PluggableTransport`s. :type country: str :ivar country: The two-letter GeoIP country code of the :ivar:`address`. :type port: int :ivar port: A integer specifying the port which this :class:`Bridge` (or :class:`PluggableTransport`) is listening on. """ def __init__(self): self._fingerprint = None self._address = None self._country = None self._port = None @property def fingerprint(self): """Get this Bridge's fingerprint. :rtype: str :returns: A 40-character hexadecimal formatted string representation of the SHA-1 hash digest of the public half of this Bridge's identity key. """ return self._fingerprint @fingerprint.setter def fingerprint(self, value): """Set this Bridge's fingerprint to **value**. .. info: The purported fingerprint will be checked for specification conformity with :func:`~bridgedb.parse.fingerprint.isValidFingerprint`. :param str value: The fingerprint for this Bridge. """ if value and isValidFingerprint(value): self._fingerprint = value.upper() @fingerprint.deleter def fingerprint(self): """Reset this Bridge's fingerprint.""" self._fingerprint = None @property def identity(self): """Get this Bridge's identity digest. :rtype: bytes :returns: The binary-encoded SHA-1 hash digest of the public half of this Bridge's identity key, if available; otherwise, returns ``None``. """ if self.fingerprint: return fromHex(self.fingerprint) @identity.setter def identity(self, value): """Set this Bridge's identity digest to **value**. .. info: The purported identity digest will be checked for specification conformity with :func:`~bridgedb.parse.fingerprint.isValidFingerprint`. :param str value: The binary-encoded SHA-1 hash digest of the public half of this Bridge's identity key. """ self.fingerprint = toHex(value) @identity.deleter def identity(self): """Reset this Bridge's identity digest.""" del(self.fingerprint) @property def address(self): """Get this bridge's address. :rtype: :class:`~ipaddr.IPv4Address` or :class:`~ipaddr.IPv6Address` :returns: The bridge's address. """ return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): """Set this Bridge's address. :param value: The main ORPort IP address of this bridge. """ if value and isValidIP(value): # XXX only conditionally set _address? self._address = isIPAddress(value, compressed=False) @address.deleter def address(self): """Reset this Bridge's address to ``None``.""" self._address = None @property def country(self): """Get the two-letter GeoIP country code for the :ivar:`address`. :rtype: str or ``None`` :returns: If :ivar:`address` is set, this returns a two-letter country code for the geolocated region that :ivar:`address` is within; otherwise, returns ``None``. """ if self.address: return geo.getCountryCode(self.address) @property def port(self): """Get the port number which this ``Bridge`` is listening for incoming client connections on. :rtype: int or None :returns: The port (as an int), if it is known and valid; otherwise, returns ``None``. """ return self._port @port.setter def port(self, value): """Store the port number which this ``Bridge`` is listening for incoming client connections on. :param int value: The transport's port. """ if isinstance(value, int) and (0 <= value <= 65535): self._port = value @port.deleter def port(self): """Reset this ``Bridge``'s port to ``None``.""" self._port = None
[docs]class PluggableTransport(BridgeAddressBase): """A single instance of a Pluggable Transport (PT) offered by a :class:`Bridge`. Pluggable transports are described within a bridge's ``@type bridge-extrainfo`` descriptor, see the ``Specifications: Client behavior`` section and the ``TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS`` description in pt-spec.txt_ for additional specification. .. _pt-spec.txt: :vartype fingerprint: str :ivar fingerprint: The uppercased, hexadecimal fingerprint of the identity key of the parent bridge running this pluggable transport instance, i.e. the main ORPort bridge whose ``@type bridge-server-descriptor`` contains a hash digest for a ``@type bridge-extrainfo-document``, the latter of which contains the parameter of this pluggable transport in its ``transport`` line. :vartype methodname: str :ivar methodname: The canonical "name" for this pluggable transport, i.e. the one which would be specified in a torrc file. For example, ``"obfs2"``, ``"obfs3"``, ``"scramblesuit"`` would all be pluggable transport method names. :vartype address: ``ipaddr.IPv4Address`` or ``ipaddr.IPv6Address`` :ivar address: The IP address of the transport. Currently (as of 20 March 2014), there are no known, widely-deployed pluggable transports which support IPv6. Ergo, this is very likely going to be an IPv4 address. :vartype port: int :ivar port: A integer specifying the port which this pluggable transport is listening on. (This should likely be whatever port the bridge specified in its ``ServerTransportPlugin`` torrc line, unless the pluggable transport is running in "managed" mode.) :vartype arguments: dict :ivar arguments: Some PTs can take additional arguments, which must be distributed to the client out-of-band. These are present in the ``@type bridge-extrainfo-document``, in the ``transport`` line like so:: METHOD SP ADDR ":" PORT SP [K=V[,K=V[,K=V[…]]]] where K is the key in **arguments**, and V is the value. For example, in the case of ``scramblesuit``, for which the client must supply a shared secret to the ``scramblesuit`` instance running on the bridge, the **arguments** would be something like:: {'password': 'NEQGQYLUMUQGK5TFOJ4XI2DJNZTS4LRO'} """ def __init__(self, fingerprint=None, methodname=None, address=None, port=None, arguments=None): """Create a ``PluggableTransport`` describing a PT running on a bridge. :param str fingerprint: The uppercased, hexadecimal fingerprint of the identity key of the parent bridge running this pluggable transport. :param str methodname: The canonical "name" for this pluggable transport. See :data:`methodname`. :param str address: The IP address of the transport. See :data:`address`. :param int port: A integer specifying the port which this pluggable transport is listening on. :param dict arguments: Any additional arguments which the PT takes, which must be distributed to the client out-of-band. See :data:`arguments`. """ super(PluggableTransport, self).__init__() self._methodname = None self._blockedIn = {} self.fingerprint = fingerprint self.address = address self.port = port self.methodname = methodname self.arguments = arguments # Because we can intitialise this class with the __init__() # parameters, or use the ``updateFromStemTransport()`` method, we'll # only use the ``_runChecks()`` method now if we were initialised with # parameters: if (fingerprint or address or port or methodname or arguments): self._runChecks()
