Bolacha Documentation

Bolacha is a simple http client that allows you testing http requests, handling cookies and file upload.

Uploading a file

Bolacha detects when you put a python file object within its body dict, and automatically makes a multipart/form-data request:

>>> from bolacha import Bolacha
>>> b = Bolacha()
>>> data = {'title': 'A picture of my vacations at Rio de Janeiro',
...         'year': '2009',
...         'picture': open('/home/some_user/vacations.jpg')}
>>> b.request('', 'POST', body=data)


Bolacha has methods providing shortcuts to GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD:

>>> from bolacha import Bolacha
>>> b = Bolacha()
>>>'', {'name': 'User'})
>>> b.get('', {'topic': 'Medicine'})
>>> b.put('', {'person': 'Foo Bar'})
>>> b.delete('')
>>> b.head('')

Putting all together

Logging in a website and making a upload:

>>> from bolacha import Bolacha
>>> b = Bolacha()
>>>'', {'username': 'foo', 'password': 'bar'})
>>>'', {'profile_pic': open('/home/user/me.jpg')})

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