.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. Manuel Guenther .. Fri Jun 13 09:53:03 CEST 2014 =========== C/C++ API =========== This section includes information for using the C or C++ API of ``bob::ip::gabor``. The pure `C++ API`_ of the classes in ``bob::ip::gabor`` can be obtained through including the specific header files, which will be described below, e.g.: .. code-block:: c++ #include On the other hand, to leverage from the pure `C API`_, you simply need to include: .. code-block:: c++ #include C++ API ------- The classes and functions in the C++ API are all contained in the ``bob::ip::gabor`` namespace. All classes from the :ref:`bob.ip.gabor_py_api` are reflected in the C++ API as well. Particularly: Gabor wavelet +++++++++++++ .. cpp:class:: bob::ip::gabor::Wavelet Implements the Gabor wavelet in C++, which is defined in frequency domain as: .. math:: :label: wavelet \check\psi_{\vec k}(\vec \omega) = k^{\lambda} \left\{ e^{-\frac{\sigma^2(\vec \omega - \vec k)^2}{2\vec k^2}} - {e^{-\frac{\sigma^2(\vec \omega^2 + \vec k^2)}{2\vec k^2}}}\right\} .. function:: Wavelet(\ const blitz::TinyVector& resolution,\ const blitz::TinyVector& wavelet_frequency,\ const double sigma = 2. * M_PI,\ const double pow_of_k = 0.,\ const bool dc_free = true,\ const double epsilon = 1e-10\ ) Constructor taking the image resolution, the wavelet frequency :math:`\vec k`, the width of the enveloping Gaussian :math:`\sigma` and the :math:`\lambda` value ``power_of_k``. When ``dct_free`` is set to ``false``, the second part of :eq:`wavelet` will not be added. For efficiency reasons, the Gabor wavelet is not implemented as an image, but wavelet values that are lower than the given ``epsilon`` are discarded. .. function:: blitz::Array waveletImage() const Computes and returns an image containing the Gabor wavelet in frequency domain. .. function:: transform(\ const blitz::Array,2>& frequency_domain_image,\ blitz::Array,2>& transformed_frequency_domain_image\ ) const Performs the Gabor wavelet transform with a single Gabor wavelet on the given ``frequency_domain_image`` and writes it's result into the ``transformed_frequency_domain_image``. Note that both images are of complex type and considered to be in frequency domain. Gabor wavelet family ++++++++++++++++++++ .. cpp:class:: bob::ip::gabor::Transform Implements a family of Gabor wavelets used to perform a Gabor wavelet transform. Gabor wavelets are extracted for a given number of scales and directions, which will result in several :math:`\vec k_j` vectors for the :eq:`wavelet`: .. math:: :label: family \vec k_j = k_{\zeta} \left\{ \begin{array}{c} \cos \vartheta_{\nu} \\ \sin \vartheta_{\nu} \end{array}\right\} with: .. math:: :label: family_member k_{\zeta} = k_{max} \cdot k_{fac}^{\zeta} \qquad \zeta = \{0,\dots,\zeta_{max}-1\} \qquad \vartheta_{\nu} = \frac{\nu \cdot 2\pi}{\nu_{max}}` \qquad \nu = \{0,\dots,\nu_{max}-1\} .. function:: Transform(\ int number_of_scales = 5,\ int number_of_directions = 8,\ double sigma = 2. * M_PI,\ double k_max = M_PI / 2.,\ double k_fac = 1./sqrt(2.),\ double pow_of_k = 0.,\ bool dc_free = true,\ double epsilon = 1e-10\ ) Constructor taking the ``number_of_scales`` :math:`\zeta_{max}`, the ``number_of_orientations`` :math:`\nu_{max}`, the ``k_max`` :math:`k_{max}` and the ``k_fac`` :math:`k_{fac}` as given in :eq:`family_member`. The parameters ``sigma``, ``pow_of_k``, ``dc_free`` and ``epsilon`` are directly passed to the :cpp:class:`Wavelet` constructor. .. note:: The Gabor wavelets are not generated in this constructor since the image resolution is not known at construction time. The wavelets will only be generated during a call to `transform` or to `generateWavelets`. .. function:: void transform(const blitz::Array& gray_image, blitz::Array,3>& trafo_image) Computes a Gabor wavelet transform on the given image, which can be of various types ``T``. If needed, this function will automatically call `generateWavelets` with the current image resolution. The resulting ``trafo_image`` must have the shape (`numberOfWavelets`, ``grap_image.extent(0)``, ``grap_image.extent(1)``). .. function:: void generateWavelets(int y_resoultion, int x_resolution) Generates the family of Gabor wavelets for the given image resolution. .. :function:: std::vector >& waveletFrequencies() const Returns the list of frequencies :math:`\vec k_j` as defined in :eq:`family` for all wavelets stored in this family. .. function:: std::vector>& wavelets() const Provides the list of :cpp:class:`Wavelet`\s which are stored in this class. .. note:: This list will be empty until either of `transform` or `generateWavelets` is called. .. function:: int numberOfWavelets() const Returns the number of wavelets of this Gabor wavelet family, i.e., :math:`\zeta_{max} \cdot \nu_{max}`. .. function:: void load(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) Loads the configuration of this Gabor wavelet family from the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. .. note:: No wavelets are created in after loading the configuration. .. function:: void save(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) const Saves