[docs] def _parseArgumentsIntoDict(self, argumentList): """Convert a list of Pluggable Transport arguments into a dictionary suitable for :data:`arguments`. :param list argumentList: A list of Pluggable Transport arguments. There might be multiple, comma-separated ``K=V`` Pluggable Transport arguments in a single item in the **argumentList**, or each item might be its own ``K=V``; we don't care and we should be able to parse it either way. :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary of all the ``K=V`` Pluggable Transport arguments. """ argDict = {} # PT arguments are comma-separated in the extrainfo # descriptors. While there *shouldn't* be anything after them that was # separated by a space (and hence would wind up being in a different # item in `arguments`), if there was we'll join it to the rest of the # PT arguments with a comma so that they are parsed as if they were PT # arguments as well: allArguments = ','.join(argumentList) for arg in allArguments.split(','): if arg: # It might be an empty string try: key, value = arg.split('=') except ValueError: logging.warn(" Couldn't parse K=V from PT arg: %r" % arg) else: logging.debug(" Parsed PT Argument: %s: %s" % (key, value)) argDict[key] = value return argDict
[docs] def _runChecks(self): """Validate that we were initialised with acceptable parameters. We currently check that: 1. The :data:`port` is an integer, and that it is between the values of ``0`` and ``65535`` (inclusive). 2. The :data:`arguments` is a dictionary. 3. The :data:`arguments` do not contain non-ASCII or control characters or double quotes or backslashes, in keys or in values. :raises MalformedPluggableTransport: if any of the above checks fails. """ if not self.fingerprint: raise MalformedPluggableTransport( ("Cannot create %s without owning Bridge fingerprint!") % self.__class__.__name__) if not self.address: raise InvalidPluggableTransportIP( ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with address '%s'. " "type(address)=%s.") % (self.address, type(self.address))) if not self.port: raise MalformedPluggableTransport( ("Cannot create PluggableTransport without a valid port.")) if not isinstance(self.arguments, dict): raise MalformedPluggableTransport( ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with arguments type: %s") % type(self.arguments)) for item in self.arguments.items(): kv = ''.join(item) if not isascii_noncontrol(kv): raise MalformedPluggableTransport( ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with non-ASCII or " "control characters in arguments: %r=%r") % item) if '"' in kv or '\\' in kv: raise MalformedPluggableTransport( ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with double quotes or " "backslashes in arguments: %r=%r") % item) if not self._checkArguments(): raise MalformedPluggableTransport( ("Can't use %s transport with missing arguments. Arguments: " "%s") % (self.methodname, ' '.join(self.arguments.keys())))
[docs] def _checkArguments(self): """This method is a temporary fix for PTs with missing arguments (see :trac:`13202`). .. todo: This method can be removed after Tor-0.2.4.x is deprecated. """ # obfs4 requires (iat-mode && (cert || (node-id && public-key))): if self.methodname == 'obfs4': if self.arguments.get('iat-mode'): if (self.arguments.get('cert') or \ (self.arguments.get('node-id') and self.arguments.get('public-key'))): return True # scramblesuit requires (password): elif self.methodname == 'scramblesuit': if self.arguments.get('password'): return True else: return True return False
@property def methodname(self): """Get this :class:`PluggableTransport`'s methodname. :rtype: str :returns: The (lowercased) methodname of this ``PluggableTransport``, i.e. ``"obfs3"``, ``"scramblesuit"``, etc. """ return self._methodname @methodname.setter def methodname(self, value): """Set this ``PluggableTransport``'s methodname. .. hint:: The **value** will be automatically lowercased. :param str value: The new methodname. """ if value: try: self._methodname = value.lower() except (AttributeError, TypeError): raise TypeError("methodname must be a str or unicode")
[docs] def getTransportLine(self, includeFingerprint=True, bridgePrefix=False): """Get a Bridge Line for this :class:`PluggableTransport`. .. note:: If **bridgePrefix** is ``False``, this method does not return lines which are prefixed with the word ``'bridge'``, as they would be in a torrc file. Instead, lines returned look like:: obfs3 59ca743e89b508e16b8c7c6d2290efdfd14eea98 This was made configurable to fix Vidalia being a brain-damaged piece of shit (:trac:`5851`). TorLaucher replaced Vidalia soon after, and TorLauncher is intelligent enough to understand :term:`Bridge Line`s regardless of whether or not they are prefixed with the word "Bridge". .. _#5851: :param bool includeFingerprints: If ``True``, include the digest of this bridges public identity key in the torrc line. :param bool bridgePrefix: If ``True``, add ``'Bridge '`` to the beginning of each returned line (suitable for pasting directly into a ``torrc`` file). :rtype: str :returns: A configuration line for adding this Pluggable Transport into a ``torrc`` file. """ sections = [] if bridgePrefix: sections.append('Bridge') if self.address.version == 6: # If the address was IPv6, put brackets around it: host = '%s [%s]:%d' % (self.methodname, self.address, self.port) else: host = '%s %s:%d' % (self.methodname, self.address, self.port) sections.append(host) if includeFingerprint: sections.append(self.fingerprint) for key, value in self.arguments.items(): sections.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) line = ' '.join(sections) return line
[docs] def updateFromStemTransport(self, fingerprint, methodname, kitchenSink): """Update this :class:`PluggableTransport` from the data structure which Stem uses. Stem's :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor` parses extrainfo ``transport`` lines into a dictionary with the following structure:: {u'obfs2': (u'', 37339, []), u'obfs3': (u'', 37338, []), u'obfs4': (u'', 37341, [ (u'iat-mode=0,' u'node-id=2a79f14120945873482b7823caabe2fcde848722,' u'public-key=0a5b046d07f6f971b7776de682f57c5b9cdc8fa060db7ef59de82e721c8098f4')]), u'scramblesuit': (u'', 37340, [ u'password=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567'])} This method will initialise this class from the dictionary key (**methodname**) and its tuple of values (**kitchenSink**). :param str fingerprint: The uppercased, hexadecimal fingerprint of the identity key of the parent bridge running this pluggable transport. :param str methodname: The :data:`methodname` of this Pluggable Transport. :param tuple kitchenSink: Everything else that was on the ``transport`` line in the bridge's extrainfo descriptor, which Stem puts into the 3-tuples shown in the example above. """ self.fingerprint = str(fingerprint) self.methodname = str(methodname) self.address = kitchenSink[0] port = kitchenSink[1] if port == 'anyport': # IDK. Stem, WTF? port = 0 self.port = int(port) self.arguments = self._parseArgumentsIntoDict(kitchenSink[2]) self._runChecks()
