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Source code for bridgedb.bridgerequest

# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_bridgerequest ; -*-
# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <>
#           please also see AUTHORS file
# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
#             (c) 2014-2015, Isis Lovecruft
# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information

"""API for creating classes which store information on the type of bridges
requested by a client.

.. inheritance-diagram:: BridgeRequestBase
    :parts: 1

import ipaddr
import logging

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface

from bridgedb.crypto import getHMACFunc
from bridgedb.filters import byIPv
from bridgedb.filters import byNotBlockedIn
from bridgedb.filters import byTransport

[docs]class IRequestBridges(Interface): """Interface specification of client options for requested bridges.""" filters = Attribute( "A list of callables used to filter bridges from a hashring.") ipVersion = Attribute( "The IP version of bridge addresses to distribute to the client.") transports = Attribute( "A list of strings of Pluggable Transport types requested.") notBlockedIn = Attribute( "A list of two-character country codes. The distributed bridges " "should not be blocked in these countries.") valid = Attribute( "A boolean. Should be ``True`` if the client's request was valid.") client = Attribute( "This should be some information unique to the client making the " "request for bridges, such that we are able to HMAC this unique " "data, via :meth:`getHashringPlacement()`, in order to place the " "client into a hashring (determining which bridge addresses they get " "in the request response).") def addFilter(): """Add a filter to the list of ``filters``.""" def clearFilters(): """Clear the list of ``filters``.""" def generateFilters(): """Build the list of callables, ``filters``, according to the current contents of the lists of ``transports``, ``notBlockedIn``, and the ``ipVersion``. """ def getHashringPlacement(): """Use some unique parameters of the client making this request to obtain a value which we can use to place them into one of the hashrings with :class:`~bridgedb.bridges.Bridge`s in it, in order to give that client different bridges than other clients. """ def isValid(): """Determine if the request is ``valid`` according to some parameters.""" def withIPv4(): """Set the ``ipVersion`` to IPv4.""" def withIPv6(): """Set the ``ipVersion`` to IPv6.""" def withPluggableTransportType(typeOfPT): """Add this **typeOfPT** to the list of requested ``transports``.""" def withoutBlockInCountry(countryCode): """Add this **countryCode** to the list of countries which distributed bridges should not be blocked in (``notBlockedIn``). """
[docs]class BridgeRequestBase(object): """A generic base class for storing options of a client bridge request. :vartype filters: list :ivar filters: A list of callables used to filter bridges from a hashring. :vartype transports: list :ivar transports: A list of strings of Pluggable Transport types requested. :vartype notBlockedIn: list :ivar notBlockedIn: A list of two-character country codes. The distributed bridges should not be blocked in these countries. :vartype client: str :ivar client: This should be some information unique to the client making the request for bridges, such that we are able to HMAC this unique data in order to place the client into a hashring (determining which bridge addresses they get in the request response). It defaults to the string ``'default'``. :vartype valid: bool :ivar valid: Should be ``True`` if the client's request was valid. """ def __init__(self, ipVersion=None): self.ipVersion = ipVersion self.filters = list() self.transports = list() self.notBlockedIn = list() self.client = 'default' self.valid = False @property def ipVersion(self): """The IP version of bridge addresses to distribute to the client. :rtype: int :returns: Either ``4`` or ``6``. """ return self._ipVersion @ipVersion.setter def ipVersion(self, ipVersion): """The IP version of bridge addresses to distribute to the client. :param int ipVersion: The IP address version for the bridge lines we should distribute in response to this client request. """ if not ipVersion in (4, 6): ipVersion = 4 self._ipVersion = ipVersion
[docs] def getHashringPlacement(self, key, client=None): """Create an HMAC of some **client** info using a **key**. :param str key: The key to use for HMACing. :param str client: Some (hopefully unique) information about the client who is requesting bridges, such as an IP or email address. :rtype: long :returns: A long specifying index of the first node in a hashring to be distributed to the client. This value should obviously be used mod the number of nodes in the hashring. """ if not client: client = self.client # Get an HMAC with the key of the client identifier: digest = getHMACFunc(key)(client) # Take the lower 8 bytes of the digest and convert to a long: position = long(digest[:8], 16) return position
[docs] def isValid(self, valid=None): """Get or set the validity of this bridge request. If called without parameters, this method will return the current state, otherwise (if called with the **valid** parameter), it will set the current state of validity for this request. :param bool valid: If given, set the validity state of this request. Otherwise, get the current state. """ if valid is not None: self.valid = bool(valid) return self.valid
[docs] def withIPv4(self): """Set the ``ipVersion`` to IPv4.""" self.ipVersion = 4
[docs] def withIPv6(self): """Set the ``ipVersion`` to IPv6.""" self.ipVersion = 6
[docs] def withoutBlockInCountry(self, country): """Add this **countryCode** to the list of countries which distributed bridges should not be blocked in (``notBlockedIn``). """ self.notBlockedIn.append(country.lower())
[docs] def withPluggableTransportType(self, pt): """Add this **pt** to the list of requested ``transports``. :param str pt: A :class:`~bridgedb.bridges.PluggableTransport`. :data:`methodname <bridgedb.bridges.PluggableTransport.methodname>`. """ self.transports.append(pt)
[docs] def addFilter(self, filtre): """Add a **filtre** to the list of ``filters``. :type filter: callable :param filter: A filter function, e.g. one generated via :mod:`bridgedb.filters`. """ self.filters.append(filtre)
[docs] def clearFilters(self): """Clear the list of ``filters``.""" self.filters = []
[docs] def justOnePTType(self): """Get just one bridge type (e.g. a :data:`methodname <bridgedb.bridges.PluggableTransport.methodname>` of :class:`~bridgedb.bridges.PluggableTransport`) at a time! """ ptType = None try: ptType = self.transports[-1] # Use the last PT requested except IndexError: logging.debug("No pluggable transports were requested.") return ptType
[docs] def generateFilters(self): """Build the list of callables, ``filters``, according to the current contents of the lists of ``transports``, ``notBlockedIn``, and the ``ipVersion``. """ self.clearFilters() pt = self.justOnePTType() msg = ("Adding a filter to %s for %s for IPv%d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client, self.ipVersion)) if self.notBlockedIn: for country in self.notBlockedIn:"%s %s bridges not blocked in %s..." % (msg, pt or "vanilla", country)) self.addFilter(byNotBlockedIn(country, pt, self.ipVersion)) elif pt:"%s %s bridges..." % (msg, pt)) self.addFilter(byTransport(pt, self.ipVersion)) else:"%s bridges..." % msg) self.addFilter(byIPv(self.ipVersion))