the configuration of this Gabor wavelet family to the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. Gabor jet +++++++++ .. cpp:class:: bob::ip::gabor::Jet An implementation of a Gabor jet, which is a local texture descriptor by collecting all wavelet responses of a given :cpp:class:`Transform` object. Gabor jets store the wavelet responses in polar form, i.e., storing the absolute values `abs` and the phases `phase`. In this implementation, the Gabor phases are **always** extracted, and by default, the vector of absolute values of the Gabor jets is normalized to unit Euclidean length. .. function:: Jet(int length = 0) Default constructor that generates an uninitialized Gabor jet of the given length .. function:: Jet(const blitz::Array,3>& trafo_image, const blitz::TinyVector& position, bool normalize = true) Extracts a Gabor jet at the given ``location`` from the ``trafo_image``, which usually is a result of the `Transform::transform` function. .. function:: Jet(const blitz::Array,1>& data, bool normalize = true) Creates a Gabor jet from the given vector of complex-valued data. .. function:: Jet(const std::vector>& jets, bool normalize = true) Creates a Gabor jet by averaging the given Gabor jets, which need to be of the same length. .. function:: double normalize() Normalizes the absolute values of the Gabor jet to unit Euclidean length and return its old Euclidean length. .. function:: blitz::Array& jet() Returns the absolute and phase values of this Gabor jet, where ``jet()(0,.)`` contains the absolute values, while ``jet()(1,.)`` comprises the phases. .. function:: const blitz::Array& abs() Returns the absolute values of this Gabor jet, i.e., `jet` ``(0)``. .. function:: const blitz::Array& phase() Returns the phase values of this Gabor jet, i.e., `jet` ``(1)``. .. function:: const blitz::Array,1> complex() const Returns a complex-valued representation of the Gabor jet, which is computed on the fly. .. function:: int length() const Returns the length of this Gabor jet, which is usually the number of wavelets `Transform::numberOfWavelets`, i.e., :math:`\zeta_{max} \cdot \nu_{max}`. .. function:: void load(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) Loads the Gabor jet from the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. .. function:: void save(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) const Saves the Gabor jet to the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. Gabor jet similarity ++++++++++++++++++++ .. cpp:class:: bob::ip::gabor::Similarity Implements several Gabor jet similarity functions, which will compute the similarity of two :cpp:class:`Jet`\s. Currently, several types are implemented, see the documentation for the Python class :py:class:`bob.ip.gabor.Jet` for a list of implemented functions. .. cpp:class:: SimilarityType Enumeration to define the type of the similarity function to be computed. .. function:: Similarity(SimilarityType type, boost::shared_ptr gwt = boost::shared_ptr()) Constructor to create a Gabor jet similarity function of the given :cpp:class:`SimilarityType`. Some types of similarity functions require the :cpp:class:`Transform` with which the :cpp:class:`Jet`\s are extracted. .. function:: double similarity(const Jet& jet1, const Jet& jet2) const Computes the similarity of the two Gabor jets using. .. function:: blitz::TinyVector disparity(const Jet& jet1, const Jet& jet2) const Estimates the disparity vector between the given two Gabor jets. For some similarity functions, the `disparity` is computed and stored. .. function:: blitz::TinyVector disparity() const Returns the disparity vector estimated in the last call to `similarity`. .. note:: Not all similarity function compute the disparity. Hence, the returned values might be ``NaN``. .. function:: shift_phase(const Jet& jet, const Jet& reference, Jet& shifted) const Shifts the `Jet::phase` values of the ``jet`` towards the ``reference`` such that the ``disparity(shifted, reference) == (0., 0.)``. .. function:: void load(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) Loads the configuration of this Gabor jet similarity from the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. .. function:: void save(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) const Saves the configuration of this Gabor jet similarity to the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. Gabor graph +++++++++++ .. cpp:class:: bob::ip::gabor::Graph Extracts several Gabor jets from a given image using a fixed set of locations, which usually form a grid. .. function:: Graph(\ blitz::TinyVector righteye,\ blitz::TinyVector lefteye,\ int between,\ int along,\ int above,\ int below\ ) Generates a grid graph extractor which is aligned to the given eye positions. When the eye positions are not on a horizontal line, the grid will be slanted. In the graph, there will be ``between`` nodes placed in between the eye positions, ``along`` nodes to the left and to the right of the eyes, ``above`` nodes above the eyes and ``below`` nodes below the eyes. Hence, in total ``(2*along + between + 2) X (above + below + 1)`` nodes will be created. .. function:: Graph(blitz::TinyVector