[docs]class BridgeBase(BridgeAddressBase): """The base class for all bridge implementations.""" def __init__(self): super(BridgeBase, self).__init__() self._nickname = None self._orPort = None self.socksPort = 0 # Bridges should always have ``SOCKSPort`` and self.dirPort = 0 # ``DirPort`` set to ``0`` self.orAddresses = [] self.transports = [] self.flags = Flags() @property def nickname(self): """Get this Bridge's nickname. :rtype: str :returns: The Bridge's nickname. """ return self._nickname @nickname.setter def nickname(self, value): """Set this Bridge's nickname to **value**. .. note:: We don't need to call :func:`bridgedb.parse.nickname.isValidRouterNickname() since Stem will check nickname specification conformity. :param str value: The nickname of this Bridge. """ self._nickname = value @nickname.deleter def nickname(self): """Reset this Bridge's nickname.""" self._nickname = None @property def orPort(self): """Get this bridge's ORPort. :rtype: int :returns: This Bridge's default ORPort. """ return self.port @orPort.setter def orPort(self, value): """Set this Bridge's ORPort. :param int value: The Bridge's ORPort. """ self.port = value @orPort.deleter def orPort(self): """Reset this Bridge's ORPort.""" del self.port
[docs]class BridgeBackwardsCompatibility(BridgeBase): """Backwards compatibility methods for the old Bridge class.""" def __init__(self, nickname=None, ip=None, orport=None, fingerprint=None, id_digest=None, or_addresses=None): """Create a :class:`Bridge <bridgedb.bridges.IBridge>` which is backwards compatible with the legacy Bridge class implementation. .. note: For backwards compatibility, **nickname**, **ip**, and **orport** must be the first, second, and third arguments, respectively. The **fingerprint** and **id_digest** were previously kwargs, and are also provided for backwards compatibility. New calls to :meth:`__init__` *should* avoid using these kwargs, and instead use the methods :meth:`updateFromNetworkStatus`, :meth:`updateFromServerDescriptor`, and :meth:`updateFromExtraInfoDescriptor`. """ super(BridgeBackwardsCompatibility, self).__init__() self.desc_digest = None self.ei_digest = None self.running = False self.stable = False if nickname or ip or orport or fingerprint or id_digest: self._backwardsCompatible(nickname=nickname, address=ip, orPort=orport, fingerprint=fingerprint, idDigest=id_digest, orAddresses=or_addresses)
[docs] def _backwardsCompatible(self, nickname=None, address=None, orPort=None, fingerprint=None, idDigest=None, orAddresses=None): """Functionality for maintaining backwards compatibility with the older version of this class (see :class:`bridgedb.test.deprecated.Bridge`). """ self.nickname = nickname self.orPort = orPort if address: self.address = address if idDigest: if not fingerprint: if not len(idDigest) == 20: raise TypeError("Bridge with invalid ID") self.fingerprint = toHex(idDigest) elif fingerprint: if not isValidFingerprint(fingerprint): raise TypeError("Bridge with invalid fingerprint (%r)" % fingerprint) self.fingerprint = fingerprint.lower() else: raise TypeError("Bridge with no ID") if orAddresses and isinstance(orAddresses, dict): for ip, portlist in orAddresses.items(): validAddress = isIPAddress(ip, compressed=False) if validAddress: # The old code expected a `bridgedb.parse.addr.PortList`: if isinstance(portlist, PortList): for port in portlist.ports: self.orAddresses.append( (validAddress, port, validAddress.version,)) elif isinstance(portlist, int): self.orAddresses.append( (validAddress, portlist, validAddress.version,)) else: logging.warn("Can't parse port for ORAddress %r: %r" % (ip, portlist))
[docs] def getID(self): """Get the binary encoded form of this ``Bridge``'s ``fingerprint``. This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be relied upon. """ return self.identity
[docs] def setDescriptorDigest(self, digest): """Set this ``Bridge``'s server-descriptor digest. This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be relied upon. """ self.desc_digest = digest # old attribute for backwards compat self.descriptorDigest = digest # new attribute
[docs] def setExtraInfoDigest(self, digest): """Set this ``Bridge``'s extrainfo digest. This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be relied upon. """ self.ei_digest = digest # old attribute for backwards compat self.extrainfoDigest = digest # new attribute
[docs] def setStatus(self, running=None, stable=None): """Set this ``Bridge``'s "Running" and "Stable" flags. This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be relied upon. """ if running is not None: self.running = bool(running) self.flags.running = bool(running) if stable is not None: self.stable = bool(stable) self.flags.stable = bool(stable)
[docs] def getConfigLine(self, includeFingerprint=False, addressClass=None, request=None, transport=None): """Get a vanilla bridge line for this ``Bridge``. This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be relied upon. The old ``bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge.getConfigLine()`` method didn't know about :class:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase`s, and so this modified version is backwards compatible by creating a :class:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` for :meth:`getBridgeLine`. The default parameters are the same as they were in the old ``bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge`` class. :param bool includeFingerprint: If ``True``, include the ``fingerprint`` of this :class:`Bridge` in the returned bridge line. :type addressClass: :class:`ipaddr.IPv4Address` or :class:`ipaddr.IPv6Address`. :param addressClass: Type of address to choose. :param str request: A string (somewhat) unique to this request, e.g. email-address or ``HTTPSDistributor.getSubnet(ip)``. In this case, this is not a :class:`~bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` (as might be expected) but the equivalent of :data:`bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase.client`. :param str transport: A pluggable transport method name. """ ipVersion = 6 if addressClass is ipaddr.IPv6Address else 4 bridgeRequest = bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase(ipVersion) bridgeRequest.client = request if request else bridgeRequest.client bridgeRequest.isValid(True) if transport: bridgeRequest.withPluggableTransportType(transport) bridgeRequest.generateFilters() bridgeLine = self.getBridgeLine(bridgeRequest, includeFingerprint) return bridgeLine # Bridge Stability (`#5482 <>`_) properties.
@property def familiar(self): """A bridge is "familiar" if 1/8 of all active bridges have appeared more recently than it, or if it has been around for a Weighted Time of eight days. """ with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db: # pragma: no cover return db.getBridgeHistory(self.fingerprint).familiar @property def wfu(self): """Weighted Fractional Uptime""" with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db: # pragma: no cover return db.getBridgeHistory(self.fingerprint).weightedFractionalUptime @property def weightedTime(self): """Weighted Time""" with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db: # pragma: no cover return db.getBridgeHistory(self.fingerprint).weightedTime @property def wmtbac(self): """Weighted Mean Time Between Address Change""" with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db: # pragma: no cover return db.getBridgeHistory(self.fingerprint).wmtbac @property def tosa(self): """The Time On Same Address (TOSA)""" with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db: # pragma: no cover return db.getBridgeHistory(self.fingerprint).tosa @property def weightedUptime(self): """Weighted Uptime""" with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db: # pragma: no cover return db.getBridgeHistory(self.fingerprint).weightedUptime
[docs]class Bridge(BridgeBackwardsCompatibility): """A single bridge, and all the information we have for it. :vartype fingerprint: :any:`str` or ``None`` :ivar fingerprint: This ``Bridge``'s fingerprint, in lowercased hexadecimal format. :vartype nickname: :any:`str` or ``None`` :ivar nickname: This ``Bridge``'s router nickname. :vartype socksPort: int :ivar socksPort: This ``Bridge``'s SOCKSPort. Should always be ``0``. :vartype dirPort: int :ivar dirPort: This ``Bridge``'s DirPort. Should always be ``0``. :vartype orAddresses: list :ivar orAddresses: A list of 3-tuples in the form:: (ADDRESS, PORT, IP_VERSION) where: * ADDRESS is an :class:`ipaddr.IPAddress`, * PORT is an ``int``, * IP_VERSION is either ``4`` or ``6``. :vartype transports: list :ivar transports: A list of :class:`PluggableTransport`, one for each transport that this :class:`Bridge` currently supports. :vartype flags: :class:`~bridgedb.bridges.Flags` :ivar flags: All flags assigned by the BridgeAuthority to this :class:`Bridge`. :vartype hibernating: bool :ivar hibernating: ``True`` if this :class:`Bridge` is hibernating and not currently serving clients (e.g. if the Bridge hit its configured ``RelayBandwidthLimit``); ``False`` otherwise. :vartype _blockedIn: dict :ivar _blockedIn: A dictionary of ``ADDRESS:PORT`` pairs to lists of lowercased, two-letter country codes (e.g. ``"us"``, ``"gb"``, ``"cn"``, etc.) which that ``ADDRESS:PORT`` pair is blocked in. :vartype contact: :any:`str` or ``None`` :ivar contact: The contact information for the this Bridge's operator. :vartype family: :any:`set` or ``None`` :ivar family: The fingerprints of other Bridges related to this one. :vartype platform: :any:`str` or ``None`` :ivar platform: The ``platform`` line taken from the ``@type bridge-server-descriptor``, e.g. ``'Tor on Linux'``. :vartype software: :class:`stem.version.Version` or ``None`` :ivar software: The OR version portion of the ``platform`` line. :vartype os: :any:`str` or ``None`` :ivar os: The OS portion of the ``platform`` line. """ #: (:any:`bool`) If ``True``, check that the signature of the bridge's #: ``@type bridge-server-descriptor`` is valid and that the signature was #: created with the ``signing-key`` contained in that descriptor. _checkServerDescriptorSignature = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create and store information for a new ``Bridge``. .. note: For backwards compatibility, **nickname**, **ip**, and **orport** must be the first, second, and third arguments, respectively. The **fingerprint** and **id_digest** were previously kwargs, and are also provided for backwards compatibility. New calls to :meth:`__init__` *should* avoid using these kwargs, and instead use the methods :meth:`updateFromNetworkStatus`, :meth:`updateFromServerDescriptor`, and :meth:`updateFromExtraInfoDescriptor`. """ super(Bridge, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.socksPort = 0 # Bridges should always have ``SOCKSPort`` and self.dirPort = 0 # ``DirPort`` set to ``0`` self.orAddresses = [] self.transports = [] self.flags = Flags() self.hibernating = False self._blockedIn = {} self.bandwidth = None self.bandwidthAverage = None self.bandwidthBurst = None self.bandwidthObserved = None = None = None self.platform = None = None self.os = None self.uptime = None self.bridgeIPs = None self.onionKey = None self.ntorOnionKey = None self.signingKey = None self.descriptors = {'networkstatus': None, 'server': None, 'extrainfo': None} #: The hash digest of this bridge's ``@type bridge-server-descriptor``, #: as signed (but not including the signature). This is found in the #: 'r'-line of this bridge's ``@type bride-networkstatus`` document, #: however it is stored here re-encoded from base64 into hexadecimal, #: and converted to uppercase. self.descriptorDigest = None self.extrainfoDigest = None def __str__(self): """Return a pretty string representation that identifies this Bridge. .. warning:: With safelogging disabled, the returned string contains the bridge's fingerprint, which should be handled with care. If safelogging is enabled, the returned string will have the SHA-1 hash of the bridge's fingerprint (a.k.a. a hashed fingerprint). Hashed fingerprints will be prefixed with ``'$$'``, and the real fingerprints are prefixed with ``'$'``. :rtype: str :returns: A string in the form: :data:`nickname```.$``:data:`fingerprint`. """ nickname = self.nickname if self.nickname else 'Unnamed' prefix = '$' separator = "~" fingerprint = self.fingerprint if safelog.safe_logging: prefix = '$$' if fingerprint: fingerprint = hashlib.sha1(fingerprint).hexdigest().upper() if not fingerprint: fingerprint = '0' * 40 return prefix + fingerprint + separator + nickname
[docs] def _checkServerDescriptor(self, descriptor): # If we're parsing the server-descriptor, require a networkstatus # document: if not self.descriptors['networkstatus']: raise ServerDescriptorWithoutNetworkstatus( ("We received a server-descriptor for bridge '%s' which has " "no corresponding networkstatus document.") % descriptor.fingerprint) ns = self.descriptors['networkstatus'] # We must have the digest of the server-descriptor from the # networkstatus document: if not self.descriptorDigest: raise MissingServerDescriptorDigest( ("The server-descriptor digest was missing from networkstatus " "document for bridge '%s'.") % descriptor.fingerprint) digested = descriptor.digest() # The digested server-descriptor must match the digest reported by the # BridgeAuthority in the bridge's networkstatus document: if not self.descriptorDigest == digested: raise ServerDescriptorDigestMismatch( ("The server-descriptor digest for bridge '%s' doesn't match " "the digest reported by the BridgeAuthority in the " "networkstatus document: \n" "Digest reported in networkstatus: %s\n" "Actual descriptor digest: %s\n") % (descriptor.fingerprint, self.descriptorDigest, digested))