first, blitz::TinyVector last, blitz::TinyVector step) Generates a grid graph extractor which will extract regular grid graphs. The first node is extracted at the given ``first`` position, the next nodes will be placed ``step`` pixels further (where horizontal and vertical steps are handled independently), and the last node is placed at **or before** the given ``last`` node. .. function:: Graph(const std::vector>& nodes) Constructs a graph extractor using the given nodes. .. function:: void extract(const blitz::Array,3> trafo_image, std::vector>& jets, bool normalize = true) const Extracts Gabor jets from the given ``trafo_image`` (which is usually the result of a call to `Transform::transform`. The extracted Gabor jets will be placed into the given ``jets`` vector, which might be empty or contain Gabor jets, which will be updated. .. function:: nodes(const std::vector>& nodes) Replaces the nodes of this graph with the given ones. .. function:: const std::vector>& nodes() const Returns the node positions of this graph. .. function:: void load(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) Loads the configuration of this graph extractor from the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. .. function:: void save(bob::io::base::HDF5File& file) const Saves the configuration of this graph extractor to the given `bob::io::base::HDF5File`. C API ----- The C-API can be used in the Python bindings, when you need to reference a C++ class of the ``bob::ip::gabor`` namespace. When you use the C++ API in a derived package Python bindings, please make sure that you import this package, as well as the dependencies :ref:`bob.blitz `, :ref:`bob.io.base ` and :ref:`bob.sp `, by adding the following lines to your module definition: .. code-block:: c #include #include #include #include PyMODINIT_FUNC initclient(void) { ... /* imports dependencies */ if (import_bob_blitz() < 0) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "cannot import extension"); return 0; } if (import_bob_io_base() < 0) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "cannot import extension"); return 0; } if (import_bob_sp() < 0) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "cannot import extension"); return 0; } if (import_bob_ip_gabor() < 0) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "cannot import extension"); return 0; } ... } For each of the five classes above, there exist three objects that can be used in the bindings. These objects are defined in the ``api.h`` header file: Gabor wavelet +++++++++++++ .. c:type:: PyBobIpGaborWaveletObject .. function:: boost::shared_ptr cxx The shared pointer to object of the underlying `bob::ip::gabor::Wavelet` class. .. c:var:: PyTypeObject PyBobIpGaborWavelet_Type The :c:type:`PyTypeObject` that defines the `bob::ip::gabor::Wavelet` class. .. c:function:: int PyBobIpGaborWavelet_Check(PyObject* o) The function to check if the given :c:type:`PyObject` is castable to a :c:type:`PyBobIpGaborWaveletObject`. It returns ``1`` if it is, and ``0`` otherwise. Gabor wavelet family ++++++++++++++++++++ .. c:type:: PyBobIpGaborTransformObject .. function:: boost::shared_ptr cxx The shared pointer to object of the underlying `bob::ip::gabor::Transform` class. .. c:var:: PyTypeObject PyBobIpGaborTransform_Type The :c:type:`PyTypeObject` that defines the `bob::ip::gabor::Transform` class. .. c:function:: int PyBobIpGaborTransform_Check(PyObject* o) The function to check if the given :c:type:`PyObject` is castable to a :c:type:`PyBobIpGaborTransformObject`. It returns ``1`` if it is, and ``0`` otherwise. Gabor jet +++++++++ .. c:type:: PyBobIpGaborJetObject .. function:: boost::shared_ptr cxx The shared pointer to object of the underlying `bob::ip::gabor::Jet` class. .. c:var:: PyTypeObject PyBobIpGaborJet_Type The :c:type:`PyTypeObject` that defines the `bob::ip::gabor::Jet` class. .. c:function:: int PyBobIpGaborJet_Check(PyObject* o) The function to check if the given :c:type:`PyObject` is castable to a :c:type:`PyBobIpGaborJetObject`. It returns ``1`` if it is, and ``0`` otherwise. Gabor jet similarity ++++++++++++++++++++ .. c:type:: PyBobIpGaborSimilarityObject .. function:: boost::shared_ptr cxx The shared pointer to object of the underlying `bob::ip::gabor::Similarity` class. .. c:var:: PyTypeObject PyBobIpGaborSimilarity_Type The :c:type:`PyTypeObject` that defines the `bob::ip::gabor::Similarity` class. .. c:function:: int PyBobIpGaborSimilarity_Check(PyObject* o) The function to check if the given :c:type:`PyObject` is castable to a :c:type:`PyBobIpGaborSimilarityObject`. It returns ``1`` if it is, and ``0`` otherwise. Gabor graph +++++++++++ .. c:type:: PyBobIpGaborGraphObject .. function:: boost::shared_ptr cxx The shared pointer to object of the underlying `bob::ip::gabor::Graph` class. .. c:var:: PyTypeObject PyBobIpGaborGraph_Type The :c:type:`PyTypeObject` that defines the `bob::ip::gabor::Graph` class. .. c:function:: int PyBobIpGaborGraph_Check(PyObject* o) The function to check if the given :c:type:`PyObject` is castable to a :c:type:`PyBobIpGaborGraphObject`. It returns ``1`` if it is, and ``0`` otherwise.