[docs] def _constructBridgeLine(self, addrport, includeFingerprint=True, bridgePrefix=False): """Construct a :term:`Bridge Line` from an (address, port) tuple. :param tuple addrport: A 3-tuple of ``(address, port, ipversion)`` where ``address`` is a string, ``port`` is an integer, and ``ipversion`` is a integer (``4`` or ``6``). :param bool includeFingerprint: If ``True``, include the ``fingerprint`` of this :class:`Bridge` in the returned bridge line. :param bool bridgePrefix: if ``True``, prefix the :term:`Bridge Line` with ``'Bridge '``. :rtype: string :returns: A bridge line suitable for adding into a ``torrc`` file or Tor Launcher. """ if not addrport: return address, port, version = addrport if not address or not port: return bridgeLine = [] if bridgePrefix: bridgeLine.append('Bridge') if version == 4: bridgeLine.append("%s:%d" % (str(address), port)) elif version == 6: bridgeLine.append("[%s]:%d" % (str(address), port)) if includeFingerprint: bridgeLine.append("%s" % self.fingerprint) return ' '.join(bridgeLine)
[docs] def _getBlockKey(cls, address, port): """Format an **address**:**port** pair appropriately for use as a key in the :data:`_blockedIn` dictionary. :param address: An IP address of this :class:`Bridge` or one of its :data:`transports`. :param port: A port. :rtype: str :returns: A string in the form ``"ADDRESS:PORT"`` for IPv4 addresses, and ``"[ADDRESS]:PORT`` for IPv6. """ if isIPv6(str(address)): key = "[%s]:%s" % (address, port) else: key = "%s:%s" % (address, port) return key
[docs] def _getTransportForRequest(self, bridgeRequest): """If a transport was requested, return the correlated :term:`Bridge Line` based upon the client identifier in the **bridgeRequest**. .. warning:: If this bridge doesn't have any of the requested pluggable transport type (optionally, not blocked in whichever countries the user doesn't want their bridges to be blocked in), then this method returns ``None``. This should only happen rarely, because the bridges are filtered into the client's hashring based on the **bridgeRequest** options. :type bridgeRequest: :class:`bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` :param bridgeRequest: A ``BridgeRequest`` which stores all of the client-specified options for which type of bridge they want to receive. :raises PluggableTransportUnavailable: if this bridge doesn't have any of the requested pluggable transport type. This shouldn't happen because the bridges are filtered into the client's hashring based on the **bridgeRequest** options, however, this is useful in the unlikely event that it does happen, so that the calling function can fetch an additional bridge from the hashring as recompense for what would've otherwise been a missing :term:`Bridge Line`. :rtype: str or ``None`` :returns: If no transports were requested, return ``None``, otherwise return a :term:`Bridge Line` for the requested pluggable transport type. """ desired = bridgeRequest.justOnePTType() ipVersion = bridgeRequest.ipVersion"Bridge %s answering request for %s transport..." % (self, desired)) # Filter all this Bridge's ``transports`` according to whether or not # their ``methodname`` matches the requested transport: transports = filter(lambda pt: pt.methodname == desired, self.transports) # Filter again for whichever of IPv4 or IPv6 was requested: transports = filter(lambda pt: pt.address.version == ipVersion, transports) if not transports: raise PluggableTransportUnavailable( ("Client requested transport %s, but bridge %s doesn't " "have any of that transport!") % (desired, self)) unblocked = [] for pt in transports: if not sum([self.transportIsBlockedIn(cc, pt.methodname) for cc in bridgeRequest.notBlockedIn]): unblocked.append(pt) if unblocked: position = bridgeRequest.getHashringPlacement('Order-Or-Addresses') return transports[position % len(unblocked)] else: logging.warn(("Client requested transport %s%s, but bridge %s " "doesn't have any of that transport!") % (desired, " not blocked in %s" % " ".join(bridgeRequest.notBlockedIn) if bridgeRequest.notBlockedIn else "", self))
[docs] def _getVanillaForRequest(self, bridgeRequest): """If vanilla bridges were requested, return the assigned :term:`Bridge Line` based upon the client identifier in the **bridgeRequest**. :type bridgeRequest: :class:`bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` :param bridgeRequest: A ``BridgeRequest`` which stores all of the client-specified options for which type of bridge they want to receive. :rtype: str or ``None`` :returns: If no transports were requested, return ``None``, otherwise return a :term:`Bridge Line` for the requested pluggable transport type. """ "Bridge %s answering request for IPv%s vanilla address..." % (self, bridgeRequest.ipVersion)) addresses = [] for address, port, version in self.allVanillaAddresses: # Filter ``allVanillaAddresses`` by whether IPv4 or IPv6 was requested: if version == bridgeRequest.ipVersion: # Determine if the address is blocked in any of the country # codes. Because :meth:`addressIsBlockedIn` returns a bool, # we get a list like: ``[True, False, False, True]``, and # because bools are ints, they may be summed. What we care # about is that there are no ``True``s, for any country code, # so we check that the sum is zero (meaning the list was full # of ``False``s). # # XXX Do we want to add a method for this construct? if not sum([self.addressIsBlockedIn(cc, address, port) for cc in bridgeRequest.notBlockedIn]): addresses.append((address, port, version)) if addresses: # Use the client's unique data to HMAC them into their position in # the hashring of filtered bridges addresses: position = bridgeRequest.getHashringPlacement('Order-Or-Addresses') vanilla = addresses[position % len(addresses)]"Got vanilla bridge for client.") return vanilla
[docs] def _updateORAddresses(self, orAddresses): """Update this :class:`Bridge`'s :data:`orAddresses` attribute from a 3-tuple (i.e. as Stem creates when parsing descriptors). :param tuple orAddresses: A 3-tuple of: an IP address, a port number, and a boolean (``False`` if IPv4, ``True`` if IPv6). :raises FutureWarning: if any IPv4 addresses are found. As of tor-0.2.5, only IPv6 addresses should be found in a descriptor's `ORAddress` line. """ for (address, port, ipVersion) in orAddresses: version = 6 if not ipVersion: # `False` means IPv4; `True` means IPv6. # See warnings.warn(FutureWarning(( "Got IPv4 address in 'a'/'or-address' line! Descriptor " "format may have changed!"))) version = 4 validatedAddress = isIPAddress(address, compressed=False) if validatedAddress: self.orAddresses.append( (validatedAddress, port, version,) )
@property def allVanillaAddresses(self): """Get all valid, non-PT address:port pairs for this bridge. :rtype: list :returns: All of this bridge's ORAddresses, as well as its ORPort IP address and port. """ # Force deep-copying of the orAddresses. Otherwise, the later use of # ``addresses.append()`` is both non-reentrant and non-idempotent, as # it would change the value of ``Bridge.orAddresses``, as well as # append a (possibly updated, if ``Bridge.address`` or # ``Bridge.orPort`` changed!) new copy of the bridge's primary # ORAddress each time this property is called. addresses = self.orAddresses[:] # Add the default ORPort address. It will always be IPv4, otherwise # Stem should have raised a ValueError during parsing. But for # testability, check which type it is: version = 4 if isIPv6(self.address): version = 6 addresses.append((self.address, self.orPort, version)) return addresses
[docs] def assertOK(self): """Perform some additional validation on this bridge's info. We require that: 1. Any IP addresses contained in :data:`orAddresses` are valid, according to :func:`~bridgedb.parse.addr.isValidIP`. 2. Any ports in :data:`orAddresses` are between ``1`` and ``65535`` (inclusive). 3. All IP version numbers given in :data:`orAddresses` are either ``4`` or ``6``. .. todo:: This should probably be reimplemented as a property that automatically sanitises the values for each ORAddress, as is done for :data:`bridgedb.bridges.BridgeAddressBase.address` and :data:`bridgedb.bridges.BridgeBase.orPort`. :raises MalformedBridgeInfo: if something was found to be malformed or invalid. """ malformed = [] for (address, port, version) in self.orAddresses: if not isValidIP(address): malformed.append("Invalid ORAddress address: '%s'" % address) if not (0 <= port <= 65535): malformed.append("Invalid ORAddress port: '%d'" % port) if not version in (4, 6): malformed.append("Invalid ORAddress IP version: %r" % version) if malformed: raise MalformedBridgeInfo('\n'.join(malformed))
[docs] def getBridgeLine(self, bridgeRequest, includeFingerprint=True, bridgePrefix=False): """Return a valid :term:`Bridge Line` for a client to give to Tor Launcher or paste directly into their ``torrc``. This is a helper method to call either :meth:`_getTransportForRequest` or :meth:`_getVanillaForRequest` depending on whether or not a :class:`PluggableTransport` was requested in the :class:`bridgeRequest <bridgedb bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase>`, and then construct the :term:`Bridge Line` accordingly. :type bridgeRequest: :class:`bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` :param bridgeRequest: A ``BridgeRequest`` which stores all of the client-specified options for which type of bridge they want to receive. :param bool includeFingerprint: If ``True``, include the ``fingerprint`` of this :class:`Bridge` in the returned bridge line. :param bool bridgePrefix: if ``True``, prefix the :term:`Bridge Line` with ``'Bridge '``. """ if not bridgeRequest.isValid():"Bridge request was not valid. Dropping request.") return # XXX raise error perhaps? bridgeLine = None if bridgeRequest.transports: pt = self._getTransportForRequest(bridgeRequest) if pt: bridgeLine = pt.getTransportLine(includeFingerprint, bridgePrefix) else: addrport = self._getVanillaForRequest(bridgeRequest) bridgeLine = self._constructBridgeLine(addrport, includeFingerprint, bridgePrefix) return bridgeLine
[docs] def _addBlockByKey(self, key, countryCode): """Create or append to the list of blocked countries for a **key**. :param str key: The key to lookup in the :data:`Bridge._blockedIn` dictionary. This should be in the form returned by :meth:`_getBlockKey`. :param str countryCode: A two-character country code specifier. """ if self._blockedIn.has_key(key): self._blockedIn[key].append(countryCode.lower()) else: self._blockedIn[key] = [countryCode.lower(),]
[docs] def addressIsBlockedIn(self, countryCode, address, port): """Determine if a specific (address, port) tuple is blocked in **countryCode**. :param str countryCode: A two-character country code specifier. :param str address: An IP address (presumedly one used by this bridge). :param int port: A port. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if the **address**:**port** pair is blocked in **countryCode**, ``False`` otherwise. """ key = self._getBlockKey(address, port) try: if countryCode.lower() in self._blockedIn[key]:"Vanilla address %s of bridge %s blocked in %s." % (key, self, countryCode.lower())) return True except KeyError: return False # That address:port pair isn't blocked anywhere return False
[docs] def transportIsBlockedIn(self, countryCode, methodname): """Determine if any of a specific type of pluggable transport which this bridge might be running is blocked in a specific country. :param str countryCode: A two-character country code specifier. :param str methodname: The type of pluggable transport to check, i.e. ``'obfs3'``. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if any address:port pair which this bridge is running a :class:`PluggableTransport` on is blocked in **countryCode**, ``False`` otherwise. """ for pt in self.transports: if pt.methodname == methodname.lower(): if self.addressIsBlockedIn(countryCode, pt.address, pt.port):"Transport %s of bridge %s is blocked in %s." % (pt.methodname, self, countryCode)) return True return False
[docs] def isBlockedIn(self, countryCode): """Determine, according to our stored bridge reachability reports, if any of the address:port pairs used by this :class:`Bridge` or it's :data:`transports` are blocked in **countryCode**. :param str countryCode: A two-character country code specifier. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if at least one address:port pair used by this bridge is blocked in **countryCode**; ``False`` otherwise. """ # Check all supported pluggable tranport types: for methodname in self.supportedTransportTypes: if self.transportIsBlockedIn(countryCode.lower(), methodname): return True for address, port, version in self.allVanillaAddresses: if self.addressIsBlockedIn(countryCode.lower(), address, port): return True return False
[docs] def setBlockedIn(self, countryCode, address=None, port=None, methodname=None): """Mark this :class:`Bridge` as being blocked in **countryCode**. By default, if called with no parameters other than a **countryCode**, we'll mark all this :class:`Bridge`'s :data:`allVanillaAddresses` and :data:`transports` as being blocked. Otherwise, we'll filter on any and all parameters given. If only a **methodname** is given, then we assume that all :data:`transports` with that **methodname** are blocked in **countryCode**. If the methodname is ``"vanilla"``, then we assume each address in data:`allVanillaAddresses` is blocked. :param str countryCode: A two-character country code specifier. :param address: An IP address of this Bridge or one of its :data:`transports`. :param port: A specific port that is blocked, if available. If the **port** is ``None``, then any address this :class:`Bridge` or its :class:`PluggableTransport`s has that matches the given **address** will be marked as block, regardless of its port. This parameter is ignored unless an **address** is given. :param str methodname: A :data:`PluggableTransport.methodname` to match. Any remaining :class:`PluggableTransport`s from :data:`transports` which matched the other parameters and now also match this **methodname** will be marked as being blocked in **countryCode**. """ vanillas = self.allVanillaAddresses transports = self.transports if methodname: # Don't process the vanilla if we weren't told to do so: if not (methodname == 'vanilla') and not (address or port): vanillas = [] transports = filter(lambda pt: methodname == pt.methodname, transports) if address: vanillas = filter(lambda ip: str(address) == str(ip[0]), vanillas) transports = filter(lambda pt: str(address) == str(pt.address), transports) if port: vanillas = filter(lambda ip: int(port) == int(ip[1]), vanillas) transports = filter(lambda pt: int(port) == int(pt.port), transports) for addr, port, _ in vanillas: key = self._getBlockKey(addr, port)"Vanilla address %s for bridge %s is now blocked in %s." % (key, self, countryCode)) self._addBlockByKey(key, countryCode) for transport in transports: key = self._getBlockKey(transport.address, transport.port)"Transport %s %s for bridge %s is now blocked in %s." % (transport.methodname, key, self, countryCode)) self._addBlockByKey(key, countryCode) transport._blockedIn[key] = self._blockedIn[key]
[docs] def getDescriptorLastPublished(self): """Get the timestamp for when this bridge's last known server descriptor was published. :rtype: :type:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :returns: A datetime object representing the timestamp of when the last known ``@type bridge-server-descriptor`` was published, or ``None`` if we have never seen a server descriptor for this bridge. """ return getattr(self.descriptors['server'], 'published', None)
[docs] def getExtrainfoLastPublished(self): """Get the timestamp for when this bridge's last known extrainfo descriptor was published. :rtype: :type:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :returns: A datetime object representing the timestamp of when the last known ``@type bridge-extrainfo`` descriptor was published, or ``None`` if we have never seen an extrainfo descriptor for this bridge. """ return getattr(self.descriptors['extrainfo'], 'published', None)
[docs] def getNetworkstatusLastPublished(self): """Get the timestamp for when this bridge's last known networkstatus descriptor was published. :rtype: :type:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :returns: A datetime object representing the timestamp of when the last known ``@type networkstatus-bridge`` document was published, or ``None`` if we have never seen a networkstatus document for this bridge. """ return getattr(self.descriptors['networkstatus'], 'published', None)
@property def supportedTransportTypes(self): """A deduplicated list of all the :data:`PluggableTranport.methodname`s which this bridge supports. """ return list(set([pt.methodname for pt in self.transports]))
[docs] def updateFromNetworkStatus(self, descriptor, ignoreNetworkstatus=False): """Update this bridge's attributes from a parsed networkstatus document. :type descriptor: :class:`stem.descriptors.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry` :param descriptor: The networkstatus document for this bridge. :param bool ignoreNetworkstatus: If ``True``, then ignore most of the information in the networkstatus document. """ self.descriptors['networkstatus'] = descriptor # These fields are *only* found in the networkstatus document: self.flags.update(descriptor.flags) self.descriptorDigest = descriptor.digest if not ignoreNetworkstatus: self.bandwidth = descriptor.bandwidth # These fields are also found in the server-descriptor. We will prefer # to use the information taken later from the server-descriptor # because it is signed by the bridge. However, for now, we harvest all # the info we can: self.fingerprint = descriptor.fingerprint if not ignoreNetworkstatus: self.nickname = descriptor.nickname self.address = descriptor.address self.orPort = descriptor.or_port self._updateORAddresses(descriptor.or_addresses)
[docs] def updateFromServerDescriptor(self, descriptor, ignoreNetworkstatus=False): """Update this bridge's info from an ``@type bridge-server-descriptor``. .. note:: If :func:`~bridgedb.parse.descriptor.parseServerDescriptorFile` is called with ``validate=True``, then Stem will handle checking that the ``signing-key`` hashes to the ``fingerprint``. Stem will also check that the ``router-signature`` on the descriptor is valid, was created with the ``signing-key``, and is a signature of the correct digest of the descriptor document (it recalculates the digest for the descriptor to ensure that the signed one and the actual digest match). :type descriptor: :class:`stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.RelayDescriptor` :param descriptor: The bridge's server descriptor to gather data from. :raises MalformedBridgeInfo: If this Bridge has no corresponding networkstatus entry, or its **descriptor** digest didn't match the expected digest (from the networkstatus entry). """ if ignoreNetworkstatus: try: self._checkServerDescriptor(descriptor) except (ServerDescriptorWithoutNetworkstatus, MissingServerDescriptorDigest, ServerDescriptorDigestMismatch) as ignored: logging.warn(ignored) else: self._checkServerDescriptor(descriptor) self.descriptors['server'] = descriptor # Replace the values which we harvested from the networkstatus # descriptor, because that one isn't signed with the bridge's identity # key. self.fingerprint = descriptor.fingerprint self.address = descriptor.address self.nickname = descriptor.nickname self.orPort = descriptor.or_port self._updateORAddresses(descriptor.or_addresses) self.hibernating = descriptor.hibernating self.onionKey = descriptor.onion_key self.ntorOnionKey = descriptor.ntor_onion_key self.signingKey = descriptor.signing_key self.bandwidthAverage = descriptor.average_bandwidth self.bandwidthBurst = descriptor.burst_bandwidth self.bandwidthObserved = descriptor.observed_bandwidth = = self.platform = descriptor.platform = descriptor.tor_version self.os = descriptor.operating_system self.uptime = descriptor.uptime self.extrainfoDigest = descriptor.extra_info_digest
[docs] def _verifyExtraInfoSignature(self, descriptor): """Verify the signature on the contents of this :class:`Bridge`'s ``@type bridge-extrainfo`` descriptor. :type descriptor: :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.RelayExtraInfoDescriptor` :param descriptor: An ``@type bridge-extrainfo`` descriptor for this :class:`Bridge`, parsed with Stem. :raises InvalidExtraInfoSignature: if the signature was invalid, missing, malformed, or couldn't be verified successfully. :returns: ``None`` if the signature was valid and verifiable. """ # The blocksize is always 128 bits for a 1024-bit key BLOCKSIZE = 128 TOR_SIGNING_KEY_HEADER = u'-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n' TOR_SIGNING_KEY_FOOTER = u'-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----' TOR_BEGIN_SIGNATURE = u'-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n' TOR_END_SIGNATURE = u'-----END SIGNATURE-----\n'"Verifying extrainfo signature for %s..." % self) # Get the bytes of the descriptor signature without the headers: document, signature = descriptor.get_bytes().split(TOR_BEGIN_SIGNATURE) signature = signature.replace(TOR_END_SIGNATURE, '') signature = signature.replace('\n', '') signature = signature.strip() try: # Get the ASN.1 sequence: sequence = asn1.DerSequence() key = self.signingKey key = key.strip(TOR_SIGNING_KEY_HEADER) key = key.strip(TOR_SIGNING_KEY_FOOTER) key = key.replace('\n', '') key = base64.b64decode(key) sequence.decode(key) modulus = sequence[0] publicExponent = sequence[1] # The public exponent of RSA signing-keys should always be 65537, # but we're not going to turn them down if they want to use a # potentially dangerous exponent. if publicExponent != 65537: # pragma: no cover logging.warn("Odd RSA exponent in signing-key for %s: %s" % (self, publicExponent)) # Base64 decode the signature: signatureDecoded = base64.b64decode(signature) # Convert the signature to a long: signatureLong = bytes_to_long(signatureDecoded) # Decrypt the long signature with the modulus and public exponent: decryptedInt = pow(signatureLong, publicExponent, modulus) # Then convert it back to a byte array: decryptedBytes = long_to_bytes(decryptedInt, BLOCKSIZE) # Remove the PKCS#1 padding from the signature: unpadded = removePKCS1Padding(decryptedBytes) # This is the hexadecimal SHA-1 hash digest of the descriptor document # as it was signed: signedDigest = codecs.encode(unpadded, 'hex_codec') actualDigest = hashlib.sha1(document).hexdigest() except Exception as error: logging.debug("Error verifying extrainfo signature: %s" % error) raise InvalidExtraInfoSignature( "Extrainfo signature for %s couldn't be decoded: %s" % (self, signature)) else: if signedDigest != actualDigest: raise InvalidExtraInfoSignature( ("The extrainfo digest signed by bridge %s didn't match the " "actual digest.\nSigned digest: %s\nActual digest: %s") % (self, signedDigest, actualDigest)) else:"Extrainfo signature was verified successfully!")
[docs] def updateFromExtraInfoDescriptor(self, descriptor, verify=True): """Update this bridge's information from an extrainfo descriptor. Stem's :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor` parses extrainfo ``transport`` lines into a dictionary with the following structure:: {u'obfs2': (u'', 37339, []), u'obfs3': (u'', 37338, []), u'obfs4': (u'', 37341, [ (u'iat-mode=0,' u'node-id=2a79f14120945873482b7823caabe2fcde848722,' u'public-key=0a5b046d07f6f971b7776de682f57c5b9cdc8fa060db7ef59de82e721c8098f4')]), u'scramblesuit': (u'', 37340, [ u'password=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567'])} .. todo:: The ``transport`` attribute of Stem's ``BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor`` class is a dictionary that uses the Pluggable Transport's type as the keys… meaning that if a bridge were to offer four instances of ``obfs3``, only one of them would get to us through Stem. This might pose a problem someday. :type descriptor: :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor` :param descriptor: DOCDOC :param bool verify: If ``True``, check that the ``router-signature`` on the extrainfo **descriptor** is a valid signature from :data:`signingkey`. """ if verify: try: self._verifyExtraInfoSignature(descriptor) except InvalidExtraInfoSignature as error: logging.warn(error)"Tossing extrainfo descriptor due to an invalid " "signature.")) return self.descriptors['extrainfo'] = descriptor self.bridgeIPs = descriptor.bridge_ips oldTransports = self.transports[:] for methodname, (address, port, args) in descriptor.transport.items(): updated = False # See if we already know about this transport. If so, update its # info; otherwise, add a new transport below. for pt in self.transports: if pt.methodname == methodname:"Found old %s transport for %s... Updating..." % (methodname, self)) if not (address == str(pt.address)) and (port == pt.port):"Address/port for %s transport for " "%s changed: old=%s:%s new=%s:%s") % (methodname, self, pt.address, pt.port, address, port)) original = pt try: pt.updateFromStemTransport(str(self.fingerprint), methodname, (address, port, args,)) except MalformedPluggableTransport as error: else: oldTransports.remove(original) updated = True break if updated: continue else: # We didn't update it. It must be a new transport for this # bridges that we're hearing about for the first time, so add # it: "Received new %s pluggable transport for bridge %s." % (methodname, self)) try: transport = PluggableTransport() transport.updateFromStemTransport(str(self.fingerprint), methodname, (address, port, args,)) self.transports.append(transport) except MalformedPluggableTransport as error: # These are the pluggable transports which we knew about before, which # however were not updated in this descriptor, ergo the bridge must # not have them any more: for pt in oldTransports:"Removing dead transport for bridge %s: %s %s:%s %s" % (self, pt.methodname, pt.address, pt.port, pt.arguments)) self.transports.remove